Pnoto b> \ndrr Kjnivti /nad Abdesallam //<■/)/ and houad Plgharabli. I nnersiti students from the Middle hast, listen to I aila lammal address Palestinian issues ihursdai lammal a Palestinian journalist. Mill speak at the i losing etent of Palestine It eek tonight at 7. Statehood still Palestinians’ quest By Daralyn Trappe Emerald Reporter At the heart of Palestine Week is an effort to provide in sight to those who may hold the key to Palestinian statehood Americans. The week's events conclude tonight with a panel discussion on the plight of the Palestini ans. The panel will include several Middle Hasten) students .ind La lie (animal, a native Pal estinian who now works as a journalist and author in New York The discussion begins at 7 p in in the KMU Clumwood Room (animal recently returned from a visit to the Israeli occu pied West Hank Si bools and universities are rinsed, strut curfews are being enforced and people are often arrested for "looking suspicious " she said The curfews pose a serious problem to the Palestinians, said Kouad Hlgharahli. a Uni versity student from Palestine People are unable to adequately tend their fields and have trou hie entering Israel, where mam Palestinians work "Because of the curfews, when you miss work, you find out that your job has been taken bv Russian lews." he said The immigration of Soviet lews to lsrat-1 has further com plicated the Palestinian issue, (animal said The United States "is asking for a freeze on new Israeli set tlements, but they bring more lews from Russia." (animal said "Where are they going to settle them? They go to the West Bank and deport more Palestinians "It's mass deportations." she said. "There's a continuous crime going on right now in the West Bank, but the United States and the rest of the world th« Sfeutlerbud Next to Taylor's • 342 FILM O , is shying away from it bei aust' they arc busy with the Gulf." "The U S is protesting the new settlements on the otic u pied land, hut they wouldn't In built without funds, the Amen can dollars in taxes that go to Israel," Klgharahli said familial and Klgharahli said the U S government is seen as somewhat hypocritical by Pal estinians "They never impose ombar goes on Israel or punishment like they did with Iraq." )a mmal said "Hundreds of rt-so lutions were taken (by the Unit ed Nations), some of them unanimouslv. including the United States, to stop the ex pansion into the settlements to reopen si hools. and none of that has taken form. "I think that's one of the rea sons v\hv the Palestinians are upset about the coalition against Iraq, not bei nuse they agree with what Saddam Hus sein did. but because they see the injustice Klgharahli said "On one side they are willing to go to war in the gulf, but at the same time, when Israel o< tuples the West Bank they did nothing Actually, (the U S | was supporting Israel and they see the unfair treatment Statehood lor Palestine is the goal, they said, hut Klgharahli said he is pessimistic about tiie i ham es unless Amerii an puli i v i hanges "1 feel that the Palestinian is sue is kind of skirted some how." he said "There's a lot of attention toward the conflict between Israel and Aral) i.uun tries This doesn’t present the real problem I think the Pales tininn issue is the main issue, and it hasn't been given enough attention lammal said informing the Amerii all people about the re idities of Palestine is < rui nil "I hifortunatelv the media in the l anted States is vur\ hi ased tor the past ttl years in the Palestinian issue, pist to keep the Amerii an people in the dark she said Anytime the i ham e is given to the Palestini ans to speak up you see the media covering up the issues There will he no peace in the Middle Past until the Palestini an issue is solved, jammal said "We hope ill the near future we will i laim there an indivu! ual state next to Israel We have to start somewhere That will be an international peai e con fereni e in the United Nations with equal representation from the (Palestine Liberation (trgaii i/.ation) ROCK SOFT Student Summer | Storage Special i See A Alt* Stoitup Getd** 1062 Hwy 99 North (next to Gilbert center) 10 min. from campus CHILDREN'S SATURDAY Jo hau&rt' EXPLORE NATURE WITH US SAT., MAY 18 12:00- 1:00 P.M. AGES 3-8 UO BOOKSTORE, GEN BOOK DEPT 13th & Kincaid 346 4331 M F 7:30 6 Sal 10:00 6 r STUDY AND RESEARCH AWARDS FOR 1992-1993 FULBRIGHT GRANTS RHODES SCHOLARSHIPS MARSHALL SCHOLARSHIPS ROTARY FELLOWSHIPS DAAI) Study Grant Attend a meeting to find out about • Application Procedures • Deadlines • Criteria for Selection • Interview Procedures 3:00 P.M. • FRIDAY, May 17 • Gumwood Room, EMU tor further information: H'LBRKiHT and ROTARY Office of International Senkes 330 Oregon Hall. 346-3206 MARSHAI.I-, RHODES, and DAAI) (Mfice of the Dean 114 Friendh Hall. 346-3‘>02