COMPACT DISC WORLD'S 2nd ANNIVERSARY SALE Xi-,r, EVERY DISC IS ON SALE in stock — all at anniversary sale prices. 7tt '*•« *» •* This is a great way to really Ixiild >ourself a CD library. Everything's on sale! V¥0 '•"iwjiK a* II II <■1 DRIVINNCRYIN GANG Of FOUR MALL M«'MHI' MIMIII) twn cm A Mf #OMM W.WHW ID •» »W <,M >»* l U-M » l*>* r >•« (AM*! AIN I MOtl VAtfllltf AMI IAMIM pooixmi ✓ XYMOX • ••• PHOINIX •wi.^on o* *** mi*** Mill lilt *' ***« |v{. o* M* A**t’ MlUVIMnOMliMlt k>mx>n Blues, reggae, rap, folk, jazz, new age, easy, classical, opera & more1 Something for everyone. ALL ON SALE! — . . It' **•’ . . . ,„t >iMI WIVGMfW URY ’kWKtl EVERYTHING IS ON SALE! All storage units and (arrying t ases all at A anniversary sale i pri( es I tnim. rnir* * Ztr1* i 1 2100 W. 11th ' At ross from Waremart ttxk Wb-41 683-6902 open 7 (lavs a RESUMES (.ive soui resume a professional look. I>\ has mg it t\ pesel at l elter Perle< I l.r.iplm s Suite itM1 I Ml I4f> 4 IH I 9-S Mon-f n Honey, I’m home! . \ swarm of hers gathered on a light post In-tween Huestis and Willamette halls Thursday An area hee ls ee per arrived at 2 p m to give the hees a new home Photo by Sean Poston Professor says Soviets get credit for new order By Hope Nealson Emerald Reporter The Soviet t'nion is solely re sponsible fur bringing about the so-called "new world or der' that so many people have I wen talking about, t'niversity I’rolessor Kon Wixman told .1 small 1 rtivvd Thursda\ The League ol Women Voters of Line (anility sponsored the presentation bv the geographer and expert on Middle K.istern nationalities who spoke at the Angus Inn in Kugene Wixman said the new world order evolved from an 'old world order" after World War II. when the US and Soviet Union emerged as the two su TRACK TOWN PIZZA Offers The ULTIMATE LUNCH SPECIAL ALL YOU CAN EAT SALAD BAR AND UNLIMITED TRACK TOWN PIZZA That’s Right' All YOU Can Possibly EAT Of The Best Pizza This Side Of Anywhere. M-F 11 am. -1 p.m. TRACK TOWN PIZZA 1809 Franklin • 484-2799 perpovvers competing Inr infill cnee However the ('.old War and (in' old world order ended with tire rise of Mikhail Corbachev who bee ami' Soviet leader in l'tHV Wixman said "The new world order was brought orr bv the Soviets ' Wixman said "No American deserves the credit Wixman said the Soviets in stigated this new world order w hen it Iret ante apparent to the (aimmunist Party that its sys tem did not work "It came from the highest levels of tin- Communist Par tv. Wixman said "There was a revolution within the party Wixman said the (arid War resulted in a loss of status tor the two superpowers Also, while the U S and Soviet Union poured money into countries such as Iran. Iraq and Israel. Western Europe and la pan both rose economically “The U S cannot dictate to Western Europe as we used to," Wixman said. Wixman said Gorbachev came along and threw the U S government into a panic. But his actions were soon com mended by George Bush, who labeled the events as part of a new world order Wixman said Gorbachev gi\ en communal ownership of fac - tories to workers as he prom ised as a part of the new order Some positive results of the new world order include the Soviet Union supporting Ger many's reunification, steering c lear of the Middle Eastern tur moil. and allowing more East ern Europe independence, he said