Dm, Sum / This Week's Sunday/ Lunc ht*on Special !’ a'y MINCED BEEF inm/ 17 W/ RICE / Mint »•(/ /><■<■/ n/f/i onions mushrooms .rmt dt‘lu ions ( hmj Hluv sfM't s,iuc «■ $4.50 H7d I I Mi (Ipsttiirs Nt‘\l In U o> O Hook store Iry our dinner too! CHINA BLUE RESTAURANT i4( U SPRINGFIELD SMOKE SHOP TOBACCO • PIPES • LIGHTERS • INCENSE KNIVES • GIFTS • CANDY 1124 Majn St, Spnr>gt>e*d, OR 97477 101 Sur ill p tn in KMl' (>nturs Room I) Asian-Parifii Ameriean Stu dent t nion eler turns are it a ill |i m in the t aiuiiseling ( enter Et als The Student Senate meets at a to p m 111 KMl' ( Room I tur new senator initiation Christian Siienie Organiza tion meeting is from > to ti p m in I Ml ' ( enturv Room H Survival Center offir.e meet mg is at n It) p in in I Ml Suite 1 Order of Omega meeting is at 7 p in in the I MI t her k I'.MI si liedtile for meeting loom SIM AM RS AND IA IMS \ tree film and disi ussion on pornography titled Ynf a l.tnr sfon and sponsored b\ Wom ell s Resotiri e and Referral will TRAINING COORDINATOR University of Oregon The Office of Affirmative Action & Hqual Opportunity seeks a half time (.50 benefittcd ITT) TRAINING COORDINATOR responsible for developing, producing, delivering and coordinating educational training programs for employees and students related to Affirmative Action A Tqual Opportunity issues. The incumbent will work closely with individuals and groups representing protected classes to develop appropriate programming, and with other l Diversity officers to assist them m training activities across the institution. The position requires a Bachelors degree, preferably an advanced degree; teaching and/or training in a university setting; experience developing and delivering training, awareness and education programs for a complex organization; excellent writing and speaking skills; and a sincere commitment to the spirit of Affirmative Action A Tqual Opportunity. Demonstrated commitment to issues vital to the implementation of diversity programs required. Salary range is up to $12,500 with benefits prorated. Applicants should send a letter of application, a resume, and names, addresses, and telephone numbers of at least three references by May 31, 1991 to Office of Affirmative Action & Kqual Opportunity 474 Oregon I lull University of Oregon Tugene, Oregon 97403 The University is an UO/AA institution committed to cultural diversity. \,s Se'i \ce *£P S'Zf *A 99 , ad The Shutterbug »t !o T aylor’: >4*’ f II M *1.00 FOOD BAR Mon-Fri 4-7pm Cidido"^ A RECYCLE THIS PAPER. * TRACK TOWN PIZZA Offers The ULTIMATE LUNCH SPECIAL ALL YOU CAN EAT SALAD BAR AND UNLIMITED TRACK TOWN PIZZA That’s Right' All YOU Can Possibly EAT Of The Best Pizza This Side Of Anywhere. M-F 11 a.m -1 p.m. TRACK TOWN PIZZA 1809 Franklin • 484-2799 be .it 7 |> m in the I Ml Maple Room Academic Advising and Stu dent Services is sponsoring .1 workshop on Applying to Mil A Si hoed .it t 111 p 111 111 Kimm 1 (>-t ()regon 1 lull Politic al silence department far uItv and student pit m< is from t to li p m in the edui .1 lion complex i ourtyard The Student Health ( enter and l.ifeslvle Planning Program are sponsoring a free c holester ol si renning from 0 to 1 1 10 a m “Measure 5: The Tax Hrisis in Higher Kduiation" is the topic of a forum In state Sen ( .rattan Kerans ec otiomist Mar garet llallotk and I'niversity Vic e President John Moseley at 7 p 111 ill Room Zll-t (aiildotl Hall 1'he event is sponsored by ( oiu erned 1 ai nlt\ for I’eac e and lust it e lionise ( haxe/ well known writer and dramatist will give a speech and performance ti tied Women in the State ot A , (irat c .it 7 p m m the !' Ml! Hen Linder Room I he event is sponsored by the Zont.i Club of Lugene and tlu; I ’niversity ( eti ter for the Studv of W omen in Sot ietv t'niversity Outdoor Program is sponsoring a workshop on mount.on hike maintenanr e .it 7 Id (i m m KM I Room 2 ) The Brazilian film The Hour ot thr Slur the story of a young peasant woman who migrate to Sao Paulo, will he shown h\ the Latin American Support Committee at 1Z it) p m in the I Ml' Ben Linder Room Thomas Molnar director of the theology department at the I'niversitv of Budapest in Hun gary will speak on " The Role of Religion in the Downfall of Hast Europe" at 7 it) p m in the KMC Walnut Room The event is sponsored hv the Rus sian and Last European Studies (lentei The Hungarian film Mephts to S/aho's analysis of art and politics in Nazi Germany. will he show n at (i it) p ill ill Room II f> Par ifu Hall Restoration Campus Minis try is sponsoring a roundtable discussion titled "Protestants and ( athuliis Similarities and I hlfereni es' at 7 p in in KMl (enlury Room K Ihe Newman Center HCiO Lmerald St , is sponsoring an inquiry session on tiei oming a Roman Catholic at 7 ill p in I )i ‘till I ini' tor submitting Et ,ils lo llir Emerald front dusk EMC Suitr HIO is noon the da\ before publication Et ills run the dn\ ot the event unless the e\ ent hikes til,ii r before noon XiHit es ol events with a do nation or admission i /targe w ill not be at cepted Campus events and those st heduleil nearest the publlt ation date i\ill be given priority, The Km era Id reset i rs the right to edit notii es tor grammar and st\ le Corrections (Jregon's MuImiiiiii.kI ()livet did w m tile I’.n d h 1U ( onfereiu i' high lump title Sunday in I'empe An/ hut did not leap