Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS To Place Cancel or Correct your ail call 346-4343 100 CONNECTIONS in • ' < 1359 Sp»d OR 97477 NE ED CASH FOR SUMMf R' IPS PERSONALS CONGHATUl ATIONS Mary Lou Mansfield • ssa 'fl pu^/in B«* '*•»• fh«- ■, .*iv«d i > ,t : a $S j .-, ’•<•<] , AND i ORtGON DAILY EMf.RAl D T SHIRT (Belief hurry lh*r* s only 4 l shirts (•ft1) LK Kerri K & Shannon M Congratulations on order of the triangle & graduation GOOD LUCK IN THE FUTURE ' DOVE LOVE YOUR SISTERS Gamma Phis Have a crush on you! Crush Party ft All u c«n t at Qunk-yOuf Gamma Ph. rB -“■fry fih >s !.ita but just wanted t< Sviy that Blackout was great' Tha k*. AT Wun you re lucky we don i have your picture anyway Happy Birthday 105 PERSONALS X12 XL’ To all o< our list*r* who pul »o much lima and anargy into Airband Sara nad# Um*ar»ity Day Vartaty Show and Cano* Fat* lo m»k« Chi Omaga thin* vo brightly during Graak Aeei Wa ara mcradibly proud ol you' Your dadication ha* shown and wa thank Lova Your Sittar* m Chi Omaga KA Congratulations to our new initiates: T.J. B. Chantel H. Teresa N. You gals are rad and we love you1 Kappa Delta would like to congratulate everybody on an incredible greek week! Thanks for your support1 Congratulations Ills' 1st in Serenade and 3rd in Greek Week! I lif t A Tip ol the Halo to Heather and Michelle for leading our 1991 Sere nade' Love, Your Sisters 105 PERSONALS Unplanned Pregnancyy Ap > • ■ , f Q •• , • Congratulation* Sigma Kappa on a great Qfeefc Week1 2nd University Oay 3rd Canoe f el« Great |ob everyone' THIS IS IT!! Tf>o ?>f ^ 4 it Order Of Omega meet.ng Vi,.' *’»,* BE THERE!! \M P to, tw*->g >ei#cl*d S HAPPY 21 ST Angelina & Rose WITH ALL OUR LOVE 105 PERSONALS UK WENDY B CONGRATUl AT IONS ON YOUR INITIATION' DOVl lOVI YOUR SIST t MS tit.lNMd work ij*tling.'Or««A gather You guy* d»d a graat Planned Par ant hood i » * 'r»t that H ’ A- 'HP '■« l.*y A"r 4 " a Our »tar coupla m the mock ptnnmg Saturday' Our par ant» anjoyad lh« occa%ion and *a had a graat lima at tha party And to tha Gantlaman of \ \ S thank you for lhowuvg our parantt a good tima' lor* tha l adia* of Chi Omaga no LOST & FOUND l oat • ■ i-1 llmanvy » M, M.i, 5jt»‘ Kn v < It* this p.iprr i is TYPING SERVICES |Th« WORD SPECIALISTS! S. hi*»*l \pi»nn * 1 >1 tUimn I h l ip i * HIM .*mp*Mhlr I’i k i .'in * !* la i I'n ■•••,• ■ <: iphi * I Ji«r w K. 'umf CAROLVN Cl NOV a 144 OfS* HOBIN -s GBAO SCHOOL APPROVt 0 ,c i 'f v-3 - 344-4510 QUALITY WORD PROCL3SING i. ».«• •«( In« ) I LwiutBi* MdcJ««*2e8aM»v» iind ‘ - o' ) MIS { 1 3th 115 TYPING SERVICES f ASTYPl WORD PROCf SSINQ f III »ip«flfnctd lypm^woul l)UKH»if»g 1] yf ft «ip R***on«b4« »•!«*» Cyn»hi* 68 J M‘>9 FLYING FINGFHS **<• . ■ > <*V kiuillo »• >> pAye i 4«4 *OJ* TNI WMlTF TYPI f 4»^l \ Piflf? vv "-4l W'K-1 Pr»' j f CM m. •« mto .1' K a/on 6B/ 21V ’ TYPING UNLIMITED ft*rt>*/a l a«vd latm Print*/ 4US J14J > ..-r'-r-;* 1 n H'|OU Thrtji't* |)U1g WORDPROCESSING l AM M PRINTING » AST f WORD MUCH I SSING l »%0i pMnlmy S 1 r«ti.i :mis .iMpi i pm i?o TUTORING MATH TUTORIALS April 12 0««<1 W«*«*h UH t JO 9 (X) \or Gilb«r l Pfovidad by l tuning S#(*ic»» cOt»11 • • y ol th# Panhollomc and Inta* fr atomtty Council* no FOR SALE Futon Doubt* Hod Maltio** New i (MKtitk | | 89S J41? FUTON F OR SAIL GUI IN SI.'I Thinking about a Mathematics Major? ( unit’ to the mfiniti'h informal, infci tiousK iiifluciiti.il ■ it t.i 11 i til \ informative ttathcring ol future ami i uncut Mathcmatii s maims TODAY C IO - FKNTON 21«» for more information < onl.it t the Mathematic *» Department 14t» 4T)5 It’s The Lease You Can Do. caii Orei’piiRoads *-VtMlClf LIASINC. INC w hether it be a new Honda or GMC Truck, leas ing from Oregon Roads offers you some distinct advantages over buying. Before you go shopping, give us a call and find out why leasing your next new car can save you money, time and trouble. 683-2277 975 Oak Suite 750 Kugene, C )K 97401 A car is an expensive graduation gift... but a security deposit isn 7. See our display table at the EMU Main Desk today. UO BOOKSTORE ELECTRONICS YEAR-END BLOW-OUT! SONY WM AF67 STEREO/RECORDING WALKMAN • Megabass • Dolby • Auto Reverse ONLY $119.95 AIWA HST-70 AM/FM STEREO • Auto Reverse • Dolby • DSL/BBE > Digital pro sets ONLY $89.95 TUNE BELTS ONLY $9 95 WITH WALKMAN PURCHASE SONY D-11 DISCMAN SALE $179.95 SONY WMF 2078 SPORTS WALKMAN • AM/FM • Dolby • Auto Reverse • Digital tuner w/pre sets ONLY $129.95 SHARP WQT 238 AM/FM DOUBLE CASSETTE • 3 Band Graphic Equalizer w/extra bass, line input for CD, 4 only Avail ONLY $99.95 AIWA HS-T220 AM/FM • Dolby • Bass • Auto Reverse • Super Bass ONLY $49.95 STOP INTO UO BOOKSTORE AUDIO/VIDEO NOW FOR LOTS OF GREAT YEAR-END SALES!!! 13th & Kincaid 346-4331 M F 7:30-6 Sat. 10:00-6