Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS To Place. Cancel or Correct your ad call 346-4343 105 PERSONALS Gamma Phis Have a crush on you' Crush Party is- ' ■ < i 1 .r r *11 u C*o in Oi.-n j '4. Islander Dales Beware Warriors seen moving inland Tapping is tonight KAO ATO Congratul*tion% Jennifer L on your pinning to Don' Good Inch in the future' Love Your Sitter* ATO KA Working through the jungle heat Listening to the reggae beat We ve proven that the jungle Patty is quite a teat Thanks tor the great time v\ lllt'k. Congratulations to Lisa S 1991 92 KORE member' You are the best1 Love. Your Sisters UH4- de P»u Urn* Mary & Hoy IIB4> 't*K + Debbie & Brendon We are eiuted t> ongratulate you on your long awd'led ptnntng 115 TYPING SERVICES A? 344 0759 ROBIN GRAD SCHOOL APPROVED . .’ > ••• '• • *! • ... ON CAMPUS' Eva s Typing 683 356‘> Typmg $1 2S'page laser Printer FASTYPC WORD PROCESSING Fail experienced typing *«rd processing 13 yts e*p Reasonable rates Cynthia 683 34S9 344-4510 QUALITY WORO PROCESSING „ A* «• 3 „« l u.H -s-’leo. a --**•* \iTW 1/ < r M iav« M* n.u.e .... 605 \ 1 3th ITht WOHO SPtCtAUSTSl c ' ► : id i! S» 1.i \|*p-'V *1 * * 1 >1 lUlh-r. If. I’*; .* IliM • - n.;' a: i t.; . K ! j* la : I’lWitiiu ■ i ij'Li * I dil»• i l- ... CAROLYN Printed text to computer files fs CiANNlE R/Sj 7474589 #j m TYPING SERVICES f l YlNG FlNGE MS S' . »;■ 454 90 S« Peggy * T ypmg S«rvu • •KM %.-•’••• •< • Cell Peggy K M? 4BM PROFE SSlONAi TYPING TERM PAPERS THE WRITE TYPE TYPING UNLIMITED Barbara tend lase* Printe* 4fts> 334 3 WORDPRO ESSlNG L ase' pnnlmg Si ■ 130 FOR SALE CAMERA Compound bow ' i i • •■ . •• f* .filot> ■" bitty *32 r .' Cruise* bike for sale Almost brand ne* SCO Cell Mark 343 694*’ I ulon Double Hed Mattress Nee Condition S9S 89S 3412 Plane ticket • SALE! GRADUATING St NlOR SELLING EVERYTHING BED TABUS ORESSE RS AND MORE • HORACE 4»S 1010 no PETS Malamute Beautiful! Great yr Male < N 1 igotta move lol A i ISO 34 S 48 S 7 t*5 CARS t.ovt RNMf NT St i/t 0 ■ 81 Celica GTS speed 88 VW GTI tbV red sunroof «»ceii#nt condition 17 900 OtX> 343 304 3 PLEASE DONATE YOUR UNWANTED i AM TO T TIE FOUNDATION FOR E'EAT I STUDEFS C Al l. KEN t>»9 f I/O 7 7 Wei uiy ' ougar 79 SciroccO 8S Plymouth • AM ( M a-.-. -1 i bo MOTORCYCLES SCOOTERS fQP SALE Mon i* Pa**pott Scodter Mondi I ill* 0*iuie 155 BICYCLES MUST SKI' Blue H4i*.gh TO »peed i6b COMPUTERS/ELECTRONICS HP ,’85» pioy-ammable scientific cili u IA10< +• alt literature And free tutoring S1S0 146 8003 IBM GRt AT l)E At MUST Sf U ' Apple Hr . i. •• • * S. - SPf CI At SAl fc VGA 386SX A 186OX Compute'*. A Multi '■< 'gw.ii *olt*J!f Spanish f rench *nth *ound Inteinalionel Computet Center 810 Oh*o 34*’ 64/1 WORD PROCESSOR wo SOUND SYSTEMS SONY CAR OIS' MAN > ■ • S'"- $4! 17b INSTRUMENTS I piphone ac outlie ■ » - ■ -,..un Don I forget to tile your .MINT ! i • Mf t.iS.U M t AMU DUCK CALL 4> MK.lSTtH ft 1 PHONt Duch ( ell , DID YOU KNOW' '-<4> ,ihi 'mud lo M* 4n INTENT t >! HE (,>S T f H « AMD International Student An*<>< latton OPPORTUNITIES Vnnmiiu < nu nl ol <.i .kIii.iI« Ii .u hiny l illouship lot till l*rufi*sM»rship in lnhin.ilion.il Ktlaliniisaml l’» at i Ihtf iirtniiiiHci MfchKh M.*kvis ilw Sav Jkl »*»••». > ->i ( 4m.Ii I’fi'lc ' *f I’f 'l.-wf’ V-shlk.l/U VA-IH,.! -■ P< SlutJiCN Jl the InlroulMtui will JV-.IHI Sakj ihUn m hmj? 4 U»fy« Is-vuch m Pc* . SimJ*c> jtid 4 oiwllc k Pvjvc MutSicv jtvl Pcjvr KcwjKh I during It*: 14II !h* <*ll vi IhcliTI dMHilJ be 4 a Pc* 1* 4»vt WwW Ordet K . r h I .!■!■.' M. . » I •!'»" * * h! I I,,.. . .ul * -f uUt.wU titled kc> If Mill j|m I M..lk with tlu Su I I I b*r I tv - p> !*►» »lu lull .,l itu I <> .n .1 tie Id i cl.i led V1k.n1 • dudav jh.N-.v 1* •iptu! 1 b»>H- iniercM.d in applying vfn»uni >«wmi 4 ‘Uiiu: , .it»ft C Mb'. «.*U * Oik! llkt I.* M.-,k With Pf -I. .■ I Sjk Appl lv 4ln MO 'hiKild u M,bn -,,Mcd I. • the ottl.v <*t Intt-m.ifM ■!;.!! \ M j *' J«*bn ■ -n IIjU i jHciMp t. I '• Itu!! . ; it' ’ ' ' ' r 'f * M ?i-j OPPORTUNITIES FORGET *-• ' ANYTHING9 ■ I Fit IN'. ¥ Oil M INTI NT TO HI GIST FR CARD I i'M SUM Ml M TIMM ’ M*lu<* i ouple Indispensable s Ini ' 800 JS6 *#« '*• SCHOLARSHIPS GRANTS •.pmmh *ilh j . UPA .>» belief f«ni Ittjy apply I of J ten thousand itolla' The Lesbian way Alban «• is now lafciOy 4pP“ ati©n* I " •n"' mei 4iu! >'« * t year < .1 duel li)<» AA I Of Deadline May . I»d tuUei'l A. 11 vibes Me iOU»Ce 1 Min r myites Student applti ations ten VISUAL ARTS COORDINATOR This position plans A jupennet tMe ait .bsplay* tor the I MU Gallery and Apeftute CtJdeiy ttmmyhoul the t'f Appi>. ation Suite . I MU Deadline May 19*31 F ire T uition F i«e Information #1 * IT'S NOT TOO LATE 'mediately HELP WANTID 220 HELP WflNTtD D«i'< »'* Mtnlvd t\>.>.»*« U4 ««y; I AHN tJRI AT ( ASM1 . ■ . i , ;• . Jf, .;» '*• \:v Vr *' t AHN MONI Y i to .UXbyr • .p*,!*•»!.4» 0*»>liV» • *V* 1 4* Y4.• IAHN MONIY STOP VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN! MODELS WANTED AMA.'lNu JOHN AVAIL AHl I Irmttmtijlr< A Summ#( Putilioni Avdiltbl* HA St HAL L ( OACMt N ,ii till i jmp Wattfif’ont Dim*. Hu oi A-.n%l*nt I of i it Altai St out Hr «tenl l imp l ilr gtmifl jih! ui WSI June IN August 18 St 200 StSOO p»u* loom & t><»4*d 4lfS Ml tor 4ppln at ion HELP WANTED UNIVERSITY HOUSING SUMMI R Cl I AMIMG CRI WS l OR Rl SIDE MCI IIAl I S Kf agiwi MINIS * ,1 j• titn !■ tm- a •.lu-.U'fil HI !hr f,tii • H-.il *».• fc.lays t>*‘iji>'i• 11'l«.-IOfi-|«'.t lift IfHJ N-ivdllK) If.u fwn.j I ir-ly t I ,.-t j. t?i. v j» :i ID must i ■ t* i-' uhi.tti i 0 ami So« Ijl Si* unty * ai I at timr - •!*» »»p V*. AGl WA II S I /*» SSI S M(KJH P< )SI f IONS AV Alt AHl f Mill., jMi'.ih * - A.II Im- •• f . i — i • i !" " -Jwl.V A t ► thlOUljfn lit f h* ... APIS V AN M >l I OWN P: r >. , C V M • • < l ‘ >»»■■ ' it “ ' ,f ! sih ,1,1 A.j.tir St hum H m S j, m ( ■ rnpW-U-.l -tps »■ >’ t„- , , i-pir.J -It I >■. *u> l ... j* ,l ISP. .in.I Aij«lt«- S| *h»- f.iiiwAm.) n hi-Jufr PrsulriH c Hall Studrnt s May 9 .» ;n J pm. AH Other (J of (3 Students May 10th. 9 am I pm. All Othei Student*. May list. 9 am I |) m June 1st. 9 a m I p m A , i. ij|. ,»t >1 >n \ Alii i>r ifS Irvin I i h,. ,tu .!i upi ally P»» inly may f» Weekend Special s5600 350 FREE Miles Pick up on Friday Return Same Time on Tuesday (96 hours) 638-0874 • 110 W. 6th (By Hull Center) Some restrictions • Must be 21 A-WAY TRACK TOWN PIZZA Offers The ULTIMATE LUNCH SPECIAL ALL YOU CAN EAT SALAD BAR AND UNLIMITED TRACK TOWN PIZZA s4.95 Thdt's Right' All YOU Can Possibly PAT Of The Best Pizza This Side Of Anywhere M-F 11 a.m. 1 p.m. TRACK TOWN PIZZA 1809 Franklin • 484 2799