Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 16, 1991, Page 3, Image 3

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Forum to discuss global issues
By Tammy Batey
Emeratd Reporter
F.nham mg t ’nivcrsitv stu
denis intern.dional perspet live
will be the foi us of today's fo
ruin sponsored In the Task
Force on the Global Gontevt
and International Studies
The forum, titled "Global
Perspet fives and International
Kduc.ation at the I'mversiU of
Oregon,' will he held in the
I.Ml' Walnut Room from t U)
to 5 ,'t() p m
"GlearU the world is hecnm
ing a smaller plat e and we re
looking at what implii ations
that should have foi a major
public umversit\ said im o
mimic s Professor |oe Stone,
task tore i“ member
The t.isk lore e has made se\
oral recommendations situ e it
was c reated in winter
(Inc ret ommendation is to
c rcatc a residential and instrui
tional lntern.ition.il l ollege on
cani|ills Pile college would
seek to foster aw areness under
standing and respect ot other
c tilt urns among students
Pile Internationa I (ollege
would be a "wonderful oppor
tuuitv tor I mversiti students
from the t ’ n ited States and
abroad to interact said Karla
Sc holt/ task lore e member
li\ 11v mg and studs mg to
gether. Nmcru an students and
international students would
break down harriers Si hull/
In addition, task fori e mem
tiers suggested integrating
study abroad programs into the
at adernic: r urrn uluni
The task fort e is also ret otn
mending that the l 'diversity re
t ruit anti retain l.u nits with in
lernationally oriented spet nil
Stone said he hopes forum at
temlanls will not only provide
reactions on the t.isk forte s
ret ommemlations hilt also otter
additional ideas that may have
been missed
University Day activities scheduled
mi r ri.\< ;s
OSPIRli recyi ling group
meeting is .it ri to p m in KMl'
( enlurv Room A
Public bands Action (iroup
meeting is at 0 10 p m m K\ 11
Suite 1
KM1 Board of l)irei tors
meeting is at 5 p m in the
i AH ! Hoard Room
KMl board budget commit
tee meeting is at -I p m in tin
KMl Hoard Room
Racial Advocacy (.roup lor
Kquality meets at 1 10 p m in
I All ' ( oiiturv Room I
< ir« I** K International meets
tor its loth birthdav i elohiatioii
in KMl' (ledar Knoin I) .it
p. m
MISt I 1.1 AM t II S
l mversitv l)a\ is hum H hi
a in to 4 HI p in ( 'hot 4 in be
tween Kenton and (albert halls
tni participation intorinatiini
(.mtarist Steve Smith will
plas in the ( All' ( amrtvaid at
a It I p in . sponsored bv the
I imiTMlV i ).IV 1 '• III 111 111 M
I he Student I niversitv Rela
tions Count it is holding <i
twill ii deduction i rremom .n
! 1 t() p m on the steps of John
son I lull
\ l niversitv loruni on global
perspectives .oni international
ediii ation ill the l niversitv vv ill
be from t to to > to p in in the
I Ml ' V\ .limit Room Hie dis
i ussion vv ill mi hide rei oni
mriid.itions from the task font
on ii 1 ofmI i ontrst .mil interiiii
Iion.il studies
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President Myles Brand
proudly introduces
Janet Wentworth
as the ombud officer
of the University of Oregon
I lu" omt’ihl i >ttk i-r .idministers in mtoim.il pr« «. edtire in lu-.ir .iiul .ittrmpt to
resolve coinpl.lints h\ est;ihlnhm)» coinmunk.it ton _______
.md mult.TNt.iiulinL: between \ *rtuServices of the J
ombud officer arc* available to all l O tat tilt\ and staff j
members anti students I
I he i imhuJ «it liter is an oif it i a! eviit ■ >t the ptv'i P
tlent eili|'i luert-tl to hi injj into problem M I Vine lit 11a *
turn nn member o! the umversit* t omniumn,
Rtxrm IS2 ('in \ Bridge
H hr,* iindiH i*. 'Ju U Milt'd JU'-! -!- .'hi n,>rih
!di'i’honr Hr t. 1
I lours; s K) a in 12 p m \londa\ VVcdiursdav and ITid.iv,
lik! 4:( hi p.m on lut-aiai. and s • 1 a m 1 id pin on Ihursday