Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 20, 1991, Page 6, Image 6

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Health care reform considered
By Clea Badion
SAi.i.M A health ( .ire proposal that would
i reate .1 ( unadian stvle single paver ss stein is
one of three health insurant e reform bills l>eing
1 onsidered bv the Oregon legislature this year
( M*I
)K I
The bill would c reate a so< lali/ed health sv s
tern that would pay bn .til covered health tore
t tets through a state payroll tax
A< r< .rdihg to the Oregon Health At lion I am
paign a t oalition of labor and t (immunity orgam
rations a single paver s\ stem would establish an
insurant t> pool that t ollet ts health t are funds and
then | i.t\ s all covered health t are t osts
Sue h comprehensive i overage is already a real
itv in Canada and most other industrial nations
A< i ording io tin1 i oalition. the l luted States and
South Afrit a are the "only two industrialized na
tions w ithout a single paver health i are s\ stem
( oalition Director I lien I’inney said that
HU).000 Oregonians are uninsured aland one
ill five
Hut the uni ertaintv those uninsured residents
tat* could he ax oitietl bx Senate Hill 700. xvhit h
would bring this type ol insurance plan to ()re
gnu sH "oil w*iuhi also establish .< state payroll
t.ix while maintaining oilier funding such .is
Medit are and Medicaid
This lull allows the stall* to allot ate resources
in the most eftn lent xxax I'innex said, explain
:nv that insurance 'inp.tnie-. take up ilamt 7i
pet* ell! ill health i are lusts IK* eliminating those
I osts as this hill tines health t art* would bet nine
IIIUl h I heaper she said
I’innex said It. states noxx have single paxer in
surance systems in the works, but none has been
implemented x el
Although this isn’t the only health i .ire relorrn
plan proposed ibis session. I’inney Hunks this
lull Is the best This Is the only state hill to give
adequate health i are coverage she said
Mark Sigel an assistant on the Senate Health
Insurance and Hiu-i thu s Committee said that
under the I OHO ( begun Hasii 1 lealth Sere u es Ac t
all < kregonians under the federal poverty line are
supposed lo he i uxere.l by Medic are
I II.* problem Sigel said is that the basic Ser
vices Ait leaves part time workers uncovered
hihI thr .»< t dors not address rising health insui
.inr.ci costs
if) fill rn thrsr holes, Senate Majority Leader
John kitzhaber, 1) Koseburg. has proposed a
health at cess and cost control a< t that would pro
vide i overage lor part time workers and restnn
tore the small insurant e system
It extends health insurance to people who are
unemployed. Sigel said "It gives everyone in
Oregon health insurance
Although kitzhaber s hill SB l()7(i would t or
rei I somenl the problems Sigel said the single
paver bill is more costeffit lent
The ('anadian-sivie bill "reduces c osls (letter
than kitzhaber's plan Sigel said "It you have
the whole stale in one group, the state becomes
the single purchaser: they i an cut better deals
that vs as
Along with-kitzhaber's bill and the (Canadian
stvie proposal. Gov Barbara Roberts has also pro
posed a bill that would establish an Oregon
Health Authority to administer the insuram e
Rep Beverls Stein UT’ortland. who co spoil
sored the hill, said Hli .1082 establishes a stan
dard benefits package in which all insurance is
put together and sold by the state and then sold
to priv ate insuram e ageni ies
Stein said she sees both kitzhaber s and Hob
erls lulls as steps toward a single-paver system
hoc ause all the money would come to the state
whit ti would then port base the insurance
Regardless of the late ot these two tells she
said she hopes that a single-payer system |s even
tually established 'The beauty ot |SBi 700 is
tost control It strips out (tie administrative
( ttsls '' she said
But the chalices of the single paver bill passing
in the Legislature this year seem unlikely Sigel
said that with kit/.haber's and the governor's tii 11s
also in the works it would be difficult for the
(lanadian-style bill to pass
Rep ( art llostir ha I) Kugenc amt a single pay
ct sponsor agrees that the chances ot the bill
passing tins session are slim
II y\ 111 tie considered, but I'm not sure it will
get hi opportunity for a vote " he said "People
ait: afraid that it vyill interfere with kitzhabvi s
bill "
But I lost it ka also said that a single-paver svs
It'in would he reconsidered soon because
kitzhabei s hill isn't ellicient enough
the state becomes one more ot many insui
ante agent ies It won’t work bet ause it's too
( duplicated " he said
llostiika said lie would continue to push for a
single pay et sy stem
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