ENTERTAINMENT Student Spring Dance Concert to be held tonight Willamette Valley Folk Festival music and events scheduled s(>\i\sn n \ \< i [ R1DAY MAY ! 7 Dane e ( Iregnri .ind tin- I)«■ i«.»rtmi nt nl Dam e cut tliii annual Spring Student Dance C’onrorl tonight through Stirtd.n .it n p ne hi Ihmgherty Dance 1 lie .itn K unin i . ) 1 .t■; .111.• ■ ■ i \i|iiex I n ket‘, .ire S . I'eiu*! .it .letinissmiii and .S i at '.indents, senior < i!t/.ens and i tllllllell Calendar \\ if larnette \ a lies f oik Testival 1! 1 In ' . • T ■ day through Sunday outside tin* I All lor complete si In'iliili- i ontm t I Ml l iilliir.il I ornm or sit the spe t.iiiI supplement Irom OIV Tuesday May t-i Oregon |a/z hnsenible .mil Jazz I..1I1 Hand perform at p ni in lteall Concert Hall. ‘Mil I- 1 Hth Avr I ii kets ■ lie SI general .idmisMon .mil Si (or students and so mm 1 itizens (ireek Week Talent Shim it the Hull (.enter One I n Hone (lent re Doors open at !i p 111 1 11 kels .lie S 1 Hell oral admission and $-4 for students SA'It'KDAV MAY IB I 01 al youth slum nil their talent 111 It a\ Oil Ihu.niw .11 tonight and Sunday night at 7 It) p in in the Soreng Theater Tic kets are S t Cascade (ihorus perforins liarhershop musii at H p in in tile Silva (ami ert Hall I n kets are Slit and St. SI’NDAY MAY l Spring Student Dam e l out ert I'he e\ent t ontinues thrtrugh the wt'ekend (Iregon \oi ill |a// .mil the I () (.rriii (.artcr Hand join fort es for an H p in nim iTl in Beall Bom crl Hall tu kets aie Si general admission and S| (nt students and senior oiti/ens MSI M MM.s \\!) WOKkSIIOI’S SAIl'KDA'i MAN HI I ane I iterars (mild presents .1 one das workshop lead li\ 1 s\ 11 Oregon wrileis The i osl is SIS for tile entire das I oi more information (all Km Muller at H i IHfi.t Merit-The-Artist reteption vs 111 In held lot I’ortland printmaker \aron I rtedman hetsseen a in ti in p in .it tin1 |ai ohs (iallen on tin1 lower It'voI oil tho Hull (>liter St'NDAV MAY l«t Mount 1’isgah Arboretum Wildflower Shim is from 111 ,i m I |i in Tho event is free and open to the public Tho Arboretum is loi sited in Buford I'.irk oft Seavoy Loop Koiid “Polities in fruit," .111 art exhibition dealing with po litii.il anil soi ml themes will he on display Mav l'1 through (illy 14 at the I 'Diversity Museum ol Art 14 it lohnsou lane A tree opening ret option will he held Sunday Irom 4 p 111 at the Museum ol Art YOUR NEW FUN PLACE TO SHOP! .0' \v 'S' jr <^s ^ n_S KV V (/ j^VuOVvs a- CREEKS CLUB SPORTS CLUBS DORMS SCHOOLS ^VW\ ^ V’ V3 uO' v->*>v *N SX»V ns > - ///, O^ Y S ^/*>V cO-0.^ > x» °>W> & ^ '" *° C"VV , 0s ^>A° ^ 0S 10:00AM - 6:OOPM CLOSED SUNDAYS HOURS: CUu+*£ U/fAl ty CORNER OF 13TH & KINCAID • 343-7045 Introducing: The Bestseller You won't find at the Newsstand. Here's a hook that's ahvavs on ihc best seller's list With a l Lane (> check j^mg account. \ou won’t ha\e to read between the lines to Imd the moial ot the stoi \ | ■} 7 V< intercsi paid to you nil your low monthly balance i no minimum lu cam inlcif'll No set v n e fee if y ou * maintain a S Jt Hi bal .lik e You pay only S I it your balance drops below $200 turiimuicii s hcv ks i 3. < herdratt Protection A I rec American ! \pi css * I iasclci s hecks ’4 hi access to sour * account through the I \s hangc and ( unis networks 6 I RH: cheeks w ith di l ed defhlMt ot S OUI l ol O pas check So. the next time sou read the features o! sour eheek hook, remember a l I.ane-O cheeking account has a happs ending.