School of MUSIC THIS WEEK at BEALL HALL: 961 E 18th Ave 0 UNIVERSITY SINGERS, UO CHAMBER CHOIR V Student Ensembles Mon., May 20 8 pm. S3 General Admission $1 Students / Seniors ft OREGON VOCAL JAZZ, fa GREEN GARTER BAND Student Ensembles Wed., May 22 8 p.m. S3 General Admission Si Students Seniors r UO CAMPUS BAND Student Ensemble / Thur., May 23 1 2:30 p m. FREE Admission A WOMEN'S CHORUS & MEN'S ENSEMBLE Student Ensembles Thur., May 23 8 p m. FREE Admission f or more information. call 346-3761 (Music School) Winning spirit him Si oxers (iI tlte t'mpijua coast region crosses the finish line nl the 1.500 meter r.n e .it the statewide s'pei ()l\ rnpii s held ,it Il.t\ x\ard f ield .mil other i atnpus loca tions fridns Satnrd.ix and Snnd.ix Photo liv Andre Ranieri Violations found at Troian nuclear plant RAINIK.R (AIM l'lir Nuri. Mr Regulatory Commission noli lied Portland (u-neral I I'-' tru Co o! eight apparent regulators violations at tin- I ro)an Nurli-.u Regulatory I oirnmission Among other violations tie \K( m • used tin- utility - >! not taking samples "I \y ater vege lation soil and Ulilk during an emergent \ drills tin- Iasi two wars iiiil i hot is 1 UK I In* a( i urai \ of lim instruments at least mu »• ever\ two vears. and not having a prutedure to on sort' that four instruments would not freeze if the plant lost outside eler tilt itv during freezing weather Mso the i onimission found two msl.lilies w lii'ii' |irmi' (lures were not followed while preparing n nrk instrui lions .mil s.iiil there were four errors m .in emergent \ procedure used to shut down the pi,lilt if the control room had to he e\ ai dated het atlse ol lire The violation', are considered minor and don't involve tines ith 4 • | M * *• f’ ' J4t> 4 J J 1 U N I V E R S I r V ! f 0 R E G N M F.MORA8HIA A N D MAY 13-23 AT THE UO BOOKSTORE ★ SELECTED ADULT TEES 99c ★ SELECTED SWEATSHIRTS $4.99 ■ SHORTS ■ SWEATS ■ T SHIRTS ■ KID S STUFF UUUft UULLtU I IbLtb & MUHfc! LOW LOW PRICES! • AU SAIES HNAl • SAlE ITEMS ONLY • vtMiTf 0 TO STOC* ON MANO • NO HJRTHER DISCOUNT having a garage sale? Get the word out with an ODE classified Ripoffs irk Trail Blazers PORTLAND (AP) The Portland Trail Blazers, claim inn a Kip Oily" ripoff threat cn to sue a T shirt companv and restaurant for using Kip Oily" in their names A local cable company pulls the plug on the telecast of a Blazer playoff game at an old folks' home The coach's daughter is ar rested for selling T-shirts out side Memorial Ooliseum The result has been a major public relations disaster tor Or egon's only big-time sports franchise at a time when the Blazers are i hallenging for the NBA title and seeking public help in building a new arena The Trail Blazers notified Kip ( it\ I s and Kip Oils 1 tiller that they intended to file a trade mark infringement lawsuit il the businesses didn't stop us mg the name and give the team .1 share of p.isl revenue The T shirt shop's owner. It I year old student Roger Brooks said he thoroughly researi bed the Kip City angle before he used the name. Marshall Glii kman. the Blaz er’s senior vice president, said the tram lose has four contrai ts w ith companies to produce Kip ( itv men handise and most ot tin' royalties go to i hurity The Blazers have already been criticized for their stru t ( aide television regulations Most games not broadcast b\ \ lit are blacked out except to pay per \ lew c ustomeis In tin' middle ot Tuesday night's game, a crew from ( o lumbia ( able showed up at Cornell (-.states Living Center in Hillsboro and pulled the plug A retirement tenter spokes woman said the t enter violated the lilies w Ill’ll It moved the t a l»le box trom a small morn to a larger recreation area so more people i ould si e the game (.In kman he was liv id w hen he found out what t o lumbia (fable had done lie said the Blazers plan to let all retirement and nursing homes have the games for free next season RESUME specialists Kinko's resumes make you look sharp! ■ i aser sharp originals lor reproduden • Computer dtsn lor quick reveons ■ Wide setodon at resume papers ■ Matching cover tetters 1 envelopes kinko's the copy center IM) K. I Mh 12*5 WUUrnrtU U4-7im 344-3555 Open Cttly. Open (.ere Open 7 Dirt '* MUNoetum *' Ci«€AT f cm PAHTIIS ANO BIRTHDAYS '*VI0E0 1 GAMES All (.AMI S WORK WITH NICKf IS ADMISSION jm STRtf T RVRUC MAMfT (*«(■( e M) (4*4 •1 »5 < Ureal Mexic an hood • TMOS • HI KKIIOS • NAt HtlS * DOS PATOS JSC • • ■ .‘ps • ~y Dan i SoecjA l? SAI.AOS • gt lTO FRIES • RICE fl