EDITORIAL Joe’s campus car lot gives off bad fumes A student is currently charged with misusing per sonal property because someone stapled some not-so seusitive fliers to a display case. So if that's misusing University property, what do you call it when |oe Ro mania uses the EMU south parking lot to sell cars? Apparently attempting to make a political state ment is "not proper use" of the University but selling cars is. Now, that 's an education. Is there such an abundance of parking on campus that the University is renting it to someone whose goal is to sell more ears to students? All this occurs at a time when the University is en couraging students and faculty to find alternative means of get ting to campus. This includes giving refunds to anyone who turns in their campus park ing permit, opting for the bus or a bicy cle. Joe Roma nia has two car lots just a short walk from cam pus. If graduat ing students want to check out Joe's latest selection of shiny convertibles and sensible family cars, they can easily walk over there and do it. Many causes, such as blood mobiles and "theme weeks" have legitimate reasons for taking up campus space. In such cases, the groups can batter justify their use of campus, for example, by providing a service that is not readily available. The current Street Faire and this weekend's non profit Willamette Valley Folk Festival are ventures that serve the whole community. The small vendors of the Street Faire are mostly handcraft merchants who have no permanent residence for their businesses. Besides trekking to Saturday Market once a week, students would not have access to these vendors Joe Romania is open every day of the week. Joe Romania can use campus billboards, publica tions and any other form of creative advertising. bu» students and other campus guests should not have to give up parking spaces and an educational atmosphere in order to save a short walk for some people who want to shop for cars. This is no big controversy You won't see any pro tests or flag burnings, and no one is going to be pun ished under the Student Conduct Code for it But the University campus shouldn't come with Car Lot In eluded. This is no big controversy. You won't see any protests or Bag burnings, and no one is going to be punished under the Student Conduct Code for it. But the Univer sity campus shouldn ’t come with Car Lot Includ ed . u_ Oregon DAILY EMERALD 1*0 H«i\ f uKrm Orn-'i V’#H i Daily I m The t '•■ca'il is if-atf'-.J independently •»» the Ur »i*(vly w»lh offices on the thin! • - * the {- ft- Monii • i.il Un.-I .« J • i " ? the A*.- 4tt*d Press The I «n1 m private property The unlawful removal 1 uhh «:>f papers is { it at’’** t»y *aw Editor A . VVhoe • Managing Editor H .» News Editor Edttooal Editor R ’ vN.i ! Editorial Editor > •' V . • ■ Politics E ditor •• e. ! ! Sports Editor A • «■, Graphics Editor Mr* > Entertainment E ditor ... . i* • * Supplements Editor. i, Supplements Asst Ed A" . In Touch Editor a • Night Editor Associate E ditors Community >•■*,.. Student Government Activities ** .. . Higher Education Administration • , .s< Reporters • . *• i*• •. ;«*•■ E- ; i !• ' ’* » a.” h !. , | !,l # , m _ . ».» , • • - , Trappe Robo t Weber Photographers I t • .r A Hj Advertising •*.■. A ’. V ! ' .1 Chao* Gray Jennifer Aosta Nt •• i rah* K Katf Classified • M Va Business K.v Production . • • A lotus Child Carol (X>PP Jim E - . h Com ‘ • K .,.i * i • Mr A- . • r - . t E J. ''tt Mi M ..Mr. Geneiai Manager Production Manager Advertising Director Newsroom Business Offic e 346 S51’t Display Advertising Production 346 4381 Class.tied Advertising 34to 3712 346 4343 I’.lUr Hate fliers or political expression? * , -,"c f t >' / Ta 1 ,M.rf : a • t ' J> II . *■•••* • tH= OFPlCHU- P&5EKr' V A i. 7 • , . , . • . • % • - -r »vr.«. * : these are tapirs at the fliers aliened I1 pasted h\ a student nan fating pmsetutian under the Student tandutt (tide the t.im»r*t!ri dues not endorse the ideas expressed He simply thanse to print them sa tammunitx memt>ers tan fudge the fliers based an firsthand knowledge, rather than st‘< and hand at t aunts The ( allege Kepuhln ans is nut responsible tar the fliers FORUM ‘Hate crime’ case teaches lesson By Marlene Drescher Many people apparently misread the rei ent newspaper .irtn le on so called hate fliers .it the University There vveri' two unrelated sets of fli ers Commentary I "he first set depicted people of color (who were desi tilled as homosexuals) with targets superim posed on their heads 1 hese fliers had hateful threatening language on them, and they were plat ed under the door of the (.a\ and Lesbian Alii ante and distributed in a way to directly intimi date minority students and gays Unfortunately, there was insulin lent ey idem e to lead to the per petrator of these hate fliers A second unrelated set of fliers was intended to i onvey an anti war message in a satirical manner that linked militarism to misogyny The attempt ysas clearly amateurish considered uilputriotii hy some and ineptly drawn (hie of these fliers showed a Patriot missile in the shape of a vibrator Many people thought these lliers wen- si-\ist ratliei than perceiving their intended purpose of cntiiizing sexism and militarism It was this set ond set of fliers that was intensely investigated in ,in unprecedented manner by the University Some people believe the investigation was ptirsiu*tl so zealously bin ause ol .1 "i hie" that lhi‘ 1nak.1T ol tin- llu-rs was a li-sbian An rasiK identifiable lesbian ininoritv commit inly al tin- University was heavily investigated and disrupted; three women were wrongly ac Clised and severely traumatized The woman who is being defended In the Office of Student Advo i ,na is not 1 harged with a hate 1 rime or with ha rassment. hut with violating the Student Uonduct ( ode h\ "misusing personal property" lor taping the tlier to a glass r ase and tor satirically stating Order forms available at the Uollege Kepublu an office" on the flier More than Jilt) hours ol cam pus sei urity stall time were devoted to finding the alleged maker ot these fliers Many lessons can be learned from this unhappy set ot circumstances One lesson has to do with the tension between the First Amendment and ot tensive or misinterpreted speech Another lesson has to do w 11h the mistakes of well-intentioned people mi hiding the maker and the investigators of the fliers M-t another lesson is how the least-protei ted members of society are the first to get hurt when authority figures become overzealous ^/ar/erte /Ire sr her 1 s thr t/irrt tor ot tht‘ Offitf oi Stinicnt Advut at \ at thr 1'imfi sit\ LETTERS Stupid idea It seems "cultural diversits" has lit'iiimc iht* phrase dial pa vs on I he 1 hmers it \ campus Hut isn't i uitural diversits lust .1 sneaks was nl saving al Urinative action? Non know affirmative ac turn the uie.i that we as a soi c et\ tan uven time centuries nl i uitural ami economii oppres sum of minority groups hv pro milling a token number of mi mints group members to posi turns for which dies .ire less i|ua!iftoci lor than svhites or Asians The vntf result being sse .is a society ssill achieve rai la 1 harmons eroiuinm ipial its and perhaps even world peat e It's a fine and wonderful idea e\i epl il s stupid Anthony Stumbo Six iology Healthy blast I lead yyith interest, Lisa Milligan's story on the la< k of interest in the open house on the $jr 1 million makeover of the Knight Library I am a longtime advoi ate of libraries 1 am usually happy to hear about plans a community may have for keeping libraries turn tional for their community members I am also a longtime advoi ate lor healthy living environments and green spaces (who h in t hide oxygen and shade pro y iders m the form of trees lyvo things | appreciate as deeply as a good book or great building) After several hours ot study in ,i i lust'd fat ilit\ I not only like a nic e vt.dk through the trot's, hut I have found that I need that healthy blast of fresh oxygen It is obviously too late to altei the architet tural design of the library to incorporate those trees whic h must have taken at least 70 years to mature How ever, I would like to thank the designers for attempting to cor rect this horrendous mistake by planting new trees in their place. Perhaps the new trees will reai li the height of our re< noth felled trees by the time some of our grandchildren are attend mg the f diversity Theresa Scott Graduate Counseling Psyi hologv