UNIVERSITY Student to participate in gay forum U.S.-Soviet symposium targets AIDS, homophobia By Daralyn Trappe I .Repo'ter When Murine \Yolt went tu tin Soviet d 'uiun suniiniT to t.iki’ part m .1 studs program. sin was ,1 lesbian who \\ .is m it vrt out of the closet Sinee tin'll: sin1 Inis 1 min' in'! Sim will return tlirrr this s 111111111 *r with ,1 m u perspet tin- to t.iki' part ill tin- lust l S' I s S K s\inpnsiiim nil gas .111(1 lesbian issues "Till' f u st tilin' I u ('lit: 1 vv.isu't out, so I linln t rr.illv pus attention to llit: i issues: landI to gas .imi li'sln.ui issues." she{ U ol! .1 t mversits stuiii'iit studs irig Russian . is one ol "ill people troiii tile 1 mteil St.ites who Will part it ip,ile in the International (i.i\ .mil Lesbian Symposium 111 Musi oiv .uni Leningrad from |ulv J t to Aug 1 Tile event is sponsored In the International (las .uni Lesbian Kights < nimmissioii. tunned lust summei in Musi oss "It really is ttii- first nt its kind between Soviet .1 mi Anieru .111 ,11 In ists Wolf said A membei of tho lesbian. (lay and Bisexual Alliance sin- ap pill'll tl) mi will'll <1 not it I' VV rl S Sl'llt III thill llftll I' Unit said slit' expel ts homophobia and AIMS to ho tin' main topii s of disi ussion " I lif problem with tho Soviet I 'ilion is that up until a few wars ago tlu'\ dnlii I even .11 hnowl edge that they had am silt h tiling as a huinosexu a I 111 t heir country." Wolf said "Kvon though information has 1 <1 rut* out that says that tlii'V haw people with AIDS there the otfii state line up until leientlv is that they don't have gays they don't have AIDS. she said |im Torn x 10 1 hairman of 1( ill IKt and one of the sy mposium organizers said AIDS is a serious prohli ill 111 the Soy let I nioil I hey re yery much in denial, and the treat iiient is y ery primitive " he said ' I'he sor lal sit nation and the government approach doesn't en courage people to get tested and it they do lest positive they re not treated y\elt Toevs said soi ielal views of gays and lesbians in the Soviet I'ilion are similar to the attitudes that were prevalent in the l ulled States "ill years - bpats I'hofo hv Niulrr Kdiiirii /7m \ummrr I nncr\it\ stutlrnl \lnntut Uoil mil loin iII olllt-r profilr Ilom thr l mini Stales in .illrntlini; thr tirsl l s I s s K’ \v m[iiisium on gai .nut Irslnan is ■iK11 I he politii ill (lunate is improving some in- s.inl lull is ononin hardship is (hi- tin deriving reason the Soviet government is not op posing th>- i ontereni e I hr Soviet I n it in is so ili-s | >i-nil i- lor i niri-iii \ th**v would let tin- devil himsrll in il In- was go ingto pay in nuini-v l oi-vs said In addition to pros iding moral and edui ational support lo tilt- gas and lesbian movement partii 1 pants will Ini us iitteution on repealing a lavs m the Russian criminal code dial makes sex be tween men punishable bv up In eight years in a labor i amp "Right now then' s a handful of people w ho are w illing to hr open to lie out of the i lose! and work on homophobia issues Unit said I lies want to start a movement and we re going over there ill part to give them some ot our expert ernes and share with them ideas tor working in an activist role Unit said she is one ol .1 lew I S students v\ ho will be in attendance, and she hopes to tor us at teution on young people in the l! S S K "I plan on getting together with the other stu dents who are going and plan out a presentation to the Soviets on wavs to organize student groups because with alls liberation movement tile young people are verv important and often times get overlooked she said (V r Now is the time to get your act together with quality portfolios and professional presentation cases. Show your professionalism with a great look - no one will know how little you paid! T-W OFFER EFFECTIVE THROUGH JUNE 8, 1991 SPRING DRIVING CAR SERVICE SPECIALS Call US TODAY! Great prices on the services you need! Tirestone ^ AMERICAS HOME FOR CAR SERVICE LUBE, OIL & FILTER • Chassis Lube • Up to 5 qts new oil • New Firestone oil filter s16" j MAINTENANCE TUNE-UPS $ilQ99 6 CYl 8CYL 4cyl $5999 $69 99 New < upper plugs set tim mg' and idle* Visual inspe< lion of filter*. 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