LETTERS No frat bash In response to Stephen lira dv's challenge to research the problems on this t ampns re garding rape and tin- gfeek sys; ten) ((7/>/• May H ) At i nrtlmg to jnlie I hrliart a stall assot late. ami Herme Sandler. direr tor of the l'ro|ei I on the Status and lalui ation ol Women, nearh all reported Kang rape inr idents hav e in voly i'd fraternities \i cording to \ndrevv Stei Ion of the I 'niversitv ol New Hampshire II the .'.fraternities ol this nation were gathered and constituted one state, it would he approximately hall the size ol Vermont (where there are more cows than pen pie) If in a state ol that popula lion there were at I reported gang rapes in a two y ear period impartial outside observers would question the individuals w ho make up that state This number is slight i out pared to those gang rapes that go unreported and those sexu al assault instances that don't fall into this i ategorv Hus is not to sav that all Ira ternities are rape i enters nor is it to sav that I niversitv frater nities are like others around the i ouutrv The point is simply that we must address problems that exist on campus or in our society; to ignore problems solves nothing but encourages their ( unturned present e The Anti Rape mart h vvas not a frat bash but an at tempt bv the women who par tit ipaled to l ake Hat k the \ight to empower them selves in an attempt to make our campus anil our society safe lor all women and men. whether they are greek ut olh erw tse Melissa \\ het'lt ot k Phil Simon I orax Manner residents Power politics Regarding Ted I ergtison s letter |ODE Mav I. I el'gusun argues the lesbi an gay bisexual rights move incut is not a legitimate polite i al struggle Instead queers have an at t eptahle drive lullossing his logii the pij11 in ill move merits'.,, i.il people ol ' plot aren'l legitimate either \ltrr ,ill u In i re.lie a iiniiiii.it issue mil of mere skin i olnr' I'he reason. Ill course: is tli.it people ol i olor .ire system,ill ' .ills oppressed bee,luxe ol skin rotor Like some lime to listen to leslii.ms gas nien .mil bisexuals .uni lieie lion tie are treated ilifterentlv hei.itise ill who \ve ,ire N on will rume to understand whs vye .ire ,iml must lie .1 powerful pohlu ,il moveinenl S.ir.ih | Satie I <11 ults Kurenu of (iosiTument.il Keseari h .mil Sers it e Information In response to |enillter k ii He's letter |( )l H St.is I I I ssotilil like to ei.ilior.ile In lefts oil ms statement In lire I mrr.ilil regarding the II I .mil the AS!'() investigation t he ness IK( members have not had ai i ess to nor have they witnessed the information pro s ided throughout the whole in vestigation as Anne I erg. I red ds \ ill lies and I base t he mils information the ness members base is what has been provided hs (lie media I base reserva turns about asking the ness members on an issue that I do not feel thes are adequately prepared to address It is essential that the new members base their det isions on the preponderant e ol es i deni e not on the information pros uled hs the media I here tore. I will lie requesting that thes review the material pro sided hs the ASI'O investiga tion ( oiistilution ( Unit and Mir haul ( olson When thes base .lone so and leel that tiles are informed then a motion i an be entertained I s dia I it uia 11 t member elei t Allow me I sympathize deeply svith Kon U isman and the other pro lessors who are suffering tela tisels loss pas The t'nisersils THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON The urban catsnake and its prey should not be keeping these Worths mtidlei Inals at ,i status 11 iW t-i than that ot their peers hi other institutions lives are right to i (insider leasin; I don t know what I would do ill olds made sin ouiI a O'lir like Unman I suppose I would spend something less than S lO.tHlO ot it for i ollege hosts food and shelter \ttei I paid taxes 11 1 dido ! find a was out ot that I might In i t a i or even two i .us I'el I laps I would travel the world in style or bin .1 vai ht or even a house t )r put it in a high s leld nnest nierit and wall li ms self grow rii h. in h. rich Hut not as in li as ms high brow < nileagues at those better paving si bools How ashamed and left out I would teel Sou e i erlainlv our tai nits lire deilii ated to knowledge tin its ow n sake I am troubled bs this gross mjustli e I liese pen pie deserve heltei 1 would sug gest an additional S.'UO sur i barge next seal to help a over salars ini reuses tm professors Dan I’u11u Student Generalizations Ignorant statements about Asians .is m Anthony Stumbo's lftt*T {(H)l Slav Hi), are i*\a< ti\ the reason why fin* t'niversity needs .1 course spe i ific ally abuut Asian Ameri 1 ans Sue h wide sweeping general r/ations about all Asians air based tm stereotypes anil sup position i ht*\ tall to ( niLsider a larger perspei 11 v 1 • about \sian Arneric as ami to ask sui h ijues tions is Wh.it is tin* < onditiou of bh* lor Pai if it lslandi*rs 11 \ mg m I S territories ami tor retfill immigrants' Why is mii li i large anti diverse group nt peoples pi n ril mil. imc i ,it, gorv’ I iini .li lually ilfliw;Itt*-tl that Stlllllbu UlHltll m.lkr Mil t| .1 statement .it the same tilin'1 tin' Asian I’.uilu Ament an Stu dent I until is lobby ini’ tin- i in s i-rsit\ In h.n e in Vsinn \meri i .in studies < imi si- taught mi .i regular basis \si.m Artieru .ms .in- nut tin1 same pi'uplf .is thf Inpnnexe busiin'sstui'u that si'i'iu In lif Inlying .ill ul \niern i Hut this group ut Ament .ms is i untune ally liiiik'i'd upon u iih i mi tempt .mil ra<'asm but ause ut sin li sin ml illitcrai y I he sin mingy .nut history ut Asians in A merit a am worthy lupu s fur rexean li anil film a tn>ii However thf I'nivfrsitv has thus I.u neglei ted Asian \intT.ii ans in its i nrru uluni and the Oregon l huh hnwr.ilil has hiih'tl tii pmvitlf ailcipialf i overage nil this issue (■arv llnti Inurnalisin Deprivation In mi nut If Iters Run U 11 liams wanted i uni rele exam pies ul disi rum ll.lt lull |f )IH Mas 1 ) led lerguson ex pressed his inability In i nmpre heiitl same sex attrai linn and vviintleretl sstiv sse tr\ tu ton e nur political legitima is | GDI May Mas !| III! Rutan and Angie Tail won tiered a I Kin! embracing often sise language lag dske and i|ueet i f H>i Mas ti I I see retlei Icil lii'ii' ,ui i'ii louraging iii-m11■ ill retepiivih • 111)1 .1 lll'SUf III If.|l ll Mltllf i umninn understandings I irsl. in regards In \Villiums' Iwii unmen iiri- i mri'iilK hat tling lut I In- priv 1lege ill ‘•In ilfiil housing beiielils I hi hfl fi i im'vii.iI partners'with the op lion nt tin- i iv il i null.n l nillfil in.trr i<»m- ttiis is mi imu rm \ young man on the panel ills i u ns it ii i airoiil tin' mi i it.ir\ puli i ms hairing hornusevual.s spoke ol systematic llliin111,it inn t.n Ins .iiul ilestI in I uni ul Ins hopes tin Ills Inline when ill' was booted out ul the navv He lias denied opportunities and benefits while our country Mas denied his talents and pu tential President lirand s (las and I.eshian I ask I nn e ills i tissfs iileiii 111 g that pres sure III he HU isible III Hive up privileges straights take lot granted pisl hei dllse tiles are straight In regards to I erguson I am m\ si || led by uppusile se\ at trai I inn 11 in clueless Hut, I guess it is ai i eplaiile (or lull We didn't i house In lie a pul il ii al mi >y eluent our el lulls In gain equal privilege make ll pulllli a! In regards In Tail and Kutan I also was offended In the lag d\ ke queei appruat h at first I'm si 111 unsure vet while 1 handed out hallonns at queer h I those leM sputtering tools mIiu would result to epithets Mere speei liless I hey had been deprived ul their Iasi ugly words Konald Si litllei t ugene Photo Opportunities AT THE UO BOOKSTi RE J 3-PACK FUJI : FILM I 100, 200 SPEED NOW ONLY s9.99 - s10.99 ALL ANSCO CAMERAS 20% OFF FUJI DL-120 REG. 109.95 SALE 89.95 SAVE s20.00 FUJI 500-200m REG. 289.95 SALE 259.95 SAVE s30.00 PHOTO ENLARGEMENT S A L E 5x7 -ONLY 99e 8x10 ■ ONLY s1.99 11x14 - ONLY s3.99 ENTER YOUR PHOTO NOW IN OUR ANNUAL PHOTO CONTEST! ICome In And Vote For Your Favorite Photos On I May 11-25 — '• '» \ 13th & Kincaid 346-4331 M-F 7:30-6 Sat. 10:00-6