Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 17, 1991, Image 1

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l ritla\ M.is l\ IWi
I ugcm- Oregon
Volume l>2. Issue I V'
The ASUO Constitu
lion Court dec lined ft set
ond time to rule whether
members of the Inudenhtl
Fee ('ommitlee .ire shirk
ing their duties by sus
pending budget hearings
Chastising the VNI ()
Executive fur engaging in
“pettv political in
trigue. the court ruled
Thursday that it would
not reconsider an earlier
decision on IFC members’
fulfillment of duties
See story, Page :t
Are you tired of the
same old buddy road
movies that have polluted
our movie screens for
umpteen years? Of course
you are l^nlngrad Cow
boys Co America does
what should be done with
such a dir he II turns it
on its ear
See review, Page ft
f tregon men's track
(loach Hill Ikdiinger ad
mits he hasn't filled out
any pie meet form charts
for this weekend's Pacif
ic it) Conference Cham
pionships in Tempo
Hut even vv ithout ans
elaborate statistical rank
ings, Dellingei knows
Washington State is an
overwhelming favorite for
the team title
See story. Page 11
Oregon's biggest oh
stacle at winning this
weekend's Pacific-10
( on fere in e women's
(rack and field champion
ships might not fa- the ta
voted CCI*A Bruins.
It may in- the hot
See story , Page 12
John Frohruuayer,
chairman oJ the National
Endowment fot the Arts,
will deliver the com
mencement address at the
]05th annual University
School of lam Com
mencement on Sunday.
May lit
The commencement
ceremony, honoring 164
graduates, will begin at I
p in in the Silva Concert
1 tall at the (lull Center for
the Performing Arts, One
Eugene Center® The
event is open to the pub
Militant military protest
\ burning \inrnt ,in Hug .mil pmvocati\c poetr\ punctuated .1
protest I'huisda\ against milil.irv recruitment .it the I niyersity
Ibf demonstration. which rinlnl with almost It) people numbing
into President Myles Hr.intl s Inhnson I lull office w.is sponsored h\
the Lesbian. (Ia\ and lhse\ual \lliance to oppose w hat protesters
i onsider disi nnunatory military polities See story. I'age It >
Photo h\ |un«* Hallin
OPS investigation
comes under fire
By Peter Cogswell and Daralyn Trappe
An ()fti< i' nl Publii S.111• t\ investigation into tin- tie.
Iriiiulion nt provoi alive tilers mas base damaged rela
tu ms ss i 111 tin- l ii n i-r sits • gas ami lesbian i i mi in 11 ti 11 \
twi ause ttif investigation targeted lesbians saiil several
students who ui'ic involved
llir ill’s im estigalnm t'vt’iit i.i.111 y 11 • i r i • 11 • d util ,i
woman student iospiinsihle tin posting sat ll li a I II lei s
tli.it made se\ual i iiiini'i tinns between vvomiMi ami tin
Persian (.nit U at Hut ()I’S did nut luid tin' pi'rsmi re
spoilsiblc tin posting two hall' 111ns amu'il at tnimii
I'he woman responsible for posting (hr satirical Hi
ns now tai l's pnisi'i niton under tin' Student (annluit
( aidi' fur miiiu tin irtzi'tl use ul I hit versify pro ports
\Itlitiugli tin' investigation did produt r a suspei t
several students quest inner! hs ()I‘S oltiii'is are angry
almut tile treatment they ret eived anil the was the offi
i:ers gathered information
I he Offiie ut I’uhlii Salets set about (i inidin ling
ttie investigation) in an unprecedented ssas " said
Marlene Dresr liei direi tor iit the ()ftii e of Student Ad
sin .ii s "Hies targeted identifiable lesbians
I )resi bet ss hose ottii e is defending the ai i used '.tu
dent said she ssas < uni eini'd bet ause of the tin us on
lesbians, adding she believes tin- siispeils were
brought III oil the thinnest of evident e
Dresihei also said (IPS mistreated suspei Is nine
thes were brought into the offiie toi ipiestioning She
said the lirst suspect brought in for questioning was
read her Miranda rights implying it ssas implied light
ass as that she ss as a i rinunal
Hut ()PS d hector (’ares I li as ton disagrees ss Mb those
i hat ges
Obviously that s not the case he said A Vo found
limited fat Is and investigated to a logit al i out lusioii
I nfortuuateIs in the nature ol ms tub there an people
ss ho don t alssavs ss ant to tell the truth
We don't mistreat people, hot sve don t make them
feel i omfortahle eithel Drayton said ' It s an interto
gallon, not an interviess
Kirsten Henpim Kristen liammerstad and i.isn
I llhhesmes et sseie all questioned and ai i used ot post
mg the lliers
liammerstad maintains that the investigation mtinu
dated and degraded lesbians on i aliqnis
I hes have done more to make women and lesbians
Turn to FLIERS Page 3
University Day involves grit, grime, community
By Brian Oxman
Hauling harkdust painting lampposts
and power ssashmg fountains doesn't
sound like a typical svrekdas tor students
and tai ultv memlrers set mans volunteered
their time Thursday to heautlfv the ( ampus
for t 'Diversity Das
\iiire than 800 partn ipants joined in an
effort to promote (.ampus units and pride
l ast sear more than t>00 partn ipants
ku ked off the first I'mversitv Das in more
than 80 sears
The result of l’Diversity Das sshuli
ssas funded through mi idental fees Physi
cal Plant contributions and the Office ol
Student Affairs was an aesthetically on
proved l 'Diversity
Hut that's not the Olds objective said
Rasa Dale a coordinator of the event
"The physical aspect is to beautify the
campus, she said, "hut the psychological
aspect is to bring people together It's im
portant for .ill kinds of student groups to
ssmk together and work through the stereo
In keeping with the theme nt working to
got her a hem h designed and Innlt bs art hi
tei lure student Tom Kittle ssas presented at
a dedii alum i eremom I hursdav afternoon
I sing a log donated by Stmdani e I.timbei
Photo ht Ianr Halim
/ m\rrsit\ trrshman lonya HiUlcrlh assaultrd dirt and icrimr on thv hvm hrs .is shv nowvt ysashvd
in front ol thv knight l ibrary durinu / nnrrsity Day
ut Springfield. Kittle deigned .1 tii'in li lti.it
lw believes represents till' timlinr issue
"t he log is Ireing put through u m.ii tune
ttl.lt is I renting <1 Ill-Ill ll." lie S.llli "Slime lit
tile tree -s still whole some i.hippot! .irui
some ,i smooth belli ll
Kittle s design which took .ibont three
weeks to c omplete w .is c hosen trotn .imong
others ill .1 contest s|)onsored h\ tile ( it
In e of Student AtLnrs
Tur ’ • CLEANUP (he;- '