Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 20, 1991, Page 15, Image 14

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Oliver leaps 7*5, Ducks second at Pac-10 meet
By Ashley Conklin
t Stm" ii' ■
Miih.imm.nl Oliver uimiI up
,imi up and up and won the
Pat ih( 10 C ontrrem u high
pimp Sunday night with a leap
ot 7 7 in Tempi* An/
Seven t «*<* t In.' inches a
bright no Oregon athlrtr has
rvit i omr i losr In i fearing in
i hiding Oliver
() 11vi*r Iniiki■ And\ 'luiing A
1 ItHtt school TP(:ord "I I . and
■shattered his old- personal re
l ord ot 7-0 O set at last vrar s
Oregon Invitational the pimp
was also an automatic \( AA
qualifier and mu* of the top five
i ollegiatr pimps lliis season
(lalilornias Kevin Keane also
u rut 7 i. hut ()liver won on
fewer misses
Hut cv en 'with Oliver's win
ning pimp, the Ducks finished
sei ond in the team rat r w ith tin
points as Washington Slate
uon as expet ted vvith 11'.
points It was the Cougars' lust
team title since l'PCi
Oregon Coach Hill Dellinger
was unavailable for comment
late Sundav nigiit
Oregon also had individual
winners in hammer thrown
Scott Miller (J 14-7), who won
for the second straight year,
and Pat Haller in the It).000
meters (7>i 48 7a) to go along
with Oliver and dei athlete Pe
dro daSilva who won that title
earlier in the week
Hob dray set two PRs in Sun
day's hurdle races, finishing
second in the 1 IOmeter higfis
in 1 ! 70 and fifth ill the -100
meter intermediates in SO 07
dray missed the automate
NCAA qualifying standard ol
I t 72 in the high hurdles hut
only lost to NtlAA favorite
Tony 1.1 of Washington State by
14 hundredths of a set mid
(Irav’s time was also the set
ond fastest m school history
a n d further ell h a ill ed ll 1 s
i ham es ot getting to the \( \ \
meet on the provisional list,
bettering his wind aided best of
1 I 8.1
In the 400 hurdles (,ra\ s
time is the filth fastest in
school history and a provision
al ,\t AA qualifier
dray also teamed with Devon
Husey Michael Met tendon
and Ronnie Harris on the
4\.10O metei relay team that
was third m 40 I '<
The Cougars won only the
short relay the high hurdles
and the 1 A00 meters with
Samuel kibiri i lot king l 4 I Vi
on Sunday , but had so much
talent and depth it was too
much for the Ducks, or any
body else to overcome
In the 1.500 kibiri held off
Oregon's ('.olin Dalton who was
second in ,1 44 00 ihick team
mate Alan foster was sixth in
1 50 10
Oregon also had a 2 0 finish
in I he 1.000 meter sleepier base
Saturday vv itfi Kn i Mestler
i linking 8 4ti 14 foi second
and I've Van Si hoiat k sixth in
9:02 10
Mestler did get some satisfai
lion in finishing ahead of
Washington Stale's Robert
I’m e and John Hill two run
ners tfi.it had beaten Mestler
twii e earlier this season
Arizona's Man Davis turned
in an impressive distance dou
ble in the Arizona heat, win
lung the Steepler base and then
coming baik to take the 5.000
(I n S u n it .1 \ i n .i 11 in c i] I
M (in ,
I rcsliman Tml(| Bloaknrv hr
i .iiiii' the ttnl\ Ihit k to surpass
thr iUl-luot li.irricr hi I hr Iriplr
pimp this season as
isheii fourth Ulth a
Ml I
he till
leap ot
I iri'Kon's Art Shipper tossed
the |.u t'lin H t> ir third nid
\itk Aiiiist.issi.idos u t% foilrth
in llic h.imtni'r .it 1'ij 11
Olio of (1(0 I links tiiKvOs!
disappoint mrnts i.inii' in l hr
HUD mrlrrs whrrr < ai!r\ ( .III
darlr lath'd Hi m.U < Snnda\
finals and trammatr Shannon
l.r m n r a t i n > s h t* ti si \ t h in
Collegiate Tour
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