SPORTS PWo b> |«*M Oregon \ Kim llyatt is one at thr ttr-,1 i.n rlin thr>mrr\ in I hr i aim try but only tbr >n anti /«-'f at < tregan Hyatt part of Duck javelin strength By Jake Berg fcmerald Sports Reporter kim IIvatt's goal is simple win the Pacific - III (ionlerent e javelin championship. But second might he .ill right too, as long as it's to Oregon teammate Paula Bern “I'm going in it to win it." Hvatt said of this weekend's conference championships in Tempe. Ariz “hut it Paula's ahead ot me, that's great too As long as we get our lit points'' for first and set one! place On any other team Hvatt would he the star javelin throw er, hut at Oregon, she often takes second hilling to Bern the nation’s top collegiate give lin thrower tills season Hern anil llvatt, whose best throw ranks her fourth among collegtates tins veat. return to tile I’ai 10 meet Saturdai .liter a first and third place finish at last year’s i hampionships The duo is undefeated to gether this season and would like to keep It that w a\ It's something that we kind ol take pride in." said Hyatt a junior Ilopefui 1 v we i an keep it up lor the rest ol the season Their undefeated streak will lace its greatest test at the I’ai to (.hampionships though, as the i (inference features mam of the i ountrv s top javelin throw ers Arizona’s Louise Perreault ranks second in the nation, and defending NCAA champion Ashley Selman of CSC has the the country's fifth best colie giate throw this season Taking a break from competi turn last weekend may he the prime ingredient for llvatt to overcome those foes and get a personal record at the I’ai Ills, she said. "I'm hoping tlicit I'm ready tor a PR now, with us taking the weekend off tor some lest I'm starting to get focused again." said Hyatt, whose 177 'I I’K i a me last May in a dual meet w ith Nebraska Oregon throws coach Snlh Harmon said she gave Hyatt the weekend oft with the idea that she would improve tor the I’ai 10 meet "If Kim can move ahead with solid training." Harmon said, "it will ensure a better I’ac-lO performance Hopefully, the next three weeks (before the \( AAsI u ill tell the tale of her impnivemetil Improvement is. ext use the i In lie I U.itt's muhlle name Hyatt's uthletit spei tally in high school wasn't throwing the javelin Instead her prep davs s.iu her slioutinK hei wav Id ,i Western Dii'i’im Stale tail leee basketball si halarship When health problems (lined (let In leave W (> S ( I Ivatt Turn to HYATT Page 9 HEY! WAKE UP! COLLEGE IS A GAME! AND YOU CAN BEAT IT! THERE ARE PROVEN TECHNIQUES THAT HAVE BEEN USED BY OTHERS TO BEAT THE EDUCATION GAME! THESE TECHNIQUES WORK! For a Guide on How to Win the Game Send $8 00 check/money order to Scholastic Advantages P O Box 131 • Batavia IL-60510 0131 CRITICALLY ACCLAIMED CLASSICAL MUSIC A OPERA ON COMPACT DISC A CASSETTE CD's FROM $5 95 Musique Gourrriet Catering to the Discriminating Collector TAPES FROM $2 95 In the Fifthpeatl Building 343-9000 U N I V E R S I I Y I () R li I\1 ON (iLOBAL PERSPECTIVES AND INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION \ i THE UNIV ERSITY OE OREGON V ( ampus \N idt- Oiscussion on the Keminmendations ol the I ask horn- on tlit- t ( onlevt and Intel national Studies I Inn sd;i\. Ma\ 16 \\ .limit Room, I Ml 3:30 to 5:30 p.rn. Ml ffu tills. stuff. uiul Miulcnis air inuit il Id partu t/uuc lol’K s 1 I \!>i Ri.kXDI \ ! I HH ( \II«)N 2 f \( l I n DIM l DPMI \I HKKI IIMIM -XSDKM’FMIOS » (iKADl All Ml DU.S 4 V ADI MIC l’K(H,k \M S I Hi ( 11 kl S s im kxsiki < n ki ( t'pic> of the executive \ of flu* ta-k force's u\ ommcndaliom amt a more detailed » nit I me «>i the proposed International ( olleee are available at • ' ' I• r V".i H ’ ' ' •« 1 ’ i ! V • ■ ■ ! I I: . : H ' 4 • \ R< - *• I M • • I H i i Ml UNIVERSITY 0 1 OR E C. O N M f M ORABIUA A U D S P 0 R XS W 2A R MAY 13-23 AT THE UO BOOKSTORE * SELECTED ADULT TEES 99c * SELECTED SWEATSHIRTS S4.99 J ? 3th & Kmc .nd r] Mf t 30 b or SAT 10 00 6 00 [j46 4 33 1 ■ SHORTS ■ T SHIRTS ■ SWEATS ■ KID'S STUFF ■ DUCK COLLECTIBLES & MORE! LOW LOW PRICES! • AIL SALES FINAL • SALE ITEMS ONLY • . lMlT( 0 TO STOCK ON HANO • NO FURTHER DISCOUNTS