COMMUNITY Voters reject mall redesign plan Measure tans oy less than u.UUU votes By BrianBloch f rnorakl fiepOUei The polls were right. tuigene voters Tuesdav defeated a measure i ailing for the rede sign ol the downtown mall Hallo! Measure 21) 02 was voted down by less than I otto votes in Tuesday's election, with air uiu>ff.i< nil final a mini ol 18.042 no votes to la o.'it \es votes I he measure would have re pealed a < 11\ ordinam e that has kept the don ntou n mall tree ot traffic sim e the earls loan's I 'nder the measure portions ot Willamette Street. Olive Street and I: Hroadw.iv Street would have been opened to vehicular traffic Other modifications to the mall, ini hiding the creation ot a new public plaza area park mg units and landscape up grades were included in the defeated measure Opponents ot the measure voiced concerns during public meetings in February, saving vehicular traffic would damage the pedestrian-oriented alums phere of the mall ( )t her opponents cited the projected cost id the redesign $ i 2 million, in c ontrasl to lightened local government budgets under Hallot Measure Still others in opposition to the measure said merely open mg the streets would do little to sol VI! c 11111(1 lex ec iinoit) M problems la> ed bv downtown businesses " There are a lot of strategies I a\ ail.ible for iinpro\ ing the downtown aira said Kugrnr ( il\ (loum ilor Paul \n holson ' There is no evidence opening streets helps down low u in,ills \t< holson said lie rxprt ted ihr measure to hr detrain! and ailvut alrd I hr use ol (low ntow n funds for other options i nrrrnl l\ bring ( nusidrrrd bv (hr i itv i mini 11 [ host* options hr said include housing develop inrnl park ing Iihrai \ ■ , in strut tlon and uru pnblit pla.'a arras Now fhnl Ihr pulilu has rr solved the issue ait whether to turn In redesign as Ihr answer we tan go forward with a more appropriate and rffrt live spate gv toi improving downtown \it holson salt) Now we have that Sid! million to spend on t it her opt ions In the wake ot the deteat hr also t ailed lor "more const irn lions" land use guidelines to be set up bv the t ount ll "Ur have to look lo exploit the natural advantages of that pedestrian area Nicholson said I hr no vole is m sharp i on Irasl lo predominant opinions expressed during puhlit toriuns on the issue An overw helmingl v favor able I rowd advoi atnd the open ing ol downtown during a I eh ruarv 20 forum Onlv ten pro [dr came mil m opposition al t h o u g h polls this month showed a siutl o| voter prelri elite avvav from the downtown proposal A February survey of H2 1 I ® Little Caesars W - ** ** * CHEESES! 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( )ki (.on Six I I laitir l hftim l Lit nr Manr C onktcx u h Hrrruian I'rtrr t ullei\ RtrtuilJ K'uJn Hijfxrni I vrnum I >rhia Anrur SHrin Vfi* Hrilr I.vtim W iU i/» Audi i iovai Ml MM Ks-l l |( l RinuiLi I UtoU Albertum Row Vtrtfr A>uiur;u ( ulhlin I) Atafui Anne MutlHrlH lUu hrruiti l uium Mi( umlirtt Ikiker II Sandra Lyitn Hankr ( iifu f v*xi<>r«htu4 /iaturgin Iknui Hr ion HrHn I Knurl U lienor Shanti Pirn t Br^ri \iiifujti A Hlrrkr I > I Kn ul Ikmituin I um Jamt\ Mnui> Jill Amir Hrentin Sheila Murir Ruxlrru L Sfrtrn Rutiuk Brnu-ntn# Marjorir Ann But hanan Ratrnk Martin ( am/Hi^TUi Muurrrn I l unfurl! MunJvn Jo l artn C anti Irene t Hr no U ai Min| ( Hoi Susan M l las Mu Hurl Alruxmirr C Jui kir l Urm t nlbum Mu.iuifti John C ollnuin Knth I) l Aruirru Alfred ( irrrmrU Karen Isa t runr Christopher VViiiTrn Dean Idutttd IUULh h Dr Bra JuMth Murw Ihnium ( onw Sur Du kit mm i urtts (jtmn Ikthhtm ( at her i nr Mur tr Ikrrrah Xti/ela lUrn I >u» hi Shiiun h. I H*i kunrth Debra Murrhu L.utng ( vnthui Murrf l rtguuni Krrn MilTir I orrrsl JUI Irene Lreuiherg Lynn I Urn (Jrrou Rat hrl C hn\f iru* IjUnnm ( harlrs Shelby (Jorrlit; Paul Dturrru r (jtmard l hb ru / he l/nnes Derek HLanr Hamblin Joshua Ray Hiimill Crain S Hamilton Sarn y D>u Hamilton l duurd Ru'srtl Hargis Kmrt Vttuu Hashi;aki Kintrn K Muuijan Dsa Armr Hauiey Stephen Drrrn Hays C at Hri air Julie ( arfrenter Hrnrry Hruii A. Hrrrru kx ) Uti k Heniluiuike-ss I be Arm l110 tJ j.. I lie Hnttnn Sanrm \lur Hiruu I ha nr Kit\ Hughs * / hraheth ) nitvie Hvutt Sarah hukum lien I t tk Jo* ahum Suk ) oung Jrimg Ihwglui l ru Juhanum Suxitnne Rene Junes Ruiuthl \Um Julian I hot tun IMrnl hasten Rehei 1 a Arm kelle> Sean l.uwi kell\ la; M klule Saruy June Knight Mtgunu kinuL) kuuni l ltzaheth khuj latnit Austin lx he\et l-lsu Renee Ixster Antrumy James Ixwis Mrlmu Amw lama Shanium Jinmne l iuu Mfried \idhrry l humas lxu MuJiirn V utt I rrttn Momfi litum Matguhn la \ enui I Aiuise M» Junkm I Justin Mi Krtirui I Vanru M» Kinney (yuflinu Heather M« NVir MrUK Su«' Mi Smlrv Viuilhru / Jmurui Miilrr Joanne S .Milt hell ( hrn C Mmirv Kathleen liryan Morn* Virulru Jo>t e Nash Mary ( at her me Seuhurger l ratlin Rat Sukerum Janel l ratues Sm kiehy Ann l lien ( Hhla Jurat han I haul ( helms (C VmJru Von Mi l\itk Stiff hi Renee Rat uni I haul Mir»r% Muwhlo MiiftKi u (/r-fixiil /ati 14 ( \tfft14r Reeder (Jenn ie% i- Kara Reid Mr win John Rmhut lirrnt WtJikmi Krmwm Sherry Ahum Rhea Kathleen I rani a Rnifh Katherine Ann Ridnnelte Kelly Murif Ritfuum l etmard Mu hart Mw i <> lirum J Saruh Shell', Ann M hnmaker Virgmui S< oil I ratur, June Seegert I’atruia I Many Shcfrpard Masato Shimizu C'hrutuphfr I. \ierm Shelly Ray Skalu li> Sin hrlle )iette Minin Renee Shuy Smith Shu le tduaheth Smith Dehor ah l vnn Stnokey Krnltrui kxr» Staley Joseph Alan Stifrek l Krnfuin K /) Shmrll MuKrie Manr Stmt ell Karen S Straight l hzaheth Arm Swfkrrim Kathleen Regitui I a>hrr Mrjftm Muiiiinm I unnn < Hjfti VomirrioTi turner SiarUiina I harm M alkins \maniLi Siartr M eher Jill Renee U rllrr l hewn Mu hele VV halm ( harhrtte l.lnaheth W infer Dean l arruo Wifmer l ru U ynkmtl'