UNIVERSITY 1‘bnlo In \ndrr Hjmrri (>i*oriir Sheridan (Irttl .tin! herald 11\ both member-% ot thr I ni\ersit\ \ iask lone on (Joint I (onterns and In ter national Studies debate thr merits lhunda\ of an IntvniaUona! t olleiie. annum other issues COMPACT VISC WORLV'S 2nd ANNimSARy SALE EVERY Vise IS ON SAIE\ Conx* help us celebrate our 2nha.m / *111 ■; i ii mk-; a \ u \kj $0^88 (Xvr 20,(MX) (lists & all <>n s«ik‘! TUCK ft PATTI ■PME- * rmSD < VMSDHAAt Hill Only Li/ Story Solid Colors WINDHVM Mill This is a great time to enlarge vour t olkx lion (erxls 5-26-91) \ WlSOH^M Hilt $23»« A Hurry in salt' 5-26-91 68W>902 open 7 (Lns a vvivk 21(K) W. 11th At ross trim) Warm vi rt Task force proposes international college By Tammy Batey f me' \ Sludrnt ( ampdiRn for Diurniamrnl «md I rshian (.d\ ^ Hiwxual \lliamr Recycle This Paper u/vrm.u mu