ENTERTAINMENT ‘Leningrad Cowboys’ take a different road ★ ★ ★ Film Leningrad Cowboys Go America is currently showing at the Bijou Art Cine mas PG 13 • rion't bo'fMK • • WJMI to r»nl I • • »VO*th Ift* tints • • • • * !•» Are v< hi tired of the same old buddy road movies that have polluted mir movie screens for umpteen vears'f ()t course you itre U'ningrari Cow/nhs Co \mrrii,i does what should lie done with such a cliche It lurtis it on its ear. This is pfiitiarilv due to tfie (iecideilh Tin Amen t anized viewpoint from whu h the stiirv is told The plot is as simple as they get The leader of a Finnish polk,i hand dec.ides that the on Iv w a v for I he ha ml Io ai hieve tame and fortune is to go to Anieric a a i ountrv the\ onlv know ol through TV So they're well-prepared They go to a cousin in New York City in hopes ot landing a gig Initially, he has plans that they w ill play at Madison Square Carden and Yankee Stadium Af ter hearing them, he tells them that he has a cousin in Mexico whose wedding they can play at The\ realize that the tii ket lu suc< ess lies m the ability In pi,is nx k'n'roll Imitating the great 11111“. off thev go !(i Mrsil o in search of fame f< >rinin- .uni per Imps some American beer along tin' was 'it's, tins is thi' hrnmila sou si* grown lip with hut with a gt x id deal tit charm ami wit the jokes arc (juIIihI off art'll t yourtspical guv. fit mi w hit h hulks as niiuli Ilk.- an enormous raven s heatl as anv thing else Then siloes It ink like le|ire( liiiun s iMiuties gum nuts llies 're a hunt l feet long At its heart, this is very Mint ii an absurdist i omeils After all it features a dead band memlier who is frozen at thi' Ix'ginrung tit the film and thawed out once they reai h Mevii o so hi' ran plas in the Ixmd again The camera often remains sta tionarv for long periods of time simply recording events as they happen This serves to bring the audience i loser to the acton and more involved It's interesting how these techniques usually I millrM jilmli \r.it hairdos and < otil shors .in■ fust ft*o rrasons to i;n srr thr nrw Unt'i^n him I ( nubuys (*<> \mi*rt< tin ftnplovi'd tu I'xprfss rualism plav against tin1 tant.istii anil impossi lilt- situations boing filmi'tl I hi* muvit' is i onsistrntly «n gaging and insightfully fnnnv in its I's.immatinn ot \mrricnn so i it-t\ As with many fort'tgn films si*t in this country it brings a siMisf of w idr i,vi*d inniKi’iii r and imchantmunt of tin' I’niti'd Stall's that is lost in many of our domi'stn films Although only (to minuti's lolly; ttlf movie does U>ypn In re peal itw;lf. .mil the ImiiiI mem (tors are virtually iiui'istmgui.sh able from eai li other making any spti ilu i .ha rut ter development impossible Hut this t hanr.iiiy; him deserves to lie seen it only to take money avvav from the sum laris plotted Hollywood flu ks ss hu h seem to lie i hurued out like sheets of $ JO hills By Lucas J Gutman l mer.tk] (ontutoutof MUSIC Continued from Page 7 Years of playing together have earned them .1 loyal fol lowing m the Northwest and beyond. Their fan base mini hers over 100.000 and the rest of the country has started to catch on. as their latest album spent time in the College Radio Top 20 Thu group records tor their own label. Red Rum "When we started out in college, no one knew or < a red about us So we borrowed some money and started our own company We've done quite well." trom bomst Tim Tubb said because their musu is so et let tit . anti bet ause the band refuses to compromise their art to tit into certain expectations, the (Ira/v Its have set to sign a ( nntr.ii I with .1 record companv Hut thev .»rt• luipt’fvil tlicit someday they will find tin' right people to w oi k with I'hey ve * * v * * n written .1 Ming ilhout it 1 .illril ( .in I K not k Mo Down. where the Ivins iidtnonish Dim l toll mn how to W I III' it' " The (ir.i/v H's live shows .ire s.iiil to In' legend,irs 1 omplete with .1 polished st.ige routine of g.igs <1 mi t he.itrii s Hull lie hand would rather have people ( onie to the show and see for themselves what their antes .in' all about It s going to he a great show espei lath when laigene hasn't heard what our two new members have to offer said Smith Opening tor the (aazv H s is Portland based rot k hand [ he t levidiinds MARIA Continued from Page 7 the F Ml. \ ()iu e we’v c made her .11 quaintanr e tell her impai I amt been given ,r sense o! her 1 on st.mth roving anil highh dan gerous daih life filmmakers Monona Wall and Pamela < o lion follow her on a visit to lli'i hometown Anatao vvlncli l»• ■ i unit's a journey into the past that allows us to see how a farmer's wife was transformed into a rebel We hope to raise i ampus awareness ot the situation 01 I I • t Nt HAL ADUiS'tiON ■ THuH "iAT l*> 00 'kA*IDMM' il >•<•» A«iD% AIWA<* W « t N141I Vl * j tA'. ■'? •■ » “ t ’ ■ ■ ’•■'•■• ._ \ y ? l!>. 9 ^f» • Sul Ma! 4 MERCILESSLY FUNNY. PURE PLEASURE^ r ROSENCRflffTZ C"' ) GULDENSTEftfl mom ■ 1 »»'tl I •<<’ tefir’ *»\* • 9C \%j N*»t IA ri MMi N*UTA 2458 S,;-vrf >00 '-J • V r 4 w t 'A ROAD COMEDY SO LAI9 BACK AND SO COOC .** ■AN EXUEERANTIY DEADPAN f ARCE ABOUT A C0RN6AU BAND Leiudgiad COWBOYS k BrgSS^ 1 r S*ghtty 1 1 00 Adm Th Sd »J bC. Su Aw »J I 13 'l J4!WW« »ACR A Nl« OlMINtMON IM TIMOd1 I FRIDAY THE 13th J PART 3 ,o iX=i N , 11 >■ liar • VJU NJlMI H. MCC OMcM by OUViH *TO** triea _ — doors Coiww SKI y>MM WIN A TRIP TO THE BAHAMAS! Stay for the MIDNIGHT Drawing and win a cruise to the Bahamas. ONLY on Saturday at SfiWit'S Ottw'T event* are *rn*. diamp.*jrk' tor :t* -vi**' ‘CDs i'wkxxi Kash and ortier tjrv.tf |tv* .iw.iv 2222 C entPiiniai Blvd.tnext to Autwn Sudtum) ■:•; Comedy N*jht* I ugene * 34.14734 Salvador through this dm u nmnlarv s.ud I*-nn\ Knot. .1 mrmbrr of the I'OI'KS SistiT I mvrrsiK I’rojifi t .1 I 'mvrrsits studi-nt organization who an sponsor tng tin* film I 'l l M r i'll N will 1)1' III' I i t I III' I mversiU ut l\l Salv.iildi anil ( ISI'I S 1 n'filiim 1 iitiii By Ming Rodrigues 1 nicMlij t. nll'ir I nil!.".! H.'portPf CINEMARK THEATRES MOVIES 12 L’SSOGAIIAAYST GATCvYAY MALI •41 \7}\f tWr-jur Uhwi fW*or« « OC pm U 00 *v« acpM Ajl' k VS 00 CM Jot V ’ 1 •;x! S*r>«x* VI00 ___ SONNY NO PAWS ON SUPt H SAVENS ACCEPT 10 ON ST AMNIO ATTRACTIONS WHAT AIK)UT BOB? N . TEENAGE MUTANT | NINJA TUHTLE* ( THE SILENCE OF THE LAMUS V sleeping wi rn iHE ENEMV mi l 11 OK DARK ONE (,001) COP r . •» » MM- i 1 A U* A A M»» Hr.PoHK DYING 1 O& !> » 1000 Cal V I*-*?_ TOY »OM)IKMI» .1 10 t 40 W wits J r ix)i m> fkatvhk A NOTHWQ BUT i THOUHl.l 12 0S4 HINI>rHuAHTF-H COP i» 20 7 06 [PGij] _y ( DEFENDING TOUR LIFE V_7 00 9 30_' OSCAR l1*0) 11 4!> 2 1 *> 4 4 V 7 1 * 9 35 ] STONE COLD [«] \2 40? 10 7^9 40 A RAGE IN HAKI EM («] 1?»300;>:JO/009'10 GREEN CARD l#J 300 MU IXM'IUK KKATt.'KK OUT FOR JUSTICE I V> 4% 8 V, w NEW JACK CITT 1 40 7 SO Check the ODE Classifieds The EMU Cultural Forum proudly presents a stand-up comedienne BERTICE BERRY Bertice Berry is: (a) A Kent State Ph D. graduate in sociology who happens to be funny (b) A comedienne who happens to be scholarly. (c) A former teacher with a humorous approach in the classroom. (d) A comic with a serious message on stage. (e) ALL OF THE ABOVE AND MORE Bertice has a Ph D m sociology from Kent State and is a former professor who happens to be funny and schol arly Her comedy routines reflect her academic background She keeps her audiences howling with jokes that convey positive images about living happily together and loving each other University of Oregon EMU Fir Room Monday, May 20th 7 p.m. Tickets are S3 student and $4 general and are available at the EMU MAIN DESK. (346-4363) gym-* ^ ^^