Federal grand jury subpoenas Hatfield records ( Ol.t MHIA s ( i AIM A federal grand jurv }i.<> widened its investigation into I MiviT-.il\ of South Carolina util giving am! lias subpoenaed a fnunda lion s records to examine am largesse given to federal poln \ makers The grand jury has instrut ted the Carolina !(■ sejrc h >< 1 level -npmnut foundation In prudm e rer ords showing who rrr rived gifts Ir.ivrl lii kets or lodging sun i inn;; ucrorduig to .1 sub poena released b\ foundation direr I01 ( hris Vlahoplus Last week the foundation and tfie univiTsitv were sub porn,ird for information per turning to .on gifts given to Sen M.irk ll.tllield K(begun his wife. Antoinette their son. ( lorries an(><> m fri‘r travel (rum (nr me r I' St president lames Holderrnan. who resigned last year amid questions over Ills spending Dining Holderman s tenure at I S( federal offit ials sm It as White House [Militit.il adviser I \ n Nof/ingei 1' S Altornev Leneral Ktl Meese and Libor Department Si'i retarv William I Brink 111 re< eived gills from Ihf former president or the foundation Vlahoplus said the found.i lion will have no problem meeting the grand jur\ 's June 4 deadline Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS To Place. Cancel or Correct your ad call: 346-4343 100 CONNECTIONS M I 0 ( ASM f OR SUM Mf H ' Nc» i -,i' -y *■1) b., jrou Ca ‘-42 IW 100 PERSONALS ♦ K ♦ !' * ■ gamble VVi* b«d 4 QfIMMif’»< out { rt'enfs (J.f) loo T •'&: * •, U '> lh«J ' Phi Pm t tM •. do ! Della To 100 PERSONALS H«pt>y Bt'lhdiy' I to** you Ian* N A t For ail yout typing needs [See Section 110 105 PERSONALS 11 HI FIJI Don I ba a sitlm duck or *»<* *l(M might thoot you* Thank* tOf tha a«ia»stn g*m« unci party’ loir* >4 Tha nahva* were rattiatt last Saturday n*yMl Thanh you tor tha party K-i,s X Vanity Sha*t# Boatt 105 PERSONALS P'•gn•nl,, Wound1 W* i Congratulation* IK Congratulation* K and Datyn Anita Carolyn ion Jannifar H and Toni for i»t pi»mg lha moil Cantunon award* of any lorodly' *aap up tf>a out* land mg aarvica and laadarthip to tf>« UntvorsMy JStretdr your dollars by using coupons from the Oregon Daily Emerald. ' ) - d' ■ ~-Y The Saga Continues WEDNESDAY NIGHT at TRACK TOWN PIZZA Get a medium (12”) One-Ingredient Pizza for ONLY... (Just ask for the Social) 95 (Add! Intp'i'dient .70) Why settle for less... than the BEST!?! FREE DELIVERY (Limited delivery area) 484-2799 1809 Franklin Blvd. IJ of O Literary Society presents TIMBERLINE