Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS MAI_AJL-I KAL liaNb: 4 ♦ 4 r SOLO! Run your FOf Sale (under SSOO' ad for 4 paid issues If if doesn t sell cull us and we'll run it again for 4 days FREE1 To Place. Cancel or Correct your ad all vJ^40“^40^t0 2?0 HELP WANTED Tha 2*> question* inter »ie «%er % axk moil oMtn And the ?S aniwer* they • ant to hear bom you S«nd l'> today to Intermarket Company 3S9*> I me»ald ( ugene 9 740‘j 225 WORK STUDY POSITIONS ram ?30 HOUSES FOR RENT L arge houie ' U»i * •' f « V: MKjutrod V#ry 6H3 5554 Vi 1 f NICf ^ b#d»oom Mom* «■ • tu'M,Sf> 312 f 18 th 4 Mrrr> ? ba fi‘apt* r »'a-' U ■ - *tl S ’ »• l*t i»M 4fU3 1 ?lh Summ»f Wort Study po* available at the Outdoor Proa r!•*.&»• hour* greet itan eiper tential opportune 4 bdrm hout» to* lummu rant 1 blfc from campus 1' J V month par parson M 3 0932 ?3S APTS/DUPtEXES Alderwood Manor 1860 Alder SUMMf II RATfcS IMAT YOU CAN T Al IORO 10 MISS' StuCJ'.’S ? 2 WHJ 3 bedroom £1-411 itc'-h $76' $V* . • IN M Tfc L AUN1 M i T»! i ( miMT v Af : • PH! . A T f HA 1 HA V* i AHKlNU * OH » >.**•> A lownhou^s h ' $199-4.“- Guar enUMKl last y*a'S 1 411 'ate H'm'j fi*an • Jennings ♦ Co 683 4/19 Btiulllul 1 t-’-n- i-p. i im-M ••'.i •• New ,up«d ' Os '■ t'i l Parking Prt» enlfAnte 48f> 704? M PRICE SPECIAL . Hi K TO CAMPUS 1 txi’r? tau'uify par* ng MV-'.- (. Itjth I «h 1 f'i M- $ KX- 1 li-a'.flt! ' ■ S '. ’ *,!.!'! J Sept 1 $4 4111 1..f g M,'! Sean 14 3 0(194 Can 34.36000 BRAND NEW' PARKGROVE 3109 Km* Row I? f - AM* ■ » -iy I.VI A pi a-. « I '■■ittif ;!rf Pa'kgii »»• Oucpl Spin 1 Oil® and - onvt»n>pn|l> fixated i- - ss Aut/on Stad-.i'’ 1 - it* (tineas center pool and ( overed par* mg 1 01 2 bed loom a available V:'\ $*>;*• 606 ?46*» Jenning* ♦ Co 683 4219 Campus large 1 • ’ A . •• S • S' 48S 2823 Castle Terrace 243 F Street Ni r ina 1 A t-? - • , it! Site laundry 0*1 street parking storm 0OOrS and fen *t,J cOuMyarU * ■ -m $3 JS C ,i>| 74 1 *. ■ so * j Jennings ♦ Co 683 4219 GREENWOOD APIS I96f> Patterson bedroom e»a>iat)ie now m this e« <•; honai compie* Beautiiui ruttyard Call Je»» !< . rw 342 2taj $49S Jennings ♦ Co 683 4/19 GREYSTONE TOWNHOUSES I ■ , y l . when! CLOSE IN M m - Road Area lotatioo Can Tim 669 066/ Jennings ♦ Co 683 4219 ?3i> flPTS/DUPLEXES Large, 2 bdrm. Vary ciaan ana quiet ' • * f u"- tr-j ► ! hen Oft cbsp b-y tg on* bdrm apt* block Irom UO in wary claan 4 quiat tompin H»g bitch an w'cantar t*iand aaparala vanity 4 bath 4 ft walk in clo*et fully turn free covarad parking Call l any at 464 4103 '* LOW LOW PRICES " Chantilly Aparlmanl* 1233 W »th A«* ',TU0*0‘- I.'*' i 111 DM< V I I*. M S • , hi ; i*. M' i i' V J «■ P' >' ■. PARKtN(i . A Call 344 SSAJ Jann.ng* . < 6d> 4219 UNIVE RSlT Y MANOR SO 744 E 1f»lh • • ■ i* *■ AVI # » Pf f PARK IN • S ’! . a V <-r • l* T v A P' Now taking reservation* lor fall Low lummu rate* Lg i 4 2 bdrm lum apt* 1 block from camput 1442 E 14th Mgr 419 344 4760 RED MAPLES APTS 16th 4 Oliva J 6 t P • - U of < t Janntng* ♦ Co 643 4219 RENTING f OR SUMMI M » ALL Ridgewood Apt* 666 %769 R! AL VALUE Bl f W OF CAMPUS • • !•" • apt J.r‘. - • •• •• «■ it V - V, 7V { 17th On Vlf» i*u '■ RUSTIC MANOR MS Mu*l*t Place • a! ■ A t aking $H> m,.,*- ■, !AfftUl y\?*i Janntng* * Co M3 4/19 Southgate Apts 2 J4SPallai ton Ta*ir»g Matarwahont lui 91 9/ School Yea» f ucim'ip.) ' S . I•«?g L#ufxjry l.'J/0 |Mf> Sp*K i*i fate* 1 j 4rt4 4 ■ / ’ rrumungt A c.-©ntng» T H£ COLttGiAN A - a i»»asi^g Up* ala *ludof'l [ i' < 'utt">g mc#n 34 l i ,'SS 11th & Alder 794 l lllh UfKjoe t txj»m fiat m prime • ampus iu<- 4f-oM Very SuWc .!*• S. Jennings » Co M3 4219 1156 PATTERSON { ^pdonji 1 bedroom apartment Shared >. ourt> a>d pft» Jle pafh - g $ >4*; Jenningj ♦ Co M3 4?t$ CLOSE TO CAMPUS Quiet 1 bdrm apt Rent NOW tor tpeoel rates Cell Shirley et 344 7434 or 342 62SS Close to Campus • t : ■ S ■ <• 3. * N . . Avail a t .14 UM.?81 * f 4ft*> M*' ’ F urnithed studio ’ > ' > ' 484 9922 2 Hdrm Apt Summer rates Parfcmydaundf y 1'•} blocks dom campus 343 MM 2 bedroom duple * pu% Laundry qu»et spa- ou* IftSOrmi. ■i.iudes utti't>os • i ab'e Available June 10 484 1ft?9 553 E 18th a».i a Private baths pn.at* rediyerator on vt# pa«v y ami M.Summr Mte J!9* Jennings ♦ Co M3 4.M9 235 APTS/DUPLEXES 1390 Mill Si S ■' Jenntny* ♦ Co 66 3 4219 15th ind M»gh • ,• > »ummr **,?.:«-• <• * Hit* S«rfK>m^ f ..»n •*.;« Spyglass A'.* - .*t*fl b**> i 130 T9?3 Ge»den A** rtf* [ ; vVf f * '■ f HI I Hf N i •■{,». t/* rt; ! . M- y«*rt! « V44*xmo Jenmrvg* ♦ Co 663 4219 1 bdffn .» i S. ■ • • •. N. i V4 v 4 t(W 1 '*» block* from campui . r<•-? 1 BLOCK TO CAMPUS STUDENT PLAZA Mswjf'wi/-' act *tth .i.ndry Avai'af a *• • •• . ■ •.*?*»» ( .» '-«4 .t.k; 1 brm quiet complti SV- ’■ a i. a 2956/2960 WILLAMETTE S2‘* t Uu- c«h* Jenmng* • Co 1 bd V'* R*#dy 343 6693 SW Coburg HcJ , - _ . , _ w • ■ «*«• V • ■ Bennett Mgmt Co 915 Oak 4200 95 W t6th A, . t* , .it i IV » e* ! pa'fc • «•• M ,i .t ,t 464 ** ■ Bennett Mgmt Co 915 Oek 4/00 116 7 W 6th NiietM'" l? TV S3? * 6th 1 botm S3 30 957 Hityeid 1 UJtn. fu»n t.’7»! F ell •*!* *3?0 963 Ferry lene 1 txjrm heftier ix>d floors M7*» 532 W 6lh 1 t <■ ? ■ -* S • v 1612 W 6th »«M S3X l-«*ts By appointment Spyglat* Aeeoctete* 666 1130 663 4219 ■ M00 M'mr ; S3 7*. Nee e< 240 QUADS featuring 1 SUMMER RATES ' ( oda-aocd Quails is located just Ml , ►.*. f Hi M \ AMi's \ A • ■ « -. a'f {aid Ca1 Paul to' mo** info Jennings « Co 663 4219 245 ROOMS CHELSEA HOUSE CO OP 16S1 Ony» Si 343 2674 Sumnm Fall farms Singla and doubia rooms avatiabla ' sumit>a' ar'd 'a Cooperative tn-vjimg ■ trim h ’■ m . ampt.s Student wined and pe'ated e«pen<»iv* l ivntact a mamba'»b»p coordinator at 663 4964) lora* Mannar 683 3777 Janet Smrlb 66 3 34S3 Campball Club Equal Opportunity Mousing 3 blks ’ a-’ l «• a'ra a >afd S.yV3m lurtes au''dry (>ide» terr-.ai# preferred Avan K* ’tom campus fur- »h#d • .it" M3MQ2 4 blocks from cempus t tM'” StSOrr . ufil . d«*j 4K4 ^40 775 MEETINGS Attn: LSS Majors/Minors Mea*ure * impact* informational Mealing Tuei May 71 7 JO 9pm 123 Pacific FRIDAY MAY 17 Gum wood «m f MU • 7 00 9 00 PM 0»*i.uftS«on Panel on the Plight of «h* Palestinian* Lau* Gamma! Paieshn ..‘•w .»nfii.1gr Tri«» usual rugby get together has boon ( hange