Photo li> Po«lt»n Orvwm s St ntt V/t (,rr t ontinurs hi> tinanm# Iranian; /m« «•%% in f/ir /» trig prui uss to dt'Vidop tin* luim miT hi'*r»* W i'lli' hri'.ikiliK m'" ground .ill t III’ I I MU'. higher s,| III Wi- r»* lining things have not Iw’i'ii done lii'torr in thi UrsIlTII uorlll Wr it* Irving to iti'vflop our own ev.imple I s w In I i .inn' luTi' lu' s.inl "He don't h.tvi* .i Ispnltsj SVstl'HI 11 Is i' till' Kus sums .uni (',1'iin.m systi'in so in' i .m t ilut'l 1 on Mi (,(■•• is ,i priini' I's.impli' ol w I iighur is living to do \ st.iti* i hiiinpion shot putti'i .it Springfield's I Illusion High Si liool 111 1‘lllti Mi I u'e hill I till' speed hut not in'i I'ss.inK the si/i* (t> foot 1. 21 ri pounds) to hi' a world ctilss shot putt nr With m mind Mi (iff u as i unviTtfil in the hammer using his first \i',ir m ton.’ ,is ,i ml shirt \ 1‘iir tu Iriirn tin' f vmil Mm i- ihi'ii \h (iff hits ill s id n[irii intii uni’ uf tin' tup h<1111 mm throw ms m t In* nation I if hi ijii.illllml tm thr \t \A inift tour straight sf.irs .mil u ns tin- I’.ii ilit tut .uitlmmu *• .mil Nt A A i (lamp .i Vfar ago ■ is Ihf tilth iiinkfd throwm in thf t nitfil Mali's Ili'spitf Ills sin i t'ss over thf past Ini' siasun.s Mi.(iff ail miltt'd that throwing thf ham mm has remained a If.lining prut f ss It s 11 la I ami m i or Mi ( if f s.inl It gfls haulm e\ ft\ i far Sunif things work and smiif things dun l llifif A urns n If infills \oii a.hl all tin- tlinn, hf said It s an on going i hallfiigf to hoop improving Turn to HAMMER. Page !2 COMPACT DISC WORLDS 2nd ANNIVERSARY SALE EVERY DISC IS ON SALE 2rxl anniversary (tnxls Vitrei) (Her 20,(UK) (Jis< s \ all on sain! «h<" U\V 1 \\ * t \ Blur's, ja//, rap, r(H k, lolk, cthnk, < L»ssi« al Somethin*; lor every mw! HARRIET WOMAN TO MAN **UJt*'. 1 MPU OHfM WAN ’ MAS rHE ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK 1 rnii'fv k TWO DLAULV HUMLNTS MU* 0 (JAA*. Ml VMK Only llxx' (lllt-sl rik emmetl «, M AKlsMV 'U,‘Ws, Hurry in tor Ix-st srltx tion — v\ ith i*vrctiv»r1 683-6902 opm 7 (lavs a vhh! I AS I VMS! All storage units & carrying cast's ON SALE!