Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 17, 1991, Supplement, Image 17

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    « mjisBL
Friday. May 1 7, 1991
Oregon Dai lx Emerald
Advertising Supplement
Greek life provides
memories, network
Rush, philanthropies,
( neck \\ eels, all fxtrt
of life in chapter houses
Rush, i, harm work,
him dances, tmrk
Week and the In
teriraternity end I'anhellenii
Councils. It’'- all part of h-iong
mu to a fraternity or a sororitv.
Through I. chartered tratertii
ties and 1J i bartered -oronties,
students ean hecome a part of
an individual network id -tu
dents on campus.
Greek rush, held during the
week before tall term lasses lv
pm and informally other times
ot the vear, is a eltanee tor --tu
dent-- to meet eum-nt fraternity
and sorority memix-rs aiu! lv
11 ime familiar with the different
lampus i hapter houses,
C hapter members serve as
nish eixmselors and guide
group ot rushers through the
i hapter houses. Included in rush
are ojvn house, tour and activi
t\ days and preference night
IXirmg rush, houses will hid,
or unite, students to join then
organization. When the student
accepts a hid, they hecome a
pledge to the chaper house tor
a term. As pledges, students
learn ah nit the history ot the
house- and the t irivk system .is
.1 whole .11HI IWtH’t l.tl otfUers
and philanthropies Hedges are
then given i test ovei wh.K I'
learned to prepare tor initiation
I Kirtng initiation. the pledges
Ixiome oftui.il memlxTs of the
mil AN I HRni’Y
anthn>p\ with wlm L thev .ire
affiliated tuition,lllv : - I mem
Ivin lu >LI tutul i .using events .in
nil.ill', and donate the m, >ne\ to
the phil.ituhropv I 'Hiring t ireel
Pays ot t itvnng, usually in Feh
mars, the t »reeks sitigle out and
sup|*>rt a xpevial charitable
Fraternity and sorority mein
Ix-rs also volunteer their time to
l ’niversitv Pas, tampus bk*d
Jrius and otirer community
i vents.
M W Cl lAPl liRS
Hr- i lewcst metnlxTs ot
(. irvvk lift are I au Kappa 1:|ki
Ion and I’l Kappa Alpha (rater
nitu-. and Sigma Kappa x>ront\
Sigma Kappa vjatlRel it's . , barter
tills year while I au Kappa hpsi
Ion is getting theirs this week
and I’i Kappa Alpha will gain
theirs next tall.
File PailhelletlK and In
f ilr 1‘hntn
A1iilrrnity ,11 ui stnoritx mrmlwrs toss thr watrrnirlon ihirun• (>rrrk tfjmrs
tertratermtv C >'unuK o >mpnse
the ^javernment tor rhr C irtx-k
Hr- Interfraternitv (.'otitk.il
ttor the men) aik! the I'.tnhei
lettK ( itutkil (tor women) ton
sist ot presklents, vue presklents,
sev ret.tries, treasurers .11ki nine
other rrkitcvl to ( ir.vk
IIH' COUtMlLs .ire there to
sene .IS .1 link Ivtutvtl til. .1.1
miiustr.ition, tr.itemitio .11ki so
rontifs . 11 wi other oimpus
In .iikiitu >n e.h ho H.HK il has
,i prcMik'ni’s i1hiiml, ni.it-k- up i't
i-iK'h ihapu-r's prcMiicnt, whah
ilc.ils with uirrmt issm-v I.nh
preskli'nt then rrvii-WN (he issues
or problems unii iti'' or her
IkHise memlxT
I un. 11 ( JRI'.LiKS, , />
INSIDE . . .
Fhe new ^xml |X)1kv.Page /B
C ireek memories through photos.Pages 4'^B
University chapter houses 1991.Pag< OB
After the Greek Week festivities,
3ct dow« to
the best pie
on campus.
Track Town Pizza
1809 Franklin Blvd.