Student Summer Storage Special See A Sle^ Cod®* 1062 Hwy 99 North (next to Gilbert center) 10 min. from campus NATO Continued from Page 1 ternat tonal I ratitt (.nitrr and thr l niversit\ ()t fn c of lnti Affairs Hr also spoke to I’m frssor Charles holes International Management class Kenaud said a new Kuropr is ('.timing" in thr form of thr Kuroprait Kconomtt Communitv I hr Kit will integrate thr markets of 1.’ Kuropran countries h\ eliminating tariffs taxes anti ship ping standards between its members Kenaud said the five former Iron ( urtatn conn tries that have gained independence opens up more possibilities for a larger, all-encompassing i:k< \uw I astern Kurtipe wants to be true mem bets of the huropean communitv Kenaud said Kenaud said that onl\ time will tell how well the nrwlv independent Kastern Kuropean conn tries (an in.iint.nn themselves. and that NATO should also wait for .1 more stable environment before opening its membership to those rnun tries Kenaud added that the instability of the Gorba ( lies govern merit .ilso affci ts l.l.t If (.orb.ii lies s successor resists tlie integr.ition of the sin.dler K.istern Kumpean countries into larger Kurope l i t ( otild hei ome involved 111 .1 i ornplii ated and diffu tilt situation German reunification has also presented some what of .1 problem to l i t hut Kenaud said that although the new Germain mas seem to have a military advantage in conventional terms, an en lirrlv new ( ierm.un w ill evolve from the coopera tion between the previously twoGermanvs Hut Kenaud ssas optimistic in his predii tion of I K( saving the program is “condemned to sin 1 ess PACKETS Continued from Page 1 no pm krl will be I u rneii ,m,i\ Merrill said To allow d ist r ibul ion of i opvnghteci materials 111 is sum mer professors will be given .1 one term grai period to e\ elude or i lear those protec led materials In addition to the added hur den on the I 'niversit\ printing department Merritt said (am pus kinko's owner Dave tub son indie tiled that his business will (1 ra mat i( al 1 v i lit hack pac krl prmliK lion next fall, limiting reprodur.lions to only those materials authored In the professors (dhson i mild not he reached lor verifii ation Need Storage for the Summer? I SPECIAL STUDENT DISCOUNT! 3 Months storage on a 5x5 unit for only $70.00 (Regularly S2‘MX) p*-r month) Must pay t months in ad vane u • ‘xptrrs ► JO 91 AAA Budget Storage 4940 Main St. Springfield, OR Bring in v»»ur student II) STUDENT DISCOUNTS * Open 7 Days a Week * Electronic Gate * Fenced and Lighted * Resident Manager * Business/Personal * Many Sizes Available * RV Storage & Boat 4940 Main Springfield 747-0223 TRACK TOWN PIZZA s1.00 OFF MEDIUM PIZZA 484-2799 one coupon per order Valid in house or P! I IVf KN No! valid w .tny “ther offer ) IT S HOT, IT S FRESH IT S DELICIOUS, IT S DELIVERED WHAT IS IT? it s a TRACK TOWN PIZZA of course' FOR FREE DELIVERY CALL 484-2799 KEEP YOUR SPRING BREAK TAN! $5*00 Of f Current Prices Ciooti tor 10 sessions or more. SunShower Tanning Center OH CAMPUS & 874 E 1 3lh Ave • Upstairs by Kmko t • 48S 2323 I ONE COUPON SPECIAL PER CLIENT • Expires June 4. 1991 I____ SunShower Tanning Center vs. are the sun salon most conveniently located lor students faculty mil St.Ill t until study break between classes whenever sou have a little evtra turn you can Ink. a ■!<> minute vacation and relax in our deeply soothing sunbeds t nn>y tin warmth and ymn choire ol nuisii as you regain that lusi ions sontmei toloi 874 13th Ave • Upstairs by Kinho s • 48S 2323 V\0| H Air conditioned s]S[} If WHERE THE TROPICAL SUN SHINES INDOORS ' *15.00 OFF Prescription Glasses (Frames and Lenses Complete) rainbow optics I Block from Campus 7M> K. 13th St. • 343-3333 (not \alkl with other coupon otters) I \ pi res Ma> M. 1^1 *15.00 OFF Contact Lenses (complete with exam and follow-up) I Block from Campus 766 K. 13th St. • 343-3333 (nn< valid *ith uthcr KHipon offers I I \pin> Ma> M l1^ I rainb.ow optics Glasses/Contacts/Exams] Complete esc esams featuring compu icri/cvl state **f the at! equipment Spc*. mli/ing in s »nit aC1 lenses including Jisf***sjNc tinted, btlivals gjs per incaWc c Mended wear atwl lenses lor pc»«pie VMth astigmatism Same ilas III in most eases *>sct M**' . < >iUas ts in st»»>. k. (Her . i*»t I raincN mi Jisplav I roni vk'Mgncr u> vUhsk Giorgio A mum. (iucsn Kjlph l .lurcn Polo Silh<»uel!c Bciutiun CluifKunc NiLon. jikI nun> more All fC(van ' done Iktc Sunglasses \ jurnci Scrcngcti Kevu Kay bun Polaroid Hobic and C ( >M PI I II 1 \H ( >N I’KI SI I SI SIOR /.AS/ SI l<\ K I rainbow optics I rvi* I ’.it king In M.u k 343-3333 7hO hast 13th Street OM Hi i X K » ■ ■■ V ' — I fours M I X Sat K S _ _ _/