POLITICS Pacific Party offering alternative to Oregon voters Human rights, environmental issues will be platform focus By Rone DeCair i •• .'-.iHo;,. __ \ group ut disillusioned Derm* rats .md euvimninen talists tired of lioth tRepublic .in aiid Demm rule party platforms base tornied ttn* Pacific Parts to otter voters ii i lion e m tins 'don e,it dog world People i house not to vote rather til.ill to vote for the lesser ol two evils said (Ian hull her tile Par ifir Par Is s I .me County r oorrtin.ilor c iting figures that about nil pen ent ol eligible Oregon residents usually do not vote huti her said his group will seek its support from those who have never voted her ause they realize it is essentially a one-party system t he Par ilu Parts needs to r ollei t about tH.tMMl signu lures from registered suters ut order to he considered a intnor polith al parts and run < undulates in the Oregon l'l'C elet turns hull her said the group is not Irving tu organize a nu tional parts l>ei ause it is too mm It work at least for miss and her ause the National Organization foi Women is considering forming .1 like minded national parts ot its oss n t in- Pai ifu Parts ssas formed three months ago huti tier said when It her Mine 1 dear during the Persian ( mil ssar that neither ot the Issu major parties ssas inter ested 111 working tor pear e although hull her beliese i it I Zens ss anted the i oufln t tu stop Pai ifir Parts membership rosters also 1111 lurie sup porters of the (ueen jiolitiial organization ss ho svero tired ot listening to 111lelle1lu.il debate foi lie- past sis seals on whether In form a parts huti tier sard '(neons m Pcnlland anil uthel slates base derided U s time to stop talking and -tail a. ting he said file Pacific Parts s platform sshith stresses euergs 1 misers alum pear e equultts among r.n es and genders .md an at r essdile eler (oral proi ess is simil.u to tire (aeens ideologs and shares some I teiuor rain stain es Hut some people ss under svhethei adding anoltier po III 11 ,d parts to tlie system < mild do more harm than good Margaret W ilson treasurer ot the lame ( omits Demo 1 rat ii Committee tailed the formation ot additional parties tile dumbest idea Hill everyone lias tile rigtil she added she said it ssill lie ddtn tilt tin Pai iln Parts members In c.ompelu in a tour ssas rare against another minor group llie I .liter tar la n Parts as ss ell as Republic alls and Detune rats (,.u\ Kuti hrt l anr ( ountx (iHtrdinatnr of thr nrnl\ fornwd Pdt ifh f'arlx i aiuhd>ilt's in thr JMtJ rhi turns Photo hv \mlif K.ino-n \surks to lollnt thf siun.iturrs nrrrssarx to run In fart Wilson Irelieves tin- 1'at ifi« l’.ir!\ m.n I'Vi’ii hat k fire on its supporters it the group manages to split the liberal vote along idonlogu a! ln»*s such as the re i cut split on thr i onsffA.iti\r suit* when independent i .iluliiiati W Moblev iiin in last Movi-ihIht's elei lion for governor ami laplured much ol the votr lh.it would liki'h have go in ‘ to Kepublu an D.im- Frohmnavi'r Itul others like I niMTSitv polilu ai si ien< i- Hruiessor lami's klonoski sav the\ adinlri- a group that is willing to ( hangc tin' status quo Stun- power to till* people who think We ve stoppl'd deail-i entei klonoski said Hut he also said thin might have a ddluult tune attr.u ting constituents be i ause politu al parties do not mean mui h to people am more Hut klonoski said a group like the I’ai ifu I’artv might hav e more sui i ess on .1 natioinv ide level, rather than in f begun kulchei howevei said the Pai it it Party will ha\e great suu ess m Oregon it they can draw on support from voters who realize then part\ will work without compromising on human rights and environmental is sues huti her said the non 'Voting t iti/ens will vote lot his groups when the\ 'see that there are honest lolks out there to vote for We re going to makt an at live etlorl to encourage people to register to vote he said Moreover. Kutchel said the I'ar tin Party i an draw a natural base of support trout people who believe that government does not represent the average person huti her said an independent candidate from Vermont hist vear w ho won a se.it in the t' N House ot Represen tatives running on a platform similar to the Par ilu Par t\ s We could have a sigml ii ant el tec I til the next elec tion huh hei said The EMU Cultural Forum proudly presents a stand-up comedienne BERTICE BERRY Bertice Berry is: (a) A Kent State Ph D. graduate in sociology who happens to be funny (b) A comedienne who happens to be scholarly. (c) A former teacher with a humorous approach in the classroom (d) A comic with a serious message on stage I ie) ALL OF THE ABOVE AND MORE Bert ice has a Ph D in sociology from Kent State and is a former professor who happens to be funny and schol arly Her comedy routines reflect her academic background She keeps her audiences howling with jokes that convey positive images about living happily together and :ov ng each other University of Oregon EMU Fir Room Monday, May 20th 7 p.m. Tickets are $3 student and $4 general and are available at the EMU MAIN DESK, (346-4363) i a a a a a A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A I' Improved recycling bins make debut on campus Student rei \ i I mg w urkers distributed l_,ri ni'H and im proved [im yi ling bins to high Use are,is Saturday in the hopes oi making eitil ietlt le ( vi lum an easier task for stu dents, t.K uIt\ and stall I he new bins are i olor raided .uni labeled tor easier identifi ration of each paper type col i)i ed ledger w lute ledger. newsprint and computer paper In addition new Inns for nil hle.tr lied rei yr led paper were added tIns weekend Srlnl heikei a sophomore I'niversitv strident who has been working on the rer \t ling project said that separating w hite paper and unbleat hed re i u led paper is more effir ient " Recycled and non-rervrled pa|)ers have different weights and have different fiber con tent she said kerker is hoping that i learei labeling will tun mirage people lu ret v< It- properly li\ put!mu different t\|ics ill paper in the appropriate bins ' People often set aside tile papei they want to ret vole pill it in papei bags and just set the bags next to the bins tin some one else to sort she said kerker said although it Is good that people are making some eltort to ret v< le. not sort ing their own paper creates more work tor an already over w irked ret yt ling stall The bin projet I is t ompletelv student run with much of the work done In OSl’IRd and the Student Ket vt ling Task I on e kel kei an ()SI’IK(. member said tliat money raised by the p.issage of the student ballot measure allocating student let's to t unipus ret \i ling is helping make this and future projet ts possible JS I 1 C : ll vour dollars i>\ using i oiijmiis I mm (hr Oregon I>«iiI\ hmrr.ild