9Ms ^ausclts Social policy part of national trend Tin- I mversitv greek system is .in example of ,1 national trend. With i mu mvml polite cn atted this term and passed through the stu dent condue t office two weeks ago, c ampus i hapters are ahead of most other greek or ganizations. Both fraternities and sororities hate ere ated a social polite on issues sue h as alco hol use, parties, hazing and rules tor rush. "It's different from hist year Because tin men had a set of guidelines and the women only had a loose set of guidelines," Mark Latimer, greek advisor, says "Now Both are accountable to exactly the same rules and Both men and women decide the out come of a c ase \v hen there's an irifrai non." I a timer says he has heard on only t. -ar or five other campuses with the same type of pollc v. I he policy adds consistency .nross am puses and puts everybody oh the same ley el, I at liner says. "I nless the women are in volved Un the policy), it yvould Be harder to enforce. ” I lie tyvo mam reasons these policies are Becoming necessary, Latimer says, n Be cause the greek systems arc Beei>mmg aw arc tli.it they have to take responsibility tor their .i' tivtties ,mJ of liability " I here .ire so mam lawsuits now tries yan't survive without having it,” I atimer says. f he social guidelines tor alcohol explain that ah ohol van hr' served or brought to fraternity or sorority parties, hut the i hap ter tuilds i annul hr- used to pun base it [he house giving a parts must also have a truest lot and food must he serves! ‘There arc so mans law suits now they can't sur vive without hilling it.' Mark Latimer, C heck Advisor Security guards are to he posted at the d> >or of the party to , (us k the guest list and there should he tsso sober party . members to help out with problems. Almost all of the rules apply equally to the men and women, hut the women hast additional rules for rush, and they have a requirement to hast- at least one person to speak per term on xenial issues sui h as date rape ansi eating disorders Anna Rernhei ki > r t t h P i h CON VE. Nit; NT . f AS ! & AFI OR DA 13 Lt \\ ith our pro/essumal de typesetting and uim era services uc ll gn e yam Resumes Rosters Ads Booklets Business C ards Brochures etc... a [nojeyaunal look at a {true that agrees with ti student budget GET ALL YOUR SHASTA PICTURES DEVELOPED IN JUST ONE HOUR!! Eugene’s Quality 1-Hour Photofinisher 18th & Willamette • 484-6116 NOW OPEN > J tie hnast m Japanese tepp.iny.ir cw-nne Serving dinner and cockt.i d.i v except Monde, EUGENE On Willamette Avenue between P6th and 27 th Street 343-8483 5fiqjrs ADVERTISE IN OUR... NCAA TRACK SUPPLEMENT Spate Deadline: MAY 22 Green Available: $25 GRADUATION CAREER EDITION PL VC 1 y I Spat e Deadline: MAY 24 Green Available: $25 I s|h-( iai attention UrtMmqs B proms p.Kjr.irils and s|w*< iai « rlc K Orations little qirls t let our professional staff .issist sou f rom in\ nations to ret eption nerds you II t JP find rrythmq to rnakr the o< < asion “ l**rfe