HYATT Continued from Page 7 looked to Oregon's javelin pro gram tor salvation Hvatt s best throve .it ( rook (! o u n't \ High School in Prineville was 14J-0. and when she ijualifii'd tor thr \( \As her freshman vear with a |ier sonal record, 171 toot toss people's |aws dropped She went on to place eighth at the N( AAs and followed that up with a sixth-place finish last season Hash all \ j dido I know anything about (the| lavtilin w bon 1 i ami' hero 1 i\ att '.aid Sally's obviousK helped me a lot I Ivatt's not the null line II, ir nion helped In her six years as an Oregon assistant Harmon a former Dm k who won the I'lHl AI NU jiivelin championship has i oat lied four athletes to six top eight finishes at \( \ \ i hampionship meets ini ludiiig I tt.HH Nit A A i ham pion 1111 Smith Oregon (loach I nin ileinonen said the javelin program is one of the events (ha! pul Oregon lr,n k arid field on th«: national map If is fhr fH’St in I he ci unit! \ Pe nod II el II o lien s a I d There is no comparison no one o.ii in and Vertl ml |iro dines lavelin fhrtnvers like Sal ly Harmon Hem \\ ho i\ as pji ked In k am/ i'lrhl Veils to uni I lie \( \ A javelin i hampion stli|i (his season believes the high level of i ompetiiion be tween (iregnn 'throwers beiielitx llif program During her thriv years a! the 1 'niversity. tli>’ Oregon senior has thrown with Smith I hall am! Hr<>oke \lle n who plai ml sixth .it 111.’ 1MHH \< \.\s "Kven though I was in their shadow .. it s really helpe.l me now Hem said I hated il then, hul now I < an see that it was realh good for me So good that Merry's 11)7 I’K at the May l Minnesota Im ttahonal jin! Iit'i si>< onil on the honl's all turn- list ,minti' flij^i In I it \ in'\t sprilii* ami Harmon thinks s'hr u ill him hasn't hit it vi-t I lai limn salil Shi- s vnt to trall/i1 Innsi'll so far I'vi- i‘n|o\ml it anil I hopf toi ontinui' to Ht't hrttrl, 11\ att saul I ni not putting am limits on m\ self mm Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS ALVV .V 1 11^Vt- 11 I »•«»%«• r «*«ls will 1h* huidrn throughout thr < UnlhnU this month < h«*i k mu ( Itissitunl hmtsr aA\ tot nmrr ilHdiU_____ i pi,n Q /I C A Q A Q r f < • i I i I ill O£t0“4t0440 100 CONNECTIONS Wanted recent issues ot Japanese automobiles magazines Hei; — .•*' my show i;d» m Japan Ki* ' PtvMng+v '<‘>4 1592 105 PERSONALS CONGRATULATIONS Lisa R. & Elaine D. tor winning the Pizza Face Contes! with the most moles w/hair boils and blackheads You guys are an in tor the Clearasil bonus MYSTERY DUCK CLUE #4 Most children adore me lor what I do II you say my Perfect Tree you would too1 It you think you know the identity ol the Mv«tery Duck, drop your guess in the bo* in 1J0 Hendricks Hall ODE CLASSIFIEDS 1 STOP SHOPPING AI' Thank you for dinner Monday Night Looking forward to teeing you again in the tall1 IIK \ Hey You, What are you thinking? 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Womens ( entei oi call VlO 133') Application deadline is Wednesday May 33nd Pto)fi f s ,im i{i{ •tfu'id', ,»ffir r f|r»M eififlloyff \ T'Jb '■ ve • E-*,.-1 »•,&>. q vscL-q « 5 fclio All You Can Eat SPAGHETTI DINNER Dinner includes: soup or salad, homemade bread & ice cream 99 with coupon with purchase ot beverage exp 5/23/91 Open Daily 5 pm 725 W. 1 st, Eugene 485-6220 EMERALD CLASSIFIEDS PRESENTS A special way to say farewell to friends : ONLY ■ *- 55 : pep / INCH" ' with ads YOU DESIGN! BE CREATIVE! Write, draw, or provide a picture!, ; ONLY ! •- S5 : : PER : INCH" ' • A • • Design something on your computer! Your FRIENDS will love it! DEADLINE: 1 PM WED, MAY 29 APPEARING: FRIDAY, MAY 31 FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL 346-4343