EDITORIAL Tree you later I am annoyed l»\ the decision tn remove the tress behind Knight l.ibran, .mil though I believe therr w.1 s and rnavlie is .1 need to show tin' adminis tration how dis,i|i|)ointrd some 11I us arc with that action. I agree that vandalism is not an a< 1 c|i!able form of protest However would someone like to tell [lie alxilll the lo( a tion ill the slogans’ \re the\ still on the sidewalk nest to where the trees were7 I hat sidewalk also in tile ( nurse and name of library expansion was removed shorth after the trees surrounding it I would liardK sav the protesters "de fai l'd our i ainpus w hen dial sidewalk is no longer part of our 1 ampus any more than those tress are As far as the 1 osts of a leaning the ( on striii tion crew seems to have done a thorough job Katin Austen Dam e Oxymoron Kngarding lirsan Westby 's letter i()DI MiU t>! "Ilomosexual is In define lion .in oxs moron I luiun same Sexual sexual Same sexual llns is about as oxvmurunu as similar pleasant or different sensual I or tin? un enlightened Ism li as Westby) an iixvmorun is a type of word thiil i onlrudii Is itself sue li as jumbo shrimp work pails 01 military 1111• • 111 • m e Heterosexual is redun dant I’lease noli" that here as svell as in the previous sen timi e the fust word is a blati kel noun rather than a slate oi Iremg fins would equate to saving "hall is healths I Ins is almost too good of a straight line to pass up "(lass lesbians. and bisexuals are all anti sexual I-linns. I .ilssass t onsidered myself quite tile sexual person Iverynne has thr freedom In In- .sexual or asexual” Sci cm i s,n s vuu re wrong 1 sup pose tins means women fan give up (.hiliiix'dring ami iwgm budding any time they want In ()i did you mean anti-sexual again' Paragraphs four ami five ul Weslbys lellei will not l>e dealt with here .is they are imom preiiensilde i’erliaps Westby should ton sider i hanging ins major from English to someth mg else Ibis author would endeavor to explain whs all individuals, no matter what their sexual ori entatinn might lie are equal but has done so before and is limited to 250 words Den Kims Student Juddheads ()n May ) th«- fluids |)**r formed at the I'ntversilv r know 11 for supporting 1 veil if these problems ,rre not .is bad ns they seem, v\ e need to ban the Indds from per forming in Kugene until their fans t .in i time up with n plan to remedy tills situation Hv then, however, it may he loo late for tfie Judds to perform hurt* tor another year anyway I think that would be quite i.nmenient All the good citizens of In gene need to an omplish tins ban is 1 1 more letters I'hat s 1’mversilv polity Sound famil tar' |oshua | ( ti\ Mush Et tu Brute llie greek system has always been the vanguard uf tradition and patriotic American values • it tins I nil ersity Ihe verv fat t that we have provided a bul wark against the tidal wave of unrest and subversion has made us .1 target ot ( tint erted onslaught bv the unwashed blame -A merit a first iobh\ th.it permeates this t ampus Ihe struggle that we find ourselves in is one that we 1 an win However when members ol the Interfraternity Council partk ipate in events sui h as the anti war Amerii .111 protests of last term and openly soi 1.1I i/e with our avowed enemies, then one 1 an only he suspi i ions as to their i ommitment to our < ause The count il's endorsement of Hills Watson ill the last ASI'O eli‘( lion, despite thru anti glrek statements and positions onh confirmed those suspi cions tli.it the leadership ol the Interfralernitv (’.oun< d sup posed U lighting for our inter ests are in actuality convenient bedfellows with the left wing extremists who seek our dr mise. Make no mistake, the odor of oil is thii k in the air and the nose-ring-wearing. t ye-died barbarians are .it the gate It we are to survive as a system then the greeks will have to wake up and hold their representatives in the Interfralernitv Council accountable lor this latest be travel Steven |. YVeidemun International Studies Fraternity member FORUM Professor Hatzantonis made student’s trip ‘magical’ By Dana R Watrud I..ist Thursdav a frii*ii(i < .till'd Iruiti Kugene to It’ll mr thiil Professor Litimanuel I lat/antoius IhhIs had bi't'ii found in llic Mi hen/ii' River A week later I still cannot accept the idea that he is gone Kvei su ulteii during the i nurse ut a das that thought w ill o< i ut to me and it just does not seem possible Commentary I he (list time I met I’rotessor Hat/antoms was in nn second veal Italian i lass in 1‘IHl It's hard to believe that it has been 111 soars He svas such an energetii and exalting leather that I learned a lot trom him More than that he convinced me that I wanted to studs Ital tan I ditin t set* I’rotessor Ilut/untonis for another four sears since I took a lease of absence trom 111s studies to ssork ami travel When I sass him again it svas at a meeting tor tile study in Perugia program He ssas as energetic as ever anti encouraged me to go to Perugia tor the sake of ms language skills, since I ssas a Ko main e Languages major When I arrived in Perugia in |une of 1‘fHa. I found that thanks to the efforts of Professor Iiat/.antonis I al reatis bad an apartment and that I had been registered for si bool Hie next tias at noon when ms si hoof mates anti I scent to lunch, there svas a line ot about ">0 students trom various Luropean countries waiting to register tor t lasses Italian bureau* rai s being svhai it is most of them missed lorn h that das in ordei to reg ister Later I made friends ssith some ot the students tiles told me that sometimes it took them as long as a sseek to title! decent housing and that .n til* meantime they had staved in hotels or south hostels That summer in Perugia was magical I'Aervthmg was so different from what 1 knew in the I'nited States the people, the su< nil life the < lasses, the art the an Intel lure It svas like a dream to wake up evert morning and he surrounded h\ people who would speak only Italian to me That surnmei Professor Hat/.antonis took us to mu strums i athedrals and the opera We visited the Yati ian, Kavelina, Koine and Florenc e We c elehrated the end ol the term at a very elegant restaurant in Perugia where wo were joined hv our professors from the t Hi versitv for f oreigners Not all of ms exponent es in Perugia ssere pleasant ones There was the matter of our landlady entering our apartment without kllor king We asked her to knot k. hut she continued to open the door svith her kes After the third time Professor Hat/.antonis came and explained to her in a vers firm and muompromis mg tone that not only would she have to knot k hut she ssould have to t all and give ns notu e before com mg over Not only did she knot k alter that she seldom ( nine over Then the money that I had been waiting for from the States ssas delnsed for more than tsvo sveeks and Pro lessor Ilat/antonis lent me the entire sum until my check arrived During our overnight trip to Venice one of the students suffered .1 mysterious attac k at 2 a m , and Professor Hat/.antonis accompanied him to the hospital, made sure that he was signed in and he mg looked after, and returned to the hotel on foot at 7 1 m 1 bout the time the rest of us got up to base breakfast These are just .1 few of the episodes that Professor llat/.anto. is dealt with that summer. I marvelled that a man of Ml years had more energy and patience than any of us and I felt fortunate to have someone 11ki ll im introdui e me to Italy i am mm a graduate student in the Romance I-an guages department at the University of Washington, and therefore am not aware of the full nature ot the problems that arose with regard to the Perugia pro gram What I am aware of is that Professor Hatzantonis managed a delic ate balam mg act in his < apai ity as d: rector of that program He was available to respond to ( rises and vet did not hover over students who should have been adult enough to figure some things out tor themselves 1 rei entlv ran into a woman with whom I had attend ed the Perugia program It was so hard to tell her about Professor Hatzantonis' death and the investigation that preceded it We agreed that although vv e did not hear any complaints from our fellow students in lOHTc some of them were probably too young to have gone, and might have had a greater apprei lation of their e\ perieiu e had they wailed a y ear or two I don t know why Professor Hatzantonis took his own life It's very painful for me to think about it siiue lie was my mentor and my friend lie was also one of die most compassionate, intelligent and honoi able men I've ever known 1 w ish I'd had the chance to tell him how important he was to me. how bee ause of his encouragement and support I'm pursuing mv Ph i) There are a lot ot us who have benefited from Professor Hatzantonis' generosity as a man. and his knowledge and talent as a teacher 1 know that I speak tor many when I say that he will be missed llin.i R Watrud is a former University student now attending the University of Washington's graduate school,