Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 22, 1991, Page 12, Image 12

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Ducks look to continue fine play at regionals
By Robert Weber
f meraid Spoils Reportei
One wook .liter winning its
I its! toiirn.iment nf tin- m-.isiiii
tin- Orison niiMi s goll team up
pears to In’ |>• ’.ik111vi at tin' iight
time heading into itiis week
end's \( A \ Wi’st Kegiunak m
Albut|ueri|ue N M
l lii' Dm ks group ol voting
goiters struggled ill rough tin*
lull i .imp.iign lii’liin* putting to
get her .1 string ol solid louin-i
nieiits iluriiig tin' spring to earn
Ihr team s tlimi i onsi’i utivc in
\ it,it ion to tip’ ri’gion.iis
Inghteen ti’.irns and lour mill
vuliiiils \\ ill i miipi'li' in .i i-l
hull’ event III,it gets under wa\
Tliurs«l.iv .iih) runs through
Safurdav at thr 7 lull \.ml ! in
vrrsitv of \rw Mi'iin South
{iolf ( uiirsr
I lu- lop ninr Iranis and lop
two individuals qu.dilv for thfl
\( A A ( hampmnships |unr
« H al Poppy I fills I ,olf ( oursr
and 1 frrgon ( out h S' oil Isrirg
rr iloi-sn I si r ain rr.isoii \\h\
hr Irani shniildll I srnilr its
sri olid straight Nf \A hrrlh
II wr pis! plav Id r v\ r liavr
(or I hr rnaioriH of ihr spring
n r'll fir |Us! Imr krirgrr
I asl wrrkriui V n tcu \ a! I )i
rgon Stair s N ikr llllr ri ollr
gialr pun nird Ilu- final pin r of
i onfldoni r thill Ihr Irani nrrifs
heading to Albuquerque bring
rr s.nil
V\ r used (he tournex to dr
i id#* who our lillti player was
for the Kegionals hrieger
s.orl Overall it was prolrablx
the weakest held we’ve l,u ed
all year, but Stanford brought
its first team and w r Ireat them
for the first time this year
Oregon's five man roster tor
the Kegionals mi hides juniors
Doug I tut bateau Mark M
drieh I mv Tnmiya Dam Mar
tin and lone sophomore Ie11
I vons
I tut bateau ill bis first year
of r ojirgiatr golf, lias been tin
team’s most ronsisteut per
lormet tins year After intro
during himself In college golf
with .t leam low 4 "> storing
.1 v e i a g e il u r I n g the fall.
Duf'hateau went .one step fur
ther during the spring, culler)
mg two individual lilies low
• ■ring Ins average to 7-4 .! and
earning honorable mention all
I’at dll 10 ( onferelH e
Aldrii h w ho has i ompleleh
rei oveied from a pint fled nerve
m Ins ne< k Ibis spring believes
Arizona and Arizona Slate are
the teams lo beat .it the region
als but lie IS i onfideilt tile
Ihnks are ready lor the lough
i ompelllioti
Arizona and Arizona Stale
are is solid as am two teams ill
l lie i (in nl rv A Id r it h said
Would you help
a woman being raped
by a stranger?
How about
a woman being raped
by a friend?
You’re at a parts. Ilicrc's lots of drinking going on. Some gus s are has mg
sex with a young svoman ss hose drink they've spiked. You don t interfere,
thinking it's no fug deal.
Well, the lavs sees it differently Because if she's unable to give her consent
to has mg sex. it's considered rape. A felons. Punishable bs prison.
It benefits eseryone for you to stop it from happening. You'll be keeping a
woman from tremendous emotional pain it you do. Anri you could be
helping your friends commit a crime if sou don’t.
any one of these resource centers on campus:
Office of the Dean of Students
UO Counseling Center
UO Crisis Line
UO Student Health Center
UO Women's Center
Men Against Rape
UO Office of Public Safety
UO Affirmative Action
Sronsved by ire Office of the Dean of Students. Unwanted Sexuai Behavior
Task Force and Associated Students of the University of Oregon
Paul Advertisement
K.i|x 7 tiMtmcnf s rmtcr S.mta Mi*oh. a Hospital
You rt'.ilh have to like Arizo
na because the\ .ire (nniiny off
a htg win ill the l’a< 10 tourna
I \IA' won the West Region
,iis List so.ison with .1 three-da\
total 1 'll HiJ W hilt' I Ilf I Hi! k S
finished seventh .uni ipialified
tor the \( A A (.hampionships
Arizona State Ariznn.i. I'M
and I resim Slate all finished
ahead of the Oregon in Iasi
\ ear's ev enl
fsrreger started the season
\\ iIh a voting. ine\|icrieni ed
learn hut he believes tliev have
grown am) matured throughout
the fall and spring seasons
I knew we would start slow
h knegei said I told llieiu
at the start of the vear that tins
would eventualh he a good
team I lust never thought we
would plav as poor as we did
during the fall or he aide to
turn it around so last Ibis
Blazers pull
away at end
to beat L.A.
Porter s( ored 2n points iiu lud
mg .t crucial 120-footer with
1 tu to p!a\ as the Portland
Trail Blazers evened the West
ern Conference finals at 1 1 by
heating the Los Angeles Inkers
100-48 Tuesday night
I'he Lakers, who lost on the
road for the first time in five
playoff games, never led in the
second half and threw the ball
away twice after narrowing
Portland's lead to 100-46 late in
the game
( ivde IIrexler had 1 points
and 10 rebounds tor the Mia/
eis who outrebounded the l-ak
ers 11 28 lerome kersey stored
18 points and key in Dm kwortli
17 lot Portland, which lost tin
series opener 111-106 on then
homey ourt Saturday
I a mes Worthy si ored 2 1
points and Byron Scott 21). in
(hiding foul I pointers for the
Lakers Magic lohnson had Pi
points and 12 assists but coni
nutted eight turnovers
Sam Perkins also scored lu
points for the Lakers who play
host tor the third and fourth
games of the best-of 7 series
I riday night and Sunday
Portland led most of the
game including the out ire
fourth quarter but the laikers
never were more than nine
points down until the turn! sei
The Lakers trailed 84-82 after
Perkins three poult play v\ ith
111 U) to play But Portland, us
ing a three-guard lineup,
scored the next five points to
take .hi 84-82 lead on Porter s
di ir mg lavup with H Pi to go
5*uincn au gamiswork
tVCflt •»«] 8444
We’ve got
your tan
when you
want it'
on campus
aww * r« c ism
by Hanks »