Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 16, 1991, Page 12, Image 12

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Continued from Page 1
I’ri/.e winning /)e.s Vfoi/ies
Kt'gistor. Tom Curley. tin'
i hief oper.itmg offii i i for
/ s.t Tnd.iv. Murguret (’.or
lion, ili'.m of tin' (.riidli.itc
Si liool of I’utilu \ff.iirx .it
tin' I 'iiiverxin of \\ .isliing
ton. H.irli.ir.i fluntri presi
dent of tin' publii ri'l.itions
in 11 u lit i' i M ,ii K i' n / ii'
( 'oopi r Iiii of Yew York I d
Turner ever utive viie prexi
ili'iit of ( NY ,i n il I ),i n
W i e il r n . |i r e x i d I- n I of
Uii'iii-n .mil Kennedy, the
•nivertixmg .igeiii v lli.it Iwn
dies tin Nike ,n i omit
Turner x.,jd ( N\ ter luved
,i lot ol i onipl.inils from peo
pie wlio believed tli.if eorre
xpundent I’elei \rnett Was
nothing nmri' thiin .1 mouth
pus e fnr Saddam Hussein
Hut the realitv In- said vvas
that the media were depen
dent on both the I 'oiled
St.ties and Iracji tiff it nils fur
smm es
Turner also noted that the
media in the gulf had more
restrii tions imposed upon
them than reporters in Viet
Had the war gone on
longer than tun hours the
polu ies imposed h\ the i;o\
eminent wOllhl surelv have
i ome bai k to haunt he
\ (I V !' r t I s I | t; e \ p ! (
\\ leden sa id t lie w u\ to
avoid 'sexism in ads is to get
to i, now the i oiisiimei
Sexism is a verv Irani is
sue in the advertising bust
m ss. lie said "(An adser
Using agent s needs) In gel
In know ssho von o- talk mg
Tin' panel also disc ussed
I Im ( ontrosersial lopn of
how to make mass media
news appealing to mdi\idn
id groups in soi tel v
If you don’t want to he
informed in tins six iei\ sou
lias e a I Igllt to lie .1 dllltl
ins • urles said Hut he
said he fears the reason
mans people don t keep in
formed Is lux arise the media
are Often out of touch ss ilh
i ommunits interests
(heihulser agreed nam
mg poll! |< s as all example of
(loss ness s loses people s 111
terest hei ause reporters tad
to make the impoitant issues
seem applicable
Overholser referred to .in
example in I)es Moines
where i itizcn.s baked a .ikes
in order to r.nse mone\ to
help out tile locul poll! e ,ts a
politic .d store u itli public,
Hut she s.nd the spec i.dl
/.ition of i.overdue ill .in .it
tempt to dppeiil to even
group in sui letv is i outlier
produi live
Turner said ( \\ has al
w.ns targeted the interests
ot the general public not the
spec iali/ed groups and it
will continue to do so Hut
he said tin- media should tr\
to make the news appealing
to all
"It is In t aid sour re
sponsihilitv as a journalist to
keep it interesting lurner
Against her
will is against
the law.
You've heard the guys sa\ it a zillion limes. It a woman says
"no" to sc\. just push a little harder.
Hut have \ou heard what the law says?
\m time \ou loree someone into ha\ me se\ witli you it's
rajv. A criminal offense. \ felon).
So l\' careful who \ou listen to.
Il \oudoit against her w ill. it could ruin the rest of \our life.
any one of these resource centers on campus:
Office of the Dean of Students
UO Counseling Center
UO Crisis Line
UO Student Health Center
UO Women's Center
Men Against Rape
UO office of Public Safety
Sponsored by the Office of the Dean of Students. Unwanted Sexual Behavior
TasK Force and Associated Students of the University of Oregon
Ptiid Advertisement
• <90 K.4>’ !'«• itmenl Outer Santa M>m« a Hospital
Sptx mi thanks io Pi K.ippn Philor Stunr creative contntXitwn
Continued from Page 1
is oyer. Curies said N'o longer
will editors mid publishers de
i ide wh.it people see Printing
Is going electronic, and it's
onh a matter of time before
we II be able to sell seler t mate
rial to meet our needs he
Hecnti.se of an evolution in
content and a revolution in tie
fixers 'well be able to see
more of what w e scant
The future is onh as diffi
i ult to predii I as understand
ing the present " he said "Let
us all enjoy the freedom that
i nines w ith this new pow er
Turner w Im rei.entlv reai bed
pubic prominence bet ause of
CNN's gull war (overage said
the appealing tiling about the
television industry .is "who is
to sa\ one is wrong we re all
Turner joked about journal
ists declining image by dis
closing a ( olleague's three tea
sons tor whs reporters should
be used in lalmrators expnri
merits instead of rats
'I-irsl there are more jour
nalisls lie said "Also, you
could get attai bed to a rat And
third there are even some
tilings a rat won't do
There are also some things ,i
journalist won't do Turner
During tiif war, journalists
became "pit bulls instead ot
w ate hdogs ' be said
"We an* now act used ot be
i oming lap dogs to tbe military
during tbe gull war," be said
1 think wb.it the public wants
is a wall hdog In \ letnam.
when (the government) got in
trouble was when the public
thought tbe\ weren't being tidd
the truth
Peoples views ot tbe news
have remained tbe same, burn
ei said I lies still want to see
the news ol the da\ However
with the increase in cable pro
grammmg tbe\ now have many
more news sourt es. he said
"The (network) talking bead
will t ,i I k less which is .1
shame be said ' There s
nothing wrong w ith a talking
head as long as it has some
tiling to sa\
Turnet said he has notit ed a
linking of the w o r I d
through mteinatinnulh broad
last channels and table telev i
) low we use this tec hnologv
will show what kind of journal
ists we are and what kind of
human beings burner said
We ve got
your tan
when you
want it1
on campus
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