UNIVERSITY Student gets unique opportunity to visit Nepalese school Delivered money for girls' school as part of local sister city program By Michael Coffino t mc.i :: . PuSot " In ()i tuber 1990 I traveled to \c|),il .is .1 volunteer v\ ith the I ugene Kathmandu Sister ( 11\ ( ummittee It was ,i |oli took ini- In a part of \<■ p.i 1 nut ordinarily si'i'ii In torngn visi Inis Reporter’s Notebook I was there In deliver Sunt) to Sidha I’okhari a v illage in east rill \ that Is tour days'' walk Irom the nearest I lie money was part ol a si hoi.n ship donation from Kugche to pav loi one v ear of elementary si hoot lor Jo v illage no Is At 10 a lit tnv Inis real bed the i 11v ol Ikharan in tin: Hat southeastern part ol Nepal I had been traveling all night Irom Kathmandu hxluiusled at ter -toil kilometers ot jarring potholes and the whining ol Hindi music. I emerged from the hits into (lav light as it Irom a dream Still hours aw,i\ from the point where 1 begun walking 1 boarded another crowded bus a nd spent a da v traveling sti.light np into Nepal s Ilona lav an foothills I found mvselt in Basantpui literally the end ot the road It is rutted with mud and dung, and I spent the night in a i utri cle at the Yak Hotel amid i louds ol looking smoke and the blaring ol Radio Nepal I he next dav I awoke lound I lie trail and began walking up lull Soon I was lost Hnfortu natelv , I had only a i rude map sketc lied tor me m pent il bv a t mvcrsitv graduate student who had worked in the legion Remembering with a touch ot regret her desire not to cngi nee! II1V experienc e I soon le alized the map had lost all role v am e to ill V su iron lid I tigs ( losing I resigned myself to a series ot i limbs and desi cuts of deeply vegetated valleys, in li ol a leading to the village in which I had planned to spend the night I at spiders hung motionless above the trail at every stream crossing and lush jungle closed in on both sides mg a green corridor through which 1 walked When passing the numerous terraced fiedds .lie cut into the hillsides I called out to stooped workers the name ot the village I was looking for Standing ' Mantling I ask I hev nodded urging me on I inallv I found the village and passed the night there I he next tew days 1 spent in the same manner traveling to ward the school through No pal s humid Saokuw as.ddi.i Distric t a region ric h in or align, banana and grapefruit trees, steep piligles rushing i reeks and muddy trails \ Westerner traveling alone through these remote hills tar Irom the touristed trekking routes is .m sight .mil (here Vyt’ff. nVii'nv ijuestmm a mi I filling l!i\ vim! Bel nose I speak lull ,i lew words nl \e pall. I i iiulii i iimiminn .lie tin purpi>>e iii mv it ip iinlv I" llif lew iv es w hi i spuke I'.ngllsh I told mi nne however. iit the I (Hill rupees in mv p.» k in .1 st.ll kill lulls line till il t ll II k ()n the linirth d.iv nl hiking. 1 re,II lied im I lest 1 11 111 the v 11 l,iv;e ul S nl li .1 I' I lie v il lage sits III! ,1 sll.irjI lldge ill tile let ! lie middle lulls he! ween \e (i.i 1 s siiulhein ter.11 .ind its looming I I1n1nl.1v.1n nuiunt.iins vv Ini Ivi .111 lie seen Iri>111 the v 11 Inge .iliing the iiurthei n sk\ line U itfi .1 d| 11 nItv , I Im .ite'd !he luune .il the si hin 11 head ill. istei India I’ras.ld Shrest h.1 and handed tu hull the enveliipe 1 onlainiitg I In- munev I le is a kind, handsiime man nl >!) whn 1 unverses e.isilv with his mi itierous 1 hildren The nest dav liuira Prasad showed me the Sidha I’ukhati si haul a tvvn stun stone hudil mg nl eight rooms where JIM) 1 hildteli lake 1 lasses in sis dll lerent suh|e< ts The suund ul a pipe ringing on a metal har signals recess Students run to plus in an ad joining field, where water hut lain submerge themselves in a small pond T v e t v m 111 111 n g from the si,hunts aril the w hite form ul i: Sill tout M.ik.du and its sut rounding peaks i an tie seen 1 is mg aiiuv e low 1 limits ttv 111 a in tlie i limits 1 over the sum nut hiding the mountains from V lew until tile nest dav Surprisingly tin- girls desig Hated tu rei eive the si holarship munev did nut know tliev had been chosen Wearing looks ul he vva I lie r rile lit . t h e s w e r e brought into the headmaster's oflir e The entire si hool in fat t was in an uproar over my ones petted visit ( lasses had been hopelesslv disrupted and stu dents erowdeil the window ul the room, living tu ligine out w fiat w as going on India I’rasud spoke to the girls tor the lirst time about it informing them that tliev had been aw arded st holarship mon ey t hey seemed shut bed Some ut these students walk lot two hours (rum their homes each dav to attend si hool Most ol their families surv ive oil suhsis tent e farming and bv trading at a weekly market W it flout the scholarships, most o! the girls would not be able to attend school past the tilth grade hei.iuse the little money that most Nepalese fain ihes set aside to pay tor school is usually spent on their sons Although the language bar rier 1 realeil a distant.e lietween the students and myself, their faces expressed the same shy ness humor and concern of i hildren from mv own country 1 staved in the area tor sever ai day s taking pic lures, observ ing 1 lasses and stay iug with ,1 family that lived neat the si hool \ daily sinter game at Don't give up the search! Try LOST AMD FOUMD in the classified section thi' cnii ut townor i upitsl inv .iftonuions Soon thoilfth I v\ ,is .ilonr nil the tool north rctiirninij to hnthm.imiu h\ .1 ilit11-rirtit routr I ho sti.mnc silrm r ol lolls imiffh'd l>\ soil lorrst m V t‘ln|li't| till* (IIK l' tlHdlll ( >ii«* p.irl nt mv jouriuA in 1 iivt’l Iml I look, fin 1 w.iril In tin'-.lullin' months 1 I w ill spinul lii-if (.irrV'tiiK mil 1 ollii'i ilulii's .is .i viilunli'cr .mil 1 tnivi'liiiu tlinniuh tlm i otmtrv I I Ilk in t In- iltifi lion ot v ll Ilf mull III .1 I lls ill .l|lf ll in Ininls I u.ilihfd llif rivinit ot Ilf Mill ivhllf luirfloolfll pol ITS llf.iv\ lo.ills linm; 11 o III Ill’ll loiflilMlIs VVillkfll S ill' I It I \ i.isl nif Wanted- Any information on the strange happenings at the place known as, “Guido’s.” There have been reports of loud noise, laughter, and merry- making. This has been reported to have happened at all hours and on ev eryday of the week. Investigators have found traces of a wild dance and pizza party on Tuesday, and total chaos on Wednesday. There are no clues. Cikiolo p« KM & A (tin Now open everyday, with no explanation. YOUR NEW FUN PLACE TO SHOP! \v.v _VV U UO dt-Vv^ ^‘W "v 0^-> <^>VVi^ , .*« ^>vv o^V 4'VoW^/-^ ~° \x „v° <6S cr -'o s> -v vp sV sV GREEKS CLUB SPORTS CLUBS DORMS SCHOOLS .0 xV~ a. o X ,o O r \X~ X9 cP .*5 , \' \x xy O O yx y^ r * O y.x-.sJ^ rP \° v> st>v s°' i