PKot*J Malk ^ In hllh tr.ii I nnrrsih uri Inlm lurr \luilrnl Inm hilllr (rwhtl r\pUm\ Ihr ilr\ivn .mil toimlrui turn nl In-. < nnlrtl Iiinmn/l hrnt h In i ammumh mint .limn stinlrnl I harlir \fumtrr tin •uruthrnsl i m in i nl Inhnnoil llall Ihr twin h took Ihrrr » rrk \ In mnkr CLEANUP Continued from Page 1 I didn't mind putting everything on hold In do this said Kittle nf I he bent li lot al< d behind the southeast nitltei of Johnson I toil "It'll he one to tome hat k \ears fiom novs and see something I had .1 hand in I mversiK alumnus iiriau SantK det tdetl to lesutrei t t ntversiU Uav last \eat !>e. aits, hi believes individuals should have a hand in the I 'lliversiu [’he event originally began in the earh |,itiiis as a constrm live allernatiM to " hat was then known as 1 lass tusli whit h in volt ed 1 lass battles on top td \ illard tlali Sandv said I Aentualh I'niversify Day evolved into |n nun Weekend and I'arents I )a\ bet inning a lost tradition until last \e< * :* t f “ " * ' 21 • » * :• tf - , ■ < • •* ■ ?. 5 - 1. ■ v.,, jt1 t ' yv 'v 1 f 1 v' ’ 'e b ■ uj odvef'*jre And the Air F . o e helmet s 1 • t omfortoNe ai'j meets of e.m eeds the SneM and ANSI standards for bicycle helmets Any ssviy v » o’ ? ?f> 1 ■ deal .*• ■ rst easy > >n >> ef r ■ 1 60 East 11th Ave. 342-4878 C VC t I SHOP WLIAll/tlJ I'tiMlu In Mdliin I nnersih students N< < ill lemon Itlotkwise from top), lanel dunk Heather II nilhl anti /rmn/rr Kisk reined the lost art ol t ommunal lamppost painting till ilmrsd.n tlurmit I nnersity Dai Epileptic support group looking for members MM IIV'CS I'hilippinr Student < liuani/atnin immtlik int•<-t 111v is Sund.n .it II in .ini .it tin Koinom.i Ontei 14th \vemie anil Stswt On*K(>n \ nit e mana/ine informational meetiiiK lm new stall ami tilled'sti'il people is at V li) p m in Room 44 Columbia Hall Student Health Insurant e Committee meets at til p m in tin I.Mt' Hoard Room Et als SPI-Akl RS AND I VI VI'S ■ | lie Politics ill Reproduction in Romania" in tin- I it l«‘ ol a lei tuif in In' given .it noon in Room i l l Hilbert Hall I he lecture is sponsored li\ tin- anthropology department \n audition ha l uireiity I’heatre s tail shows ‘(aid s C.oun 11 \ ’ and lairs u( thr lost lormii ans" will hr Sunihn at J. p in in I hr Rohinson Theatre Professor David Perkins from Stanford I'nivrrsitv's biological si irmrs department will speak on "Incest Misogyny and fratri i idr in Neurospora" at I It) p in in Room 1 in Willamette Hall Student parents organization meeting to plan tin a student pal rut i rutet is from -I K) to ! p in at the Amazon ( hild (lare (loop in Amazon family Housing. J II2 Patterson St ( all I4h--*.lt>-! lor more information. I he film Maria s Story about a woman in the I MIN in HI S.d vadot w ill b*’show n at 7 and 8 .f(l p in in Room 180 PI-C' Members for an rpdrptu support group •ire wanted ('all M l Minn for more information. Weekend Masses at the Newman ('enter 1850 Kmrrnid SI will he Saturday at 5 p in and Sunday at 0 and 11 a m and 7:.fl) p m I he 0 a m Mass will he signed for the deaf i ommumty Muslim Student Association of the I'niversity of Oregon will holding a speech and prayer session at 1 p m. in the koinunia (am ter 1-414 kim aid St / leadline tin submitting lit al s to thr Rmerald front desk. I Ml So lie uni is noon thr i/av hrtorr publication lit a/s run thr da\ ol thr ei rut unloss thr rvrnt fakes place before noon Vofjres ol events with a ilon.ition or admission r/iarge will not hr ,n i ented