Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 23, 1991, Image 1

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I'hursdas. May 2.V IWl
l ugcnc. • )rrj;(>n
Volume ', Issue I ^
Jazz in the sunshine
Ium HichurJson (leftI ,uui his hrnt/ui loth Avrnuv .mil \hln Stri-rt on H'ttdnrsti.n
Drumsnn. both frrshmrn ut L.inr ( Hmmuntt\ .iltrrnoun
(iollt'itr. rntrrtuin /i.i.smt.s/u .it thr cornrt ot
Photo l>\ |rll I’asliiv
West University
area goes down
in history books
By Chris Nt'lson
. I mum Id Conifitiiilor j__
Non m.iv not hast1 unfit rd Init Mini' last wruk
i h.im rs ,irr \ imit hotisr in ap.ilttnioit lias Intmil a plat r
I. a il -.i'll m ill'' history hunks
()n Mas I tin- Slati- llisltiriial I’l rsri s at lull Uttur
a Hi i i 11 In put tin- .-lit in' Wusl t iiiviTsitv in1 Ightmrhnnd
mi thf Natuin.il Kfipstfi as a multiplf (imports noun
nation thf tusl nt Us kiml in 1 ugfiif
I hf U fsi t 'nivrrsils iif igllborhood is lonsfls bound
iis ihf I invfrsits to tin1 fast. South lugfiit1 High
St liool In thf south \\ illauifttf SlrcH In thf uust ami
Hi oai I u is |o tin1 north I hf noiiiin.it ion 11 it Indus a hunt
on him ks ut ifsiilfnti.il ami t ointiu n id! buddings
usfil primal ilv In studfids
I ivi1 buildings in tin1 lit1 Igbboi hood ssrif .(Ml iln al
Is (11.11 fd i in thf Nat ioiiuI Rfgistfi. i in Ini 11 nu I Ilf Ins!
fSfi iioiiiin.iltons Ini I nisfisits grufk hoif f Ihf
(I.HIIIIla I’ll I Hfiu hoilsf III.1 1 llllsald St thf ( III I'si
liousf 1018 llilsaol St and tin- \lpha I ’ll I housf
II) ill I lilsard St
I lie Dorris Ap.ittmi-nts un i I mrs l ain- and ( In is
tian I’attiTson Rfiit.ll I’ropt-rtv It I Kith SI dsn
sit*nod on to thf National Rfgistfi whilf a s otf on thf
I’altf Ison Slrallf it Itousf mil a IVarl St was lie last’d
until mini1 rcsf.in h i ould lie i otnplflfd
( ats Planiifi ( In isluif l as lot who hflpi-d with Ihf
Turn 111 HISTORIC i’.uj. 4
Leonardo da Vinci alive and well at Robinson Theater
Professor breathes new life
into original ‘Renaissance man'
By Gernt Koepping
t meiaid ContnDutoi
Art ,iiul m leiii t* wen? melded together bs l.eonnrdo
(1,1 Vint i ,il the Robinson 1 heater Wednesday night
Dominii l.,i Russo ,i I'nivorsits of Oregon professoi
emeritus of speer li and rhetoric .mil i ummuincation
assumed the guise of da Vinci
I he monologue titled l.eonardu d.i \ nu i An ill
Quest is .i se.m li into tile life ot d.i Vim i his philos
oph\ Ins life .mil times .mil vvhat m.ide Inin ss ho he
|.,i Russo illsi llssed d.i \ ini i s tieliet th.it si it'll! e
.mil art were inhereiitls related Until he said. "base a
common goal h.unions and a common method dedi
i ateil rigor Until seek to find order hei ause lie said,
"it is our faith in order that allows us a degree of i er
l.a Russo elaborated more on da Viin i s linking or
alt and si icih e ss lien he said the artist needs the
knoss ledge of the physical world before he can 1 rente
I lie artist must hast' the i oik ept of the universe in
Ins mind before it i an i ome out of his hands
Oil the other hand l.a Russo said scientists need
k.. .-,-j •
Photo bv |or S<*i1lrr
Hrulrwtr nnrrilus Ikiminii I d ku\wi porlrmnl I eunanlo 1I.1
l mi i Dll Hednmld l night Jl I hr Kiibm\iin Ihrdtrr sharing
insights min Ihr insenlor’s life diul hrlirts
i ii'.itivilv ,iiul the art optative nf tlirir own huinamlv
before tiles ( an invent
I ),i \ ini i lived in liolli tin world id si inii e and art
as both an inventoi whose vision id future te< linolog\
foresaw sui ll tliuiKs as the hicvcle and all artist ta
mous tin the [laminins Mona l.isa and Ihe hast
II there is t link between m ii'iue .mil ut it is likel\
1.111 v; u.i I4> • tli.il In mis tilt’ Iwu I t.i Vine I liellcved
I'lieie I i spet i. 11 ,ittiiiil\ between language .111 < I
p. ■ 1111 ■ 11 u lll.il .iff) lilts . 11 si i esisls between language
.mil si lent I- lir s.mi
Hi- s.uil th.it both iiist iplmes .in' sutl|i'i I In tin- same
uimiTs.il lilies mu' ut wliith was thi' ni'rii lot lau
language allows lor i|iirsliiiiis to In- asked uni .is l.,i
Kiissu said Ihr t|iu'stuui is always mure important
than llie answer
l ilt* plav drives into what questions da \ oil 1 asked
and what made linn what he was l.a Kiissu trat.es da
Vuu i's life from forth to death m a monuloKue ahoul
I tie unpressiv e tiKnre
l a Kiissu talked ahoul the turmoil hotli person.ills
and globall) tlnit altei led da Vim i Horn in 1-l i.t, dur
iiik a period ot poldiial turmoil and iiitelleitu.il
growth da Vini.i saw the i timing ol the Inquisition
and llie rise and tall ot mans monart hs
I}.i Vmi i was horn to an unmarried i ouple and the
leers ot tils halt brothers and sisters hurt him grealh
He later studied art rventtlAll) opening his own
vsoikshop l)a Viiii i tpiii klv estahlished himself as an
artist and i nine to he know n for Ills ability <>t iutrodui
mg fresh insight l or instant r l.a Kusso said da Vint i
read from riKht to left bet ause it broke the i hams ot
Turn to DA VINCI Page 4
sw< ;.vrn i r.im «• ■ \iJi
I rem h .iml Hritish work
ims lodiiv limshotl diillmu
dir lirst in.mi r.nl Inline! Ili.it
w ill prm ide high speed
Ir.im ser\ K e millet tin Imiv;
lish (Ih.mnel
Hte liie.ikthroUKh i dine <tl
I l ill ;i in 14 ill .1 m FI)T)
w lieu the m.issnc diitHinu
in.ii hine l iirii|i.i i hew i d
dinumll dll' l.isl lew leel nl
blue marl about 50 vaids uii
der the sealied said the pm
)t-t i s u a iii'i. 1 airutunnel
rhf ( hannel lunnitl
i ailed 11 humid In mam
is the world s largest mini
neering projrc l
\\ lien i umpleted lu llili i
it w ill t>«• iin11 high speed
I ran is In tra\ <1 betw t-i-n I .on
(Inn and 1’iiris mi hours
half llm time it non lakes
In travel between the i ilies
In Irani and ferr\
Die mosi dramatu linkup
i ame Iasi lull when work.
mi ll ( iiniii'i li'il tlir mii,ill
iiinintenain I- tunni'l sen mg
tin’ Ivvn main mil tunnels It
ga\i■ Hrilain its lirst land
hridge w ilh in.mil,mil l.u
rope situ e the last li e Age
H.CMHI \ ears ago
I he ( lull Spurts Inn ke\
team having just i.iimpleted
its i (/nit short seasim lias
a I roach made plans In |t>in
nlhri U csl ( nasi ( nlli'Hc
lux kr\ Iranis in lot min# .1
i lul» 1 nnfrrrncr
I'lir llu( kr\ program
st,irtril !>\ slmlrnl Si nil
Hum n Iasi \ rat is taking nil
ln< ausr of h is anti nrv\
1 nai li Mikr Sobol's rffnrts In
prnmnlr tin Irani in I hi*
t ommunih
Srr story. I’ayr li
! In* (Irrron tr,i< t Iranis
Ii.ivr llit'ii l.isl i hcilif i s lu
g.un N( A A 1111.i!1111-rs ,il tu
mglil s l.i's Steers ()|irn ill
I hivvv.ml I lelil I In1 nwi l
In-gins ,lt i p III
Sit slum's pages 7 amt II
(hegnn s iiii'ii s gull ti'.iin
opens \( AA West Kegmii.il
pi.iv in Albu(|ucnpii' \ \1
rile I till hs lire Imping In fill
ish in the top nine In return
In I lie N'l AA ( h.mipinn
ships lor the sec nml slraigl I