*7 ouch uuth GREEKS Continued turn Pa.ee IB HISTORY [lie l 'niVCTNtX established the ttrsi fratemirv, Sigma Nu, on campus in E01. Ilu- hrst m> rontv here w;is ( lummu Phi I Via which received its Tarter in EOS Flu- [rcnnilantN -t Greek life grew rapidly till the E*txY when there were J. (rater nines anJ It' sororities on earn pus. In the late E*xY memlxTshi| dropped Jramatu all's. Fourteet houses i loseil within sl\ years; Bv late Eht\six [XTient ot ( ni \ ersitx students were in the Greek system. The xvstem has regained its hold here, though, .11 ui : in tin ■ « ' ru.i new traiermtk-' .iiul h.t> tv wlitK . bartered two new; won ik'n in tlx- past war (JR! 1 KWH K ( irivk W eek. held • k h s)>nin:, is a i Ii.iih r tor fraternity and M'rontV memlx-rs to partiet pate in i wide \.irten 't event’ i >1) and ■ >!! . ahipuy Hlls year's l ireek Week, held the week ot May 14 I *, teatitod an airhand li|s-\n. . • 'in; i-ta:. ••.. sereiia.!r ilipht, ;'arti. t;'all. at in t lUVtTSltV i \IV; a \ It K'f. s(l< >\V, tile anmia! . ai i. « file when i >n^nal floats- are . rented and displayed on tile Mills « e and a t ireek an.n.k banquet Aim.i Reinlxi! . Editor: .Anna RemKcki Ad Sales: \larv Sanderson, la -a Ru htnan Jennifer Kosta Production Manager: MuheleR.' Advertising Coordinator: Saudi Haller Production: Anna Remlxx ki Resumes! Professional quality Resumes & Letters Wide assortment of Resume Papers including recycled Two Eugene Locations campus downtown 860 E. 13th 1265 Willamette 344*7894 344-3555 OPEN 7 DAYS! LETTER PERFECT Graphics • TYPESETTING • PASTEUP • LAYOUT • OtSIGN • CONSULTATION • LAYOUT • • TYPESETTING • PASTE UP • LAYOUT • DESIGN • CONSULTATION • LAYOUT • • TYPESETTING • PASTE UP • LAYOUT ' DESIGN • CONSULTATION • LAYOUT • • TYPESETTING • PASTE UP • LAYOUT • DESIGN • CONSULTATION • LAYOUT • • TYPESETTING • PASTE UP • LAYOUT • DESIGN • CONSULTATION • LAYOU’ • • TYPESETTING • PASTE UP • LAYOUT • DESIGN • CONSULTATION • LAYOUT • • TYPESETTING • PASTE UP • LAYOUT • DESIGN • CONSULTATION • LAYOUT • t llr Ptioln Annuity mrmlH-r\ {triform in tmnl of h,itrrmt\ mm m fhr srit'inulr rxrnt ifurnn: (>irrk Work Summer A™'s Conventions? We ll get you there. 8 f“ per person on travel plans for sorority/fraternity business May - September, 1991 ALL WAYS TRAVEL Conveniently Located Inside the EMC 346-1491 End of term special! 10 tans for $ 19.00 SunShower Tanning Center 874 E. 13th Ave. • Upstairs by Kinko’s 485-2323 All Ians must be used before June 15, 1991 immortalize Your Favorite Face! For Just I AKKY See you in “Dallas"! APPEARING MA Y 31 Bring your photo to Room 300 EMU. Well be happy to design a great ad for you! QUESTIONS? Call 346-4343 DEADLINE: MAY 29. 1 PM