ENTERTAINMENT Film depicts woman’s fight S*H«0*W*T*l*M»E MOVIE: Wana s Story will be sc reened tonight at 180 PIC at 7 p rn and 8 JO p m A second showing will be ai the Willamette Street The a ter (across Ihe downtown McDonald Theater! tomorrow a! A p.m Tickets are available il tru dooi at S.i lor students and $ri general public An illuminating. time li ing story ot one woman and her family's coura geous fight lo survive in lil Salvador's civil wai is sin i.inctly raptured in an inti mate 5.1-minule documen tary. Told through her eyes and with her voice, Mann's Sion intruder es us to u remarkable and engaging .i'l year-old Salvadoran peasant a wife and mother of three who Iras become a dv namir guerrilla leader Short and stocky, but possessed of an inner radiance, a ready wit. a heal ing touch and a matter of fact common sense. Maria Serrano is a kind of ulti mate earth mother who compares the flowering of revolution with giving birth Her story is the story of the Salvado ran guerrilla movement, and to give it shape and meaning, the filmmakers confront us with our country's respou sibility in the ongoing ordeal of Maria and her people while taking us way beyond political rhetoric. Against a background ot mortar fire and helicopter surveillance, the film opens as Maria and her companeros prepare themselves for a major often sive against the armed forces of El Sal vador. Their organization, the FMI.N. Farabundo Marti National Liberation Front, has been engaged in civil war with the military-controlled govern ment for 11 years Maria insists that the Salvadoran r ivil war is not a struggle between the hast and West. Rather, it’s about "not having enough to eat. not having a roof over your head and not having justice "The movie reveals that the United States has given the Salvadoran government $4/> billion to Ivv to < rush Turn to MARIA Page 9 I hr ( ltU\ It s tt til ftrrtorni tom.Kht at It OH Hall at •I til /I /XI Crazy 8’s offer ‘danceable’ music S»H*0»W»T*l*M*E CONCERT 8*. p>-' a! W< .V Hall 8th 1 l in In t.might at 9 TO p it U. ■ t% at 9 t‘ !t ' a'i* avai it a- a ’hi* f MU Mam Peak ' % it ini' it i Imagine I'aith No More lames Hruwn INNS (iemge I Imton. Fishbone anil I alt mg I leads, and you lia\ e an idea eil ull.ll the (aa/s H's sound like 'Their sl\ le is a mix of all xt\ lev ' said la it \ ail hep pri. WOW II.ill public ist It's diverse upbe.it. dam e.ible music U it(1 two iiei% bund members. |.i\ ( ul litis mi saxophone .mil Rim KeH.m on kevbu.irds the Ms return ii itb their own br.mil ut reggae tunk sk.i soul. Ii.inl .in.' .mil leftist pulitii s influenced mu sic l liei phis .illiliisl exclusively origi mil piei es W hen they do cither artists' work, they do their own arrangements (tin songs deal with social issues We hope that people lead a lot and use their minds instead of taking then tree jvn I .1 r h • i/ktkiv s • • PRICK • I mu { p Ju ’ > s < « ‘ [ .i'’■ -r • ! wf \ iluv f't -x i-N s (iff Su^^cslcvJ Retail BICYCLJ SERVICI CENTER 345-6952 30 East 13th HOURS 7 30-6 01) M K 4 5 Sjturda\ Closed SumJa)' ^ US Discover Birkenstock Step into Birkenstock footwear, and find a remarkable blend of comfort and style Contoured footbeds provide cushioning and support, while your feet remain free to move naturally You II find colors that range from basic to brilliant Blrkenstock 2 O CL o o "Where Your Table Is Our Kit( hen" STUDENT SPECIAL Tv\o Complete Dinners For Only... ( hou col: Shrimp \ C hn ken or M sicflk \ ( ln< ken Rl (i. Sir) • No Substitutions • f \pires "> 1 CM "Early Bird" Menu Now Available Dinners fue-Sun (rorn 5:(X) 343-8483 2t>4 j Willamette Parkin}; U a/7ab/e In Nc.ir ft o ■o O I h i Birkt*nslo