Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 17, 1991, Page 3, Image 3

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Constitution Court won’t dismiss IFC
By Catherine Hawley
f meiald Associate I dftor
The A SI () (amstitut ion ( ourt dei lined it mh
oml lime to rule whether members of the lot ulen
t,il l ee Committee .ire shirking their duties h\
suspending budget hearings indefinitely
Chastising the A SCO K \ et utive for engaging in
"petty polite al intrigue " the t ourt ruled l'hnrs
(lav that it would not ret onsider an earlier de< i
sum on II I' members' fulfillment ol duties
The li t t annul attempt to remove one ol its
members hv subterfuge when its own procedures
have tailed." the court said in its dec ision. deliv
ered bv Justice Steven tlriggs "It I he I Id and the
ASt'() Kxecutive cannot remove Mr (Mike) t ail
son b\ permissible means thev must drop the
matter and t.arrv on their duties in a responsible
Thursday s ruling was made at the request of
the ASt'() K\e( utive and the Student Senate w ho
asked the i ourt to readdress a Mas 10 opinion m
which it said III! members had until Monday to
resume their budget duties
On Monday, the executive assumed responsi
bilitv for allocating-, incidental fees to student
groups whose 1 no t OJ budgets have been on hold
siii( e the II I suspended hearings on April to
\M ( ) President Kirk Mai lev said Ihursduv ilia!
the i our! s ruling was disappointing
It sends a mess.n;e that these people i an just
throw, up their hands when there's a prole
lem Bailev said
I he lit! has heeu deadlocked oil and oil >l!li e
Mailev rei ommended that meinher Mike ('olson
he voted ott the i omnnttee after an investigation
led hv Haile\ and Affirmative Ai tion ( nordinator
Hobby l ee implicated Unison for tampering with
li t a Oliipilter hies
l.ee sail! he disagreed with the court s fo< us on
the polite al motives helmel the \S1 ( ) s reipiest
"The (ainstitution (iourt is supposed to Intel
pret law not personalities or i harm lets or the po
lit ii al i u It lire 1 .ee said
( olson. however, applauded the ruling I lie
court has shown that at least one branch of stu
dent government retains it senses " he said
I nless sponsors of a rei all elfort against t olson
gather 1 780 student signatures bv lune l ( olson
will most likely serve the sei ond vear ot his two
year II I term
Also Thursday the inurt released an advisurv
opinion requested by t olson that upheld the
\SI ( ) president's right to i undue I investigations
and make rei oniiuendatioiis based, on his ot le i
opinions of the findings
Continued from Page 1
feel threatened on < ampus than
those tilers ever did.' she said
The < ontrov ersv began in
nnd lebruary when the sullied
ol the tliers i ante up in a worn
ell's studies i lass A student in
the i lass Alexandra I note said
she knew the identity ot the
people responsible lor the tlieis
and their motives for posting
At the time. I was taking a
women's studies i lass and
these tliers i nine up ill ( lass
and women were getting really
angrv about it > ailing them mi
sogynisl. I-(Hite said
I said 'Listen, I know who
did t he fliei s.' I note saiil
I'hey re progressive lesbian
women's studies people and
thev didn't mean any misogyny
hv it It was meant as a joke as
a socio politii al joke I'hat 's
all I said
OPS was alerted that I note
knew the identity ot the person
ol people who distributed the
W ithin a week OILS officers
went to a session ot I note's
(lass and asked students who
had been sexually assaulted ol
harassed to till out complaint
forms Several women did so
The ( lass instriK tor \adla
I'elsey said she invited the of
filers to the (lass beianise of
dlsi ussions the ( lass had been
"I invited them because we
had been sharing information
in ( lass .mil I wanted to share
it w ith (the oftii els) ' she said
I'elsey would not say what the
dlsi ussions were about
According to a polii e report
OPS officer loan Saylor hap
peneii In in it h f .1 similarity be
tween the handwriting on the
tilers ,mil the handwiiting of
Liibbesnieyer who filled out a
form in the women 's studies
i lass
Savior sent copies of the til
ers and Lubbesnievers coin
plaint to a handwriting analyst
who determined the handwrit
mg ( ouId he the same
I.uhhesineyer was brought
into Ill’s ami questioned bv ot
titer Saylor l.uhbesmeyer said
she was not responsible and
suggested Sailor cont.u I Foote
\lthougb Foote confirmed
I. II b h e s ill e y e r s denial
l.ubhesmever said she was
pressured to disi lose the names
ol the people responsible a!
though she told Savior she did
not know who drew the fliers
"loan said I needed to have .1
reply in bv t OO ’ she said
loan si ured me She said I
needed to give her a name or
my name would he on the
Saylor is out of town and 1111
.11 ailahle lor 1 oiiunent
Foote refused to identify the
woman but she gave offii ers
,111 anonymous lettei Irom the
person responsible It simply
said I .im (lie artist responsi
l.tlbbesmevor was told Ol’S
believed the suspci I was ill the
art department
l.ubhesmever was asked if
she knew ot anyone in the art
department who may have been
responsible She ideiltilied
Kirsten I ten jum .in art major
as ail acquaintance
"Lisa was under a lot of pres
sure Ht-tijum said "She was
asked it she knew a Kirsten III
the art department, and we
know eai h other
Shortlv thereafter Foote in
advertently revealed the lirsl
name ut thr person responsible
,1-- Kristen
l ilt' poll! r report si,lies lh.it
,m <innnvillous t <iller identified
H en j u in <i n d h e r purl n e r
11,unmersl.nl .is the responsible
parties however Foote and
l.ubhesmever said neither in.ule
tile i .ill
lleninm and I laiutnerstud
were then informed that the\
were being i barged wilfi .1 Stu
dent I ondui l I ode violation
Ur i mi Idn I I mil out
who was ,u i using us or li.it it
was all about I luiiuiierst.nl
said VVe had a real strong
feeling that it had something to
do with us being lesbians lie
i ause we i uuldn I think of anv
ut liei i ea soil w h v an vbod \
would accuse us of doing
something so ruin ulous
Student conduc I coordinator
I faille < Ireene sanf I leiipun and
1 laininerstad s assessment of
the proi eedmgs is not ai curate
We evaluated the report
and I lielieve the investigation
was not handled anv ditlerentlv
than it it had I.. a <tiaight
white male ' she said
I note was again questioned
and asked il f laininerstad and
llenjuill were responsible She
said thev were not
At tliat point I was reallv
fed up Foote said I hlee
women had to be held ai i omit
able tor something that thev
hadn't done and I was readv
for | ill to stop
I knew I lie w omall vv ho <I id
it wasn't willing to come lor
ward so I went ahead and told
Flame (ireene of w ho did it
I note said "f’ersonallv I reallv
didn't like seeing other peopli
dragged into this mess
on campus
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