SPORTS Ducks dethrone UCLA as Pac-10 track champs By Jake Berg t me raid Spoil', Hepo'tci -, Oregon is second best no longer After three straight years of finishing second to I ( I.A at the Pacifit 10 Conference Championships, the Dm ks wrested the title from the per ennial champion Bruins win ning t he meet with ltd ’> points to l td.A s lld’j tins weekend at Tempe. Ari/ We competed hard all day Saturday and Sunday.' Oregon (loach Torn flemonen said "We had our ups and downs, hut the team just flung in there I he I hit ks distant e runners were responsible for unit h of the distant e between Oregon anti the rest of the Pat 10 Four Oregon distant e runners ran two events over the weekend as Heinonen believed those points ( mild in' tlic key to 88 m lilt- 5,000, where she look third ill hist season's i luiiiipionships lull,i Saul balked Wessell up in the 10.000 running to a third plate finish in it>.20 tH COMPACT DISC WORLD'S 2nd ANNIVERSARY SALE With over 20,000 discs in stock EVERY DISC IS ON SALE and all at great anniversary sale prices. HURRY IN FOR BEST SELECTION (ends 5-2b-91) • f Help us celebrate our anniversary - vsith every compact disc on sale THIS IS A GREAT CHANC E TO BUILD A NICE COM FACT DISC LIBRARY 21(H) YV. 11th nfHt) 7 (lays .1 681H)902 Ai ross In Mil VV.iriMivirt Behind Wessell in the 5.0(10 were teammates \ Nusrala. i n a third pi a i e 11 in e o f ll> 58 t>t>. and sixth plate \i c ole Woodward in 17 75 70 Nusrnla added more points to the Ihit ks total by running the 1.000 and placing second m a time of (l (0 l>0 i.isa harnopp took fifth in the rate, running ill <1 50 07 The 1.500 also belonged to the Duck runners as ( arid Hoi men plat ed set ond in 4 7t> 00, and harnopp took sixth with a •4 (5 75 time Krika Klein surged from be hind to snare second-place in the 800 meter run Klein ran in a person a I record 11 me o f 7 07 4o the eighth fastest time in s< hool history and a prim sional NCAA qualifier Oregon's next biggest swing m the meet was an old fash ioned one two punt h from jav elin throwers Paula Bern and Kim Hyatt Berry repeated as i (inference champion w ith a meet record throw of 10,( 8. and Hyatt improved on last year's third plai e finish bv fin ishing sei ond oil a I’K toss of 178 1 Paula had a fabu 1 ous throw Ileinonen said Defending NCAA champion Ashley Selman of CSC was tfiird lielimd the two Ducks, getting off a 17(8 toss Heinonen added that the Dui ks would have gotten more points in the javelin throw Sat tirday had it not been for yyliat he said xsas a "bogus call" by the judges on a throw by Ore gon s Kelly Kempf Heinonen said tfie judges' misunderstanding of a rule dii tating the motion of a thrower after the throw caused Kempt's throw of approximately 155 feet to be disqualified Julie Bei k turned in two sur prising performam es over the weekend ill the shot put and disi us competitions I he (Iregon freshman put the shot a I’K and N( AA proy isimi al mark 4’t 1 '* lor fifth-place at the Bin 10s and fourth ties! in school history. and during the discus. Bock again got a PR. throwing 163-8 for fifth-place and seventh best on the school's list I' ( I. A freshman Dawn Humble took first in the shot put with a Pac-10 record and meet rei ord 50-7'. i put Another surprise came from the 4x400 relay team of Camara (ones, Klein. Kim Hutson and Rosie Williams which got first in a 3 39 15 time, an NCAA provisional qualifying time Heinonen said (ones ran a sw ift 51 I opening leg on the relay in leading the Ducks to the win "We won the damn thing go ing away." lleinonen said Jones ran impressively by herself .is well in the 400-meter run < rinsing to the second last est time in school history and an NCAA provisional qualify ing time Jones' PR of 53.69 in the 400 gave her second behind defending conference champi on Mail el Malone of Arizona State, who broke the stadium record with her 53 03 time Williams, Oregon's school record holder in the 100 and 300. placed third in both events The Dili k senior ran the 100 in 11 HO and the 300 in 34 19 Malone also pounced on her 300 competitors by running a stadium record 33 03 in the race hollowing a second place in the heptathlon earlier in the week Kelly lilair took fourth in the high jump with a 5-8 ju mp Laurel Roberts tied lor fifth in the high pimp at 5-7. and her PR of 19 IOC in the long jump got her a sixth plai e conference tonsil and fifth on the si bool s all time list Kim Carlisle also scored for Oregon, grabbing a fifth-place in the triple |ump with her Cl 45 leap "We said in our team meet ing that our athletes had to compete hard for two days and they did pist that." lleinonen said ONCE ft 07 pfaMUpH -I COME MR Tr5T yjEP’Mftl 22-nd. frT £:W,’M f^«2*U ii g) \ ,. „o aNit^-’ u°° 1 *«< 'mi&m ^ f |£}*M'> 'H^0’ g»'S rwwrl