Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS AJLYV A1 1K.VL S!j\ QtrihdJfy fl.»fwrn *rr minitiK 1 '»lh V\ .il« h l*»r (irtatU m m>« nrnmx l>4i»«*r^i_____ To Place, Cancel or Q/|C A Q^G Correct your ad call 0^40"^40*40 ?ib ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT Pocket Playhouse Presents RUINS bv Nicholas Oiadson May 16 & 18 5:00 pm Pockil Thaatre Villard Rm to2 Jt donation yladly acceptad ODE Classifieds, a good deal! University Theatre Second Season presents BYRTHRITE by Sarah Daniels May 15, 16, 17, 18 23, 24, 25 8.00 p.m. Arena Theatre Tickets at Robinson Theatre Box Office 346-4191 $4.00 General Public $3.00 Students 305 COUNSELING U of O Crisis Center Helpline 346 4466 eves nights & **rt*kent1s 3io SERVICES Sears Hair Salon Gateway Mall 7417039 Billie Carolyn Bring this coupon in for S5 off ANY service over $ 1?> Cell lot Appointment CARPtNTRY Dv !. ■ ■ LOST CONTACT LENS7 A- . i netp' Over 3000 confects >n slock , i . ’ <*•*<] No barge to '.ell you' doctor for » r««j nption Call RAINBOW ORTH v 343 3333 NEED FINANCIAL AID7 Call now for F REE informal >• ' 1 ftOO S21 7053 SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES Spring is here!! ^ lom Oivlrt* Please Don't Duck Your Responsibility Good times are happening this spring - but misuse and abuse of alcohol can ruin them .... So can excessive noise, property damage, thoughtless actions, and physical confrontation. Have fun and take care of yourself, your friends, and your neighbors. Sponsored by the Campus/Community Relations Task l-'orcc Phil Zuckerman Congratulations on being the first person to correctly identify PEE WEE HERMAN as the May Birthday Babies Mystery Celebrity1 CROSSWORD By Eugene Stutffer ACROSS 1 Opposi lion 5 Dirigible till 8 Quitu eager 12 'Green Mansions" gift 13 Golfer Atcoll 14 Slrombuii spilth 15 Ken ol "thirty some thing" 16 Director I towjrd 1 7 Baby carruigo 18 I ell short 20 Unfriendly 22 Runyan's tool 23 Blackbird 24 Dianes 27 Omits 32 "Iho Daba t lonoy moon" 33 t .ilxir org 34 Ar proi oder 35 turner type 38 Year in ■ 1 word 39 Winter 40 Dubblo makor 42 A case ol twos'* 45 Not trarispar ont 49 Mango I wuryel 50 Whatever amount 52 Ok) lottor 53 Trunk 54 Diamond 55 Work hard 56 Con eludes 57 Mivor ol t ngland 58 I dko'i a chair DOWN 1 Gift tag word 2 Caron 3 Wr itor Kingsloy 4 Dorothy's homo 5 Showy whtto tlowur 6 Ono of a Latin trio 7 Togoth lor short 8 Ha Swiss peaks 9 lanrjy. as Italian loot) 10 till ipso Solution time i“3 mins 11 Sn • , 19 Divorcou 21 Allot Holbrook 24 Mason's liokl 25 Kyoto curnrrmr bund 26 I’Olh president 28 Invonlot Whitney 29 Notre Dame adorn moot 30 Vat 31 Witness 36 Makes 37 ! ‘.-r, 38 Intolli gence 41 Out ol bud 42 i ano Aith many curves7 43 Drudgo 44 Harvard's rival 46 Jo no sais 4 7 I roop group 40 ' lipjKiiy ones 51 Vote Yesterday s answer 5-16 MAKi; MONEY l\t BUY. I K\l)l f J \1S i>hl < .ill 'InmiiKis tin \il S t > 70.5‘J save: money I O *» *1on s.»t 160 I II ih !>« !*»« cm *1»ll N llii|h _CUP flr SAVE_ ROSES ‘9.99. Mmj jvaiialilr uffan^rti in a uvr v% itH Irrn ,S lnihi*-s hrralh $17 MM Do/ Carnation* $9.99 do». Fhoe* *rli mm * Qd • Ml I I llh • in . I < • V\ I SI • 10 I II \ M HI Ks • in : ;t : Anorexia Nervosa & Bulimia Binge Eating Crash Dieting Vomiting Laxative Abuse Compulsive Exercise Compulsive Dieting When you're ready to quit we're ready to help. Just call 636-7372. The Ealing I)isoniers Program at Sacred I h‘ai l Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson m' s&t '"ALVIN' WAY ALE You doing our : , , YRRD r.V - • *•'' v\* -v^/v ^ - MA> M ^UD Bj A FLAXEN FlA*&v? I'M Of SOWN 4 WAIL, ATTORNEY AT LAW. I'VE BEEN SENT ON MATTERS Of 8REALM of contract/ / -r- v£> ' rr states : '■ in Return For Rfc ANIMATION, PARTICIPANT WRl INFV. PENCE CHILDREN A>Jp PREVENT rtfAUHV U-J UtVfcLCrN\£NT. IN LAYMAM'fi TERj-Vv THvS FAtANS You 5CAKE. LfTTuE KjPS ifst E'kCEVAHi^'C FOR A SELFltit-t SECONP chance at uee. NCW PlAKEK/, IN M KEVteWlM& Y0VK V r-WkwpL IN & Of THE I KTE HATS blWY, | YOW£ fAiiEP HiStHARj] MV 'JEtfS'jM Of Y/v, J THE STORY STATEsJn v_/j the kats \y BlxcMfc. v---— MuTaTEP AWD k’APiD FROM THE TOMMS IN THE V’aiKi'T kill JEEE, SEKEapterwr AMD BAfclCAU-Y YA inT THE TOWN R.EP WITH THE 1&U30P Of >T*i . imhae-itants." T'b TWfc >MPS TMeVKC- to NA'Vt ANt> Ac'ctPTlNO.-lMAT I tOMt W iOMfcfVAl»J& SCAK.V, 1 AuTfcK IT you KK/OW? MO, l DOkIJj AM'fWAX /\ Yyu' V£ ■rOLO Mfc fcNOU&H THt UNHOlY GHOST will at By Shortly to KtLltVf ‘TOO Of YcajK V. P^rnts. „ lO* ^*i*4fcMUav vPeaoMnp' VvCcl. , ROT”, OV Yov 1>M WcARt SOMJpRt A RfcRX fcjtWTU; ARC KIMp iOMtORt.