Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 20, 1991, Page 2, Image 2

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I mn |iilin s\ roll- \\ ho I In
lu'll is Morales'' whrn hi
knows vrrv ssell who Morales
is John along w ith Kd ( arson
i iiuir up wiih those letters to
lonfnsi' stnili'iits on tlio f.n Is
i oni erning Mike I olson
l lll' hit l Is lli.il |< olson) w .is
found responsible for tillering
committee iiiinules from .1 hill
II meeting |ODh M.iy ‘M
f lu- Irti I is thill ( olson has lieen
.111 usi'il ol 1 arrvmg .1 gun on
campus even though Ills
mi'llibi-rs aieli t allowed to t ar
rs one, (list as polii e 1 allots
ari-n'l allowed to 1 an\ a gun on
1 ampus
I inn John also wrote that
tile III lias lieen deadioc ked
In tile S ole III the entire II (
committee "
III course Morales shouldn't
sit at the same table as ( 'olson
the man who has lieen ai t used
ut altering minutes and has ap
peaied to < hange his slor\
after lining more closets ques
tinned And we re all getting
tiled nl hearing about the pett
lions lie's filing
l lie anls thing ( olson is sure
of is What I 1 ousIsletilK told
these gus s is that I 1 an t lie sure
of anything ' (()PI Mas '< I
Mes Peterson
I elei nmuiunu aliens
I II tell you whs apathy is
king around here People are
sii k and tired ol listening to is
sues get hloss n out of propor
tion l et me supply an example
ol an important issue
I at h time the spat e shuttle
takes ult il releases 1(1 billion
( uhtr tons of ii/oiii' eating nia
lerirtl whtrli destroys •!'> per
(ent of the ozone l.nor I his is
.is mut t) .is .1 flouriM «rl>on pm
ilm mg f.ii lory gives off m .1
tairrently. shuttle flights are
ri'sponsilili' tor 10 port rut of to
t.il o/on<• l.nrr damage It will
only take too more shuttle
flights to i ompleteh destroy
tin- ozone I’relty soon there
won t he anymore trees worn
on homosexuals minontii's
animals or anything else for
th.it matter
■t i's tins is i i1 rt.i1111\ ,m on
tightened aware .iinipolilK.il
l\ rorri'it i.mipus We would
simmiit trill h about ;i frvv tri'i's
being tut down or squabble
nvi'i someone's integrity 111,in
truly do something .ilmut ,i
prohli-m th.it is going to kill u
all nml th.it tin- government is
allow mg to continue I hat is
politli ,ll i orri'l loess III the
truest sens*'
lU the Wav two shuttle
flights were l.mni hrd last
month I’tlless we dll some
thing a I unit this we are all go
mg to fry
I t in Shaler
I’ ie-engineering
Not Quayle-ified
I Ih* riiiton.il < iirtoon {()Dl
Max 1 ij of ! ).m Quttvlr s movr
mtii llit* Whitt* llousr t
uiiiss lir.iit a11 ai k s would hr
funny «*m rpt it owrlooks thr
inrthod in ll»r (.()H s m.tdnrss
Just .is I hr mrdia and thr
puhht tx'giin to t«*kr srriouKlv
i har^rs that (»rorgr Hush sabo
ta^rd tfir H*S( lit* ot hnstagrs III
Iran, thr prrsidrnt had a trans
A »
WWl: VV'A <
• -r
GL "■) - J’.
' . ... ' '
V-V.v JT •' 7-• '■
VlETfJ A/A', vva r<
8*T IRp£P££r.AZLy
se wti-f ss we vj&ng
'-J \\\\
\nf\ R is ,\i OT OAJL y
gar fun/
patently f<1 k<1 attai k of heart
flutters I tiiil m turn caused
similai s\ inptnms m an elei lor
.ill- shinned In the possibility
id QuavIt* su< reeding to the
( Hal Olfu .
\\ i' re l.ili* w 11ii i out ern ovt-t
substandard nominees (irant
fd. as president (Juayle would
be a#throat to mu demo. rath
system but no mori* so than
Hush already is. and that Ron
aid Reagan vs as liefore him
An administration that de
pends on lies and propaganda
to brainwash the public isn't
abov f stavjinn a lake heart i on
<1 it ion lo oner again divert .1!
tentinn from presidential ( or
rupl ion
It's apparent that Quayle
as a frightening diversion
now plays the ver\ role that
i dust'd his |>.ut\ to nominate
(ieorge Be res
I hc Oregon Daily Emerald will attempt to print all
•iters ( ontaining comments on topics of interest to the
’Diversity community
Letters to the editor must be limited to no more than
.t.iO words, legible, signed and the identify ation of the
writer must be verified when the letter is submitted.
I he /-iner,ild reserves the right to edit any letter for
length or style
Hate flier investigation turns tables on harassment
By Kristen Hamrnerstad
and Sue Dockstader
l msersits President Mvles Bland
wuulil like In hast* sun tii'lifSi' th.il tif
ssill not tolerate illsi nmin.ilurn on this
i ampiis Ai cording tu Kluinet Ireen. stu
th'iit i.undue t c oordinator, mid Hares
Di.istun, iliri'i tin id tin- ( ttlii f ut I’uliln
Sah'ts ((armmentars ODE Mas M
Hraml has a alli'd on eat h student. fa<
nils nr stall iiuimber not only to desist
personalis Irom making ilisi rimiiiatorv
i omments and taking such ai linns hut
also tu make it known that thes expect
their i lassmates to respec t all persons re
gardleSs of their 'different es
We want you to ask vourselses this
i|uestion, are Brand s actions consistent
ss ith his words?
I illlslder the follussing l ast Oitohel
ssheii lass school Dean Maurice llolland
i ensured Professor (.reg |ohnscin for
i timing out as a gas man lit c lass Brand
not cuds failed to c all on Holland to ''de
sist from taking discriminators action ",
on the rontrars , Brand 1 racked Holland
when he reipiired Johnson to make an
apnlogs to Ins c lass In lanuars Brand is
sued a statement c lainimg that no ac lion
ssocihl lie taken against a prolessor who
made a comment ut a sexual nature to a
female student
More rec ends Brand refused to sup
port a leslnan couple's petition for Mar
ried Student Housing Because Oregon
lass does not recognize their marriage
es en though ( Begun \dministrative Rule
"iHO 1 “| ()1 a. which applies direc tls to
fniversits' students lac nils and stall
specific alls prohibits discrimination
Bused mi sexual orientation m all I'm
versilt programs services and activities
tin hiding student housing
I malls Brand lias not set into at tion
tile recommendations oi the President s
(.as and Lesbian Task I on e \ task ton e
lie appointed lor the expressed purpose
ot helping him make det isjon.s which
would make the rumpus safer lor leshl
atis and gas men Brand ignored the task
forte ss hen it found that t.reg jnhnson
had been a victim oi disc rimmulicm and
urged Brand to support him
lh‘ ignored it again when the task
forte recommended that he support the
Irshien t ouple in then t ftoit 1 , get Mar
ried Student Housing Hi. must do
more than have i lie. iked ssitli
“the President's I si . • . .1 (las and
lesbian Concerns >e the tie
si riptiun tough on <. nation
He must at I o t. i commenda
tions The fat t that he has tailed to do so
suggests that his appop 'nieut of the task
forte as well as nth high-profile at
tempts to appear sensitive to minorits
oppression sut ii as the statement on the
hat k of the spring st hedule oi i lasses
are nothing more than hollow gestures
aimed at t reattng good puhlit it\ tor the
The recent hate tlier ini ident that
lirecn and Drayton reler to in their com
mentarv is no exi eptioii There were two
different sets of fliers that Wert* posted
on campus last winter around the same
time The first depicted a builseyt* target
on the foreheads of .1 black woman and a
chit a no man both of whom wop* depii t
ed as gat These fliers, which were ex
tie me It offensive and were t o ns i tiered to
be death thre.ils tiv some were posted m
front ot the Lesbian (..i\ .oui Bisexual
Alii,mt e .uni the Hl.it h Student i ninn
These lliers were threatening to ga\s
and lesbians .nnj people of i olor the
posting of these fliers was definitely a
hate t rime I he mm otni set of fliers were
anti-war statements that attempted to
link misogyny and militarism Bemuse
of their offensive depiction of women
and poor design the satire was lost on
many w ho interpreted them to he sexisl
I veil though ttie second set of fliers
were made in had taste and reflected
poor judgment thev were not threat
ening to tile degree that the death threat
filers Were
I lowevei. it is this second set of flieis
that the Office of I’ublti Safetv (.undue t
ed 1 IK) interviews and spent Jilt) hours
pursuing I her have apparenth done
virtualh nothing to pursue the maker of
the first set of fliers Drayton's and
(keen s commentate does not make this
distiiu turn i lear
I hev make other statements in their
< ummentary that are misleading also
I hev state that "four suspects have been
identified I wo were subsequently
cleared In the context of their com
mental\ this statement gives the impres
sion that the investigation was a particu
lark thorough one in that it turned up
not one not two hut four suspeets
U hat Drayton and (keen fail to say is
• hat there were actually three innocent
people mistakenly a< i used of making the
set ond set of fliers
These people had absolutely no con
miction to the fliers whatsoever except
that thev til the description of a tip given
to tlic Office ol Puhlii Safely that tin'
maker ul the filers y\as ,i lesbian I best'
three lesbian students were subjected tu
the nverze.doiis investigative lei hniques
of the ( )I’S and the Student (.'nndut t i u
ordinator while being ai cused ut making
both sets ol fliers, which was particular
l\ repugnant to them considering thev
belonged to one ot the groups targeted
In the death threat fliers Ail three sut
lered severeh in the pror ess
In addition to tailing to investigate the
truly hateful fliers, the OPS and the (>1
In e ot Student (.ondui t severely disrupt
ed the minority community ot lesbians
In the course ol their false act usations
the\ made the lesbian community feel
more unsafe than the fliers ever did to
begin with
Drayton and Green have added insult
to injury by using the hate-flier inr ident
to m,ike the administration appear
tough on discrimination." Instead ot
admitting their mistakes and making sin
< ere efforts tu start over on the right foot
Once again, campus administrators
seem to be more interested in looking
good than actually doing good when it
come to minority discrimination We
hold lirand and his administration re
sponsible for creating a climate on ram
pus that has allowed harassment and in
11 in illation ol gays and lesbians to on ur
bv the very institutions designed to pro
tei t and serve them
S|"' l)oi:kstader and Kristen
I t,inwierstdd are students nt the I nner
sn i Dm kstader is co-direi tor of the l.es
In,in. G,n ,,nd Hisexudl Alliance