UNIVERSITY Intimacy topic of today’s forum MKI I l\l IS Student Projects txiard of diret tors will moot todav at •) to p m in KN111 ! lenturv Room H KKMA will hold ,i general mooting tonight .it 0 in Room 1 54 Straub Et als Solar Hnergv ('.enter will hold a gonoral moot mg tonight at 5 in Room 2li’Qm \ Hridgo All are woh ome to attend An organizational mooting for gav. losluans and bisexuals to protest disi rumination in mill tarv roi ruitment w ill ho hold tonight at n m the KMl' Maple Room SPKAkKKS AND KVKNTS "Who Says Spontaneous Mutations are Spon taneous?" is the title of a seminar to he given by l)r |ohn ('aims of the Harvard Si.bool of Public Health todav at t ft) p m m Room 100 Wiliam ette "Intimacy: Sell and Relationships" is the title of to in I SB ' ( enlurv Room I) SPEAKER Continued from Page 1 ti*( linn of the speaker, nr artist, "when the government chnoses to support art The last prim ipie is the government is not .1 sponsor of what is produced bv am artist it funds He 1 ompared this principle to the "soapboxes in London where anyone is tree to speak to public audiences lit- said it shows the strength of democracy "when the gn\ eminent provides the platform for tree speei It Frohnmaver who was rho sen to speak at the commeiu e merit by the graduating r lass t losed Ins address bv eiu ourag inn the 104 graduates to resper t diflerem es in soi iet\ "Decency emerges from tun damental rights to he different and the social right to resper t those differences." he said I'wo honorary awards were also presented at the com m«’i»ement Leslie | ll.irris ,m associate law s( hool professor. re( eiveil tIn- Orlando I Mollis I .11 ultv I’eai hill# Award No other award ( on Id mean as mm h to me as this Harris said Ihe Meritorious Servile award usually presented to non far ulty members ysas giv en ( hapin ( lark retiring asso i iate dean ot the law si hool l l.irk is retiring after teai lung at the si hool lor ovet 111 years ASUO Continued from Page 1 ( y and the Philosophy Club were vetoed bv the ASI’O and realloi ated ()f the four groups only the Philosophy Club was given a decrease by the ASl 'O We det reased the amount of money the allot ated tor speakers, her ause they were getting loo mucli ( ompared to i what other groups were gel 1 ting \hem said The other three budgets were vetoed and restored after some clarifications were made The Asm has the right to ^ veto iinv budget until any ques turns are answered. \hem said < She said she is satisfied with a the job the AM t) did on hudg f I alloc ations this year. spend n^ S'MMK) less than last war "Our office did our best to • •<■{> the furs low " she s.mi II it wasn't tor the imp.a t of lallot Measure > tees would as r staved the same Fhe new lit which takes s rr Mas Ja w ill deal u ith am spei lal reipiests ora tins ai adetnit veai TRAINING COORDINATOR University of Oregon The Office of Affirmative Action & Equal Opportunity seeks a half time (.50 benefited FIT) TRAINING COORDINATOR responsible for developing, producing, delivering and coordinating educational training programs for employees and students related to Affirmative Action & Equal Opportunity issues. The incumbent will work closely with individuals and groups representing protected classes to develop appropriate programming, and with other University officers to assist them in training activities across the institution. The position requires a Bachelors degree, preferably an advanced degree; teaching and/or training in a university setting; experience developing and delivering training, awareness and education programs for a complex organization; excellent writing and speaking skills; and a sincere commitment to the spirit of Affirmative Action & Equal Opportunity. Demonstrated commitment to issues vital to the implementation of diversity programs required. Salary’ range is up to $12,500 with benefits prorated. Applicants should send a letter of application, a resume, and names, addresses, and telephone numbers of at least three references by May 31, 1991 to Office of Affirmative Action & Kcjual Opportunity 474 Oregon Hall University of Oregon Eugene, Oregon 97403 The University is an EO/AA institution committed to cultural diversity. “27 years of Quality Service” GERMAN AUTO SERVICE, INC. Mercedes • BMW • Volkswagon Audi • Datsun • Toyota 342 2912 2025 Franklin Blvd Eugene. Oregon 97403 Concerned About Affirmative Action INVESTIGATIONS? • * 1 READ THE REPORT ON RESERVE IN THE LIBRARY & AVAILABLE IN EVERY DEPARTMENT; 2. SEND COMMENTS TO TIIE PRESIDENTS OFFICE; 3. COME TALK ABOUT IT AT 3:30 PM. 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