Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 22, 1991, Page 3, Image 3

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Continued from Page 1
e \ pei ted to get sonic relief
from additional state revenue
that could real h $.V1 million
and would no to education in
the form of add bat ks said
Peter l oll e\ei utive dim tor ot
the senate majorit\ i am tis
t he Wav s and Means edtii a
lion subcommittee has declared
that part ot a projei ted SAM mil
Iron surplus in tlie budget
would go to ini teasing fai 1111 \
salaries and relieving tuition
ini rease.s
Although the add bai k list is
not a sure tiling toll said it is
stead 11 v " movi ng dim n the
road toward adoption by the
edili .it ion subi ollllllittee
After it is approved In tin*
sulx oinmittee il then has lo be
approved In the full Wavs .uni
Means unmmlllee which il
pruhiibly "ill loll said, adding
that l! is a long and arduous
path ' In approva!
Moselv said lh.it hei ause n!
the add hai ks the universities
in the state will not leel the sig
mtii ant efteets of the i uts, hut
that this i otlld he a disadvan
tage hei ause people might tor
get the Si ' billion gorilla
that the state vv ill have to fai e
in 100'. 00
"lor most people on this
i a in pus life w ill appeal to go
no as usuaI. he said Hut
Moselv urged people to write to
their legislators and urge them
Continued from Page 1
rhctorii going around from our
parents and homeowners .ihoul
how film iition in so import.mt
hut w him it i ohii's light (low n
to it tiles If more interested in
keeping their faxes down th.in
with us getting .111 nil in alion
.uni making something ot our
"That reuih tn ks me oil
she said, saving that she sup
ports a new tax "I'm a urn
sumer. and I d he willing to
pav a sales tax
Hut while hnglisli student
John Mi ( 11 lloi h flow ns on the
tuition hikes and cuts, he op
poses a tax inc rease
Working in an I Ml food \ an
near Oregon Hall, Mi ( ulloi h
said higher tuition rates next
vear might derail his plans to
attend the IniversitV law
Ni hool Nevertheless lie said
state government should look
to lotting waste rather than
raising taxi's
"I've worked lor the state for
a lew years and I ve seen a lot
of w aste '' lie said ' I'hev
should lot us on 1 u11n 1 g man
agement. not a new tax
Marina Wolf on the other
Ii.nul thinks lug
Ihr i| in's! inn nt i litis il
si holding isn't i'-vcii .1 t in i|lli• ■
t II III "till- Kll SSI,111 s 11 |i 11 * 111 s.llll
.is sin■ worked in tin' I Ml In
sir,11I W11II would like t|i sis* tis
distil.Illtlr thr mill! II V 111.1
I ii.it s u hrir in |m-ii rut nt
mu tax dollars no." she s.iiil
.mil look uli.il it buys us
wars ami wars and morr unis
I hoik ol u hat i v 111 a ipinrtei ol
that could do lor 0111 rdut aliotl
a I s\ stem ’
And then then 's I tennis Bui
lev a l ins r 1 sitv administrator
Standing! in his set oml tlom
(tregon I la 11 off it r hr said
stair pot 1! ir lalls nrrd to In
more 1 reative in solv mg thr
budget crunch He pointed out
that thr state ot Virginia gives
all lottery profits to education
I low ever politil al si lent r
Professor Irene Diamond looks
to a more progressive on o 11 ii
ta \ as the best step toward solv
ing the "stupidity ot Measure
I think the best thing is to
have a genuine mi time tas
she said in hei ninth Hoot I'l (
office rile ( Iregoil ini oil ir las
levels out a! a v ri v low lev el I
would prelet to see a progn-s
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|oh» Mostly
In work c|UU kl\ tor replm o
iiiOnt revemif .mil to .idopl tilt
Inither film .ition .niil li.n k list
siw im 11iiit1 t.is r.illmt tli.m .1
s. ill's t.l\
V\ ll.lt f \ IT till- sol lit 1011 It
III! iks .IS it till' Ilf Vt ■< llOi ll \ f.ll
\\ ill i i)sl 11.1 orf aiiil ollf.i If ss
\s I’ A t iiilttu.iii. .1 Svvfilisli
in.11 kf! 1 UK sin 11 flit vv lu 1 w.is
pl.iyuig If inns ms11 ll.ivw.trtl
I if Ii I fxpl.uiioil H«is it .111 \
\vf ri- kuIi'K ,l1 |>*i\ more lor
Ifss lif s.iiil It s only ,1 uni
versify lli.it riniltl net .iwuy
with th.it
• i rrff--m
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