Valley River Storage (10’s handiest storage location NO deposit SAM’S TO GO Sandwiches 26 Delicious submarine sandwiches Fresh baked bread 6 foot party sandwich beer — wine "WHERE A SANDWICH IS A COMPLETE MEAI." 804 E. 12th (12th & Aider! 343 1 141 1 2 PRICE Buv any Subsandwich at Regular Price and (n't Sec cind One (or 1 bill Price1 25 to choose from (>.xnl ai «'xp M,n U 1‘**>1 |x,ih i,... ,ii| $1.99 Sam's Cheeseburger with Ail tlu’ I ixin x1 Includes fries and small drink CmmhJ onK ,ii VC ! 1th kx s' .! exp May <1 ^ uutlv ^’UitesuutleA' asuS* SoA&uti&l’ The meaning of GREEK Fraternities and sororities provide history and fellowship during sears at University ©A 6E0 iSii Uiifj ©*S ^ (S3 k2$& \g£& titty IftSA £i© eta \bn>rif\ members si.irteJ .»/' peering on uiin/’U' /.i'f \ I he ehapter reeeiyeJ its eharter l.nt '/’rim;. Events such as fug ot war games, aho\e left, and serenades, ab<*\e right, invur during if reek Week eaih sear in A 1a\. Go Greek! with Campus Connection Russell High Cotton Sweatshirts s16 o*EG°* Stretch Arch s10 CAMPUS '( ()\\l ( I |( )\ 344-3439 720 E. 13th (next to Dairy Queen) Tmrmr Who are we: Sporting an easy to-use interface, the Apple Macintosh line has become the favorite of many students Whether you are writing a paper or design mg a building, the Macintosh line can help you complete your project in style. The IBM PS/2 line is easier lo use ihan ever IBM has packaged Wmdows ?• and other software w ith its com putens, so all you have to do is plug it in and go! The IBM PS/2 line is the hcsl of the IXJS computers at great educational discount prices Microsoft is one of the leading software companies in the world, and for good reasons Macintosh products like Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel arc hard to beat, and Microsoft's new Windows 3, Word and Excel 3.0 for Windows are revolutionizing the DOS software industry CLARIS Clans offers easy-to-use software like MacWrile 11 and MacPaint 2.0, earning itself a solid reputation. And with software like FileMaker Pro, Clans C AD and Mac Draw Pro, Claris has made a niche for itself. Say Ashton Tate anti people will think of the dBase series of database software. They continue to offer strong software packages like dBase III+ and dBase IV. as well as innovative Macintosh sofiw are like FullWrite Professional and Fulllmpact Ashton •Tate' and that’s not all! We also tarry popular software packages like Aldus PageMaker and Lotus 1-2-3. Since we arc always working to offer more softw are at low educa tional discount prices, stop by or call to find out w hat else we have. (Jetting through college is no easy task, and a good computer can help you do that job. That’s why we’re here. We carry computers and software at educa tional discount prices so they match everyone’s pocketbook. But what good is a computer if you can't use it? That \s w hy “support” is part of our name. Our staff is here to support the computers anil software we carry. If you arc stumped by Windows or stymied by Microsoft Word, we can help. Want a computer but don’t know where to start'.' We’ll help you make achoicethat will fit your needs. Have a question? Come on in to 202 Computing Center (across from Rennie s Landing), or give us a call at 346-4402. We're open Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. We display what we sell so you can try before you buy.