Concerned About Affirmative Action INVESTIGATIONS ? 1. READ TI IE REPORT ON RESERVE IN THE LIBRARY & AVAILABLE IN EVERY DEPARTMENT; 2. SEND COMMENTS TO TI IE PRESIDENTS OFFICE; 3. COME TALK ABOUT IT AT 3:30 PM. MAY 22 In RM. 229 LAW SCHOOL THE BEVERAGES * ARE ON US!' V Starting at 8:30 pm (while supplies last) sViMWS % 1st ANNUAL BIKINI CONTEST Grand Prize is $200 cash W and a one week cruise for two in the BAHAMAS 2222 Centennial Blvd • 343-4734 (N»-xt to Autien Stadium) ^ Don't forget about Thursday and Friday » * ' COMEDY Nights!!! > ARTS Belafonte coming to Hult Center S*H*0* W*T*I*M»E CONCERT Hi' s Im'imi i ailed I In- i nnsumnuiti' entertainer uilh .t i .irriT thiil dales b.ii k more tliiin (I) rears Mot only is hf an n on in the miisii indnstr\ Ins activities in tht* human rights struggle .tie Wldf'h respei led His awards and recognitions encompass ImiIIi worlds- as an artist and a humanitarian I In lull' III tin- artist is to nut i til I \ show lift- .is it is but tu show till- a*, it should bi sald Ham llrlatont' in a press lele.ise He ladleses that both bis work fiir human rights and In-- arlislii pursuits have given In in a piiidui till- and balam ed life Kelalonle has done more than lust pursue his own per sunal interests said Suzanne kavkas ill Regal I’roduetloiis promoter ol the Betafonte con i eit lie s done a lot (or others and people applet late that "Its going to he -i great show lli-'s vert personable and In- makes his audience feel like thev re esperitini mg mm h mole than lust tin- entertainer in him Horn in Harlem N "> Bela tonte moved with Ins mother to jamah a where he lived lor live seats immersed in the t ultural v .0 lets of island life Bel.ilniite returned tu \ess N ork to attend high school hut never graduated He enlisted in the \ass during World War II and alter Ins disi barge shut tied hetssi-en ss oi k in a garment i enter and as a janitor I In- world ul theater opened lot him when he got tree tu kets ALL LOlU'LOLiOL AWD \ a r Now is the time to get your act together with quality portfolios and professional presentation cases. Show your professionalism with a great look - no one will know how little you paid! OFFER EFFECTIVE THROUGH JUNE 8. 1991 UO BOOKSTORE ART SUPPLY DEPARTMENT j (-uur1«*%v photo I hr multi t.ilrntni Itrl.itontr brings his i dlx/iso rhxthms to thr Unit ( rntrr tomorrow niiiht to ii prudui turn of thi' Ameri i .tn Ne^ro i healer t in iosit\ It’if him Ii.ii kstage wIhmi' he was re< ruitcd to help with the set> lie w .is hi tiikeil 111 HI .1 Belafonte's first .il hum '( ',ilvpsn. sp,irked the calypso craze and was the first allium m historv to sell over a million I opies Ihs humanitarian efforts ex tend just as far lie was a confidant and ad viser to Martin I.other Ismif |r and has served as chairman of the Martin i.utlier Lhik |i Me mortal fund In addition, lie was the lust metnhei of the ell tertaimnenl industry lu be named b\ late President John I Kennedy (is a {.11 Itiii.«I advisei tO tilt' Peril o ( orps I or Ins siavit:e Helalonte has received ntimt'rous awards from sue h diverse groups *