SPORTS Lakers gain homecourt advantage after win I’< IKTl. Wi) (API I! took the Portland Trail Blazers .ill season to gain the home c ourt advantage m the \ It A playoffs It took them only one game to lose it Now the Blazers must heal the I akers a! home on Tuesday night or head to I .os \n geles down 2 0 in the Western Confefeni e final "I'm not expecting to go down there (l 2 said Portland s Bui k Williams "We've got to win on Tuesday We. ve ne\ er been in this situation before It's a pietly precarious situation for us The Blazers, who had the NBA s host reg ular season rei ord at t> I ID and ended the bakers' nine year reign as Pacifii Division champions had assured themselves the hnmei ourt advantage throughout the play oils as long .is they didn’t lose at Memorial Coliseum Saturday's 111 1.00 loss was the Blazers first at home in seven playoff games Now the pressure is on the team many consul ered to he the favorite to w in it all "This will he a true sign of how good our team really is." Williams said Portland led by as many as 1-1 points late in the third quarter and still was on top h\ 1J as the final period begun I he Blazers had blown tug leads against Seattle and I'tab m the first two rounds but had been able to hold on and win Against the experienced and unflappable Lakers, though the game slipped away Ins Angeles si nn'tl Ihc first I i points nt tho luurtli quarter to l,ik<• the ami then pullcil ,m .it over the mistake prone Blazers in tile filial t; niunites I don't know u hat ■ auses a sums; like Portland s Kevin Duikuorth said l lieir inomentuni pn ks up and then the\ stall getting the t .ills I inlildll t tielieve some of the i .ills thev not Hut it uasnt officiating that heat the Hl.i/ets Vnd Portland ( h Ku k said it uasn t the Inkers either It u as more uhal we did than u fiat tluv did said The Blazers threw the hall auav save up easy baskets missed i rtn lal free throws and stood around on offense In the fourth ipiartei we duln t do min h ot anything.1' Civile Drexlet said I hat uasn t exactly true Drexler did something He scored HI ot Ins team\ 14 points in the quartei finishing with JB points. 12 assists and 8 rebounds Hut the lest nl the team did virtually nothing e\i epl make mistakes \delman was i ritu ized tor the lineup tie used earlv in the fourth quarter when he went with reserves Dannv \inge Walter Davis. Cliff Robinson and Duckworth and W illiams I he talkers si ored eight quit k points and tile game was i lose tile lest nl the way Adelllian said he needed In give Drexler a breather and lie was worried about leiiv -.Port»*r «ir.iv\ my. a fifth hud But without tin* two-starting. guards thr Blazris oftrnsr wrnt stagnant I hr I.ak."»•!''■» mranu hilr t«»*>V advantagr ot tin* opportunity With \tngn Johnson handing out sr\rra! o| Ills ‘ 1 assist-. thrrr short of (hr VBA playoff mm onl h«* sli.irrs with John Sttw k ton thr | akrr s hit thr shots thrv nrrdrd I imt*s Worths s< orrd JM ll\mn Srotf w as u tor 1 2 and s< ommI pi But Johnson was rrmmdmg rvrrvnnr that onr gafur dors not mean thr Iwst of 7 srnrs is ovrr I lirV ii* as good as vvr arr on thr mail hr said I hry brat us tun t* m ourhudd rng ! his is nothing \\ «• haven t aihirvrd a in thing I \jmm t thr test ot thr srrirs to Im* as < lost* or a losrr than (.ainr t Johnson said It s going to hr like that hr said "You rarrlv s»*r a blowout in this kind oi vrrirs 1 Ins is thr kind ot gut ( hri k win voil A r g(»t til VV 111 I .os \ngrlrs ('oath Mikr Dunlravv said his tram knows thr Bla/rrs arr not going to give up without a tight just hrt ausr thrv v r hist a gamr rills givrs us thr homr< ourt advantage hut it's just thr beginning ot thr senes hr said Portland is so explosive so good so talrntrd Hiry re a strong tram They n* t phvsit id tram TRACK Continued from Page 15 i *‘i -in I.i• rni>t I i amr in vv itti till' M>( null fastest tinir 111 tin* i outrrrnc i- .uni ti.ul hr,Ill'll Stanford s David Strang fhr i nnlrrrm r i hiimp l>,n h on Ma\ 4 A Iso si or 11114 for I hr I)111 ks was I .it r\ W il li.ims tv it It ,i sixth plot r finish m ihr ton ntrlrrs (sr.isoil hrst 4 7 1 I ,1 lit! thr IxtOO-mrlrr rrlav tram of W itlhuns. Harris ( urtis U ilson and Hr \ an W alls, i lot k ini4 I 1 I I 7 for sixlli A r i / o n a s Mi, h a r I Hairs .in i rssfnlI\ dr frmlrd his lilt) and H» liirtrr litlrs vs ilh vs inning liinrs ot in j4 and .'it 7(i. rrspri f ivrlv Arizona Stair gavr Ihr homrtovvn tails Miinr flung to i lirrt tilmmt hv vv inning I hr 1 \4llll mrtri rrlav III I H4 ’!> a nrvv I’.II 1(1 mrrt in not TOKATEE Continued from Page 16 tin' beginning/ (,instill.i suiil "It s .1 type nt advertising lie muse it they like the ( nurse the\ II tell their Iriemls Knough people about I uk.itee m Hull Ditfrst nr heard ■ iboui it from tfu*ir friends in that golfers Irnm I I differ ent si,ties euioveti ,i round of gnlt ,il l'okalee Mark I leming is |osl one ex ample of ,t non Oregonian lour mg tin* I okatee links Homing. .1 luinciu 11 urn Solva ng ( a I il altout iho course from a and dei idod to see d it good a>. |»en|>le sav Ho leave disappointed I Im od the i nurse I alter i aiding a HI.’ It ap|ioi hear d Iriend v\ as as didn't ie said was ill hr.-iutifuI >hapt* v i*l v ( nunfr v Drspitr Iihik; an hour s «11 iv«* trnm laigrnt* lok.itrr to stav husv throughout thu golfing mmmiii During tin summrr 11m«* wtliMi (lit* vvtMthn s good \\r 11.i\ t• no problem getting people ou! In* n* to p!.i\ Sullix .in s.inl hut this sprinti. ^ nil tin* strange weather ivi' vr turn h.iv mg if \ been i I it I If slow Si r.i nge w r .it lift or not ! i>k*it«*< is one <>l thi• finest jlllhlll I 011 I N»* N ,1101111(1 .01(1 V\fil worth thf trip Yes f\cn in tin* Mill Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS 346-4343 100 CONNECTIONS NfcfD( ASH FOR SUMMF R Wanted iei«nt liiuo'j of Japanese automobile-. maya/me* “ 10b PERSONALS Bobette Paitmy Shot or May 3Ht' ONCiHA ? Ul A MON? Kathleen Schultz . : a* lb , AND , OREGON DAlL ¥ ( Mf HALO T SMfRT ’Belle* huffy lhe*e % only 4 i *furts 10b PERSONALS KAO Guess which KAT is a Puunrrrfect "21 "9 Love the "other" -4" IPS PERSONALS I 'Hi Congrats! . A. ■ • jnd KA Dawn W Jo*H* H CongialuUltOn* on gimluJlmy Phi B«tJ Kappa* THIS IS IT!! BE THERE!! .iT Thank you v#»y much lo< th« a<*e tumt p*'ty' '*» '• looking tonww»d It seeing you again1 lo»e (iamm* Phi 10b PFRSONAIS Gamma Phis Have .1 crush on you1 Crush Party HAPPY BIRTHDAY NICOLE! You Sigma Kappa love 1 f inkinltfi HAPPY 21 ST HAMILSTONE! Don’t Party Too Hard! P.agnanP 101. PERSONAIS HEY KERRI & SHANNON ' ’ auk for lh» good lime til I uge"* ' ongiala on Qf»tlu*lmy KLAK Mike Kri ' i If t hi'. J).t }>V f Dam H Thank i lo* the nrvckend I l o»e You' »io LOST & FOUND LOST . .. , ' ■ tOSt Small *pu*l bound blue nuleboofc Wl W AHO' Jane*) 144 if ft) 01 I4f. 4/#t m TYPING SERVICES um'LTiairCTIu: * * i 114! h ' f i 111 i'»; • i * I ! t M ' Ml l'4 I If I Ilk1 ► I a • J : i • Mi',- >i aph * | dill’ i' K nil Faculty, Staff, and (Graduate Student** The Office** of th»- Provost and tin* Graduate School Present: GRANTS ANI) CONSULTING CREATIVE EMPLOYMENT OPTIONS A workshop on alternative employment through grant necking and consulting addressing the following topic**: • Funding for Graduate Study and Research • Services offered hy Ik'w^rrh A Sponsored Programs • How to Itrvak into the Grant* Market • Where to l^ook for Grant-Writing Kipertiae • University Policy on Fxternal Consulting • How to