Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS m-y\ Ai iK.\Lim.Nb. 4 ♦ 4 s SOLD! Run your For Sato" (undar fSOO) ad for 4 paid issuas If if doasn't tall, call ut and aa II run It agarn fo' 4 days FREE’ __ To Place Cancel or q a r* Correct your ad call wtD'tw^tO ?15 OPPORTUNITIES Fra* Tuition You *‘if '#»*•»# *'i !f «* fa< I* on h» *» you ran pay for you* ■ > * * and many mora You could avan gat paid to go to school Can No* 44 S M W 220 HELP WONTED Bartandar Waitrass positions H' ,j ''i T,c Ne* Uli s '■'** f 1 tin bat**1'* > 6 pm Tu Camp Waterfront Du act cm cm Assistant tew coastal Girt Seoul Rati danl Camp Lit# guard and/CK WSi Jun# 15 August 18 11/00 11500 plus room A board 445 5911 tor application Dancar* wantad ' ■> , ns Ta.r (.'♦>41 menu, C I Hr M.ha \44f,py? FARN MONEY H**.1• - „ ’ » * 1 V XXVyr • (>♦> *» potent *1 Data* s • i • rv ' 96/ 8000 € >t V '<04/ l AW ENFORCEMENT JOBS 1 M. In* Mt.-.y* Put »> Si n '* Slat#. F*al'« Oc -'aclionaJ Otfu ors Cal' 11i Hf':*4-. HQ00 f *1 K m A. Paopia naadad lo a' »• ” ■ tit product# from ^.jr ho*n« to •arm, *»i«n-<1» neighborn «1< C<»i V44 B810 JB W*>> lasaia POSITIONS AVAILABLE WOMEN'S CENTER icx i»i im; a (..< ( -m lui* fpr 4I' prirgrams • A , ' • Adva’I'V 1; Publ" I’sm' , if) >fat< ripln • s A apt a! ' 1 .m'liiWa m A' im*" ■ Cedar Suita ■ I Ml • « *•; n M.1> 17 1991 E0( aa STUDENT POSITION PUBLICATIONS ASSISTANT FOR FRIC CLEARINGHOUSE M • .mum half !•»» al least t'l'U'S pel f’u '«• ' ' ?©'ltS f'-•? •nrollOd in su^'ni" v hoiji : ’month# p«» »«ar> Re»p< 'ivt'ii(t‘e* Prepare won rs and pre paid orders ’■:> pn>dut.ts sold by lh« Ci«a.*irtgnr»oa«r (books and monographs dealing with edo< abm * management) usmg i ivmputen;ad at i ountmg system Computer e«pe" enrc required F-lemhie a ■ '* h- m.-*s Starling wage $*> jVhnu/ I ' ••te'.'-A • *.»> t Del- '.»t M ' !.i» Itv ugt I ndav from H .» • It. n.M ■ «,4r ‘,4 T the ( iMi ngl ,.uH> is 11m rtle-1 ' < muJ.jn s. h May 20 SUMMER COUNSELORS NEEDED ' !;<; I ' H *♦*«* .tmj •• PA Tannis WM ... Aits A i 'dfts Gymnas ti( s A Tn:h Theater NOW t BOO 44 Wvi.'B Summu job* • i. • f .. »?500 I3S00 Nat .. . . .« ; the nal.oof a *st polluters A»ailable in 20 states and DC Interviews f>n ,»n pus MAM? ( All Jamie } BOO fbt ARTH Tha 2b questions interviewers ask mosl often And the «’*> answers they want to hea< Irom you Send S*» today lo Inlermarket Company 3S9S Emerald l ugene 9740S Z2b WORK STUDY POSITIONS Summer Work Study positions available at the Outdoor Program f lenbie hours great stall many e. penential opportunities1 ?30 HOUSES FOR RENT Large house ' « i i* " •*>!h u11 S<> bedrooms 1st last and deposit A6J SSS4 M i f 12th Near campus I • hi 1.1 • ' S/N -4 > •* ’ • NICF. *> bedroom House • * *..• shed WI: ! N •r-.»r Mpii-ti • Pan SUTrtfvmo Cal* J4&27?4 Share J Bedroom House Close to Campus l2V>mo • utH ?30 HOUSES FOR RENT Very n*ce 3 t># »an! f> t»i • t from ampu* at) appt a- «>s ufl'u'r •Shed (77** mrvnlh 34? 2* 'ft 4 bdrm fvoute (o> lummii rent t bi* from cimpui |17Vmonth per per*on M3 0432 ?3S APTS/DUPLEXES Alderwood Manor 1860 Alder SUMME H RA’FS THAT YOU CAN T AFFORD TO MISS' Stu<3*o* V ? and 3 b^doxjm *par’ .•! * *' " V ‘ Vf • f ovf nfD parking • <>N SiTt i At iM in Thm F a1' rat os g n f«e the i«mt a» tail ' « 'u vgn 4 !«*«•*«* a > *t' Don s44 **;r Jinnmgt ♦ Co M3 4/(9 2 BLOCKS TO CAMPUS Millrace Apartments t§04 Garden A** • 1 MMf R HAM1 • * 1 va reo courtyard • PRlvATf PA T!( ■ • HA, (of # • AM* IMG • N SO I 1 A. SUM T » at* A *• bo for J • r. 4. ‘ Gu«* a- lei- V ta»t »**•* f 4U 'at* thr* yea' ' , mu lea*.* AO*’ ( A11 Gary 34 *> 7?7V Jenmng* ♦ Co M3 4/(9 Baautlful 1 txlrm trth t M* »\ *it.»'• A Nr* .»• [1*1 1 • ■ - V*» (■• Parking Priv *0 *> 4RV204* v> PRICE SPECIAL . BlK T() AMP* is 1 t'Kj'rr. Sundry parking 711 f Tftth T n r- ■ ' •! hr ,.*.m I »•’ 1 *• .4 srl ft ' S'.4 1 %«•{■! I r $4‘ - ! • r s«»an 14 3 Oft 94 ( a 14 3 6000 BRAND NfW PARKGROVF 3(09 Kin* Row If »itu *'© looking f 1 a pie? r- * t Lorn# . onvdar Pa'kgio.e Q *•! spacious and c onrc-r,ran!t> u>cated a.. Mom Aul«**n Stadium Qn sde htn*>- v »-• tf.* {34.« »«' d . .e'frd pa'*« •ng 1 O' ? trtKJ rooms *** *1 .* S4 . ' S' 7S » nr . 4f * Jummyi 4 Co M3 4/(9 Campus large * • ' ‘ ’ h . !•«**' ms S .4 14.- N pats 4fl‘.i 2823 Castle Terrace 243 F Street Ni> «? 'ran 1 A ? tued" •• .n quiet attractive compi*» on busline Pool s Jenmngi ♦ Co M3 4/(9 Will Go Fast! 2 r-rip .oft apartment 4,4 : 8Me«! par* '-g (440 .» ■ ! * 'NJf,,,e »v«.t uhu'i ,*•*»' US 22 V Close to Camput Furnished studio « ’ . IV) I k| I : • . 484 9922 GREENWOOD APTS i9fcS Patt#r»on f .*' B«*dt.on Id jt*n to «•** *4«! 21B ! V4'»* J»nmngi ♦ Co M3 <*”9 GREYSTONE TOWNHOUSES ... i «-• .•*>-.! c : {^,t in »« Jenmng* ♦ Co M3 4?t9 Large. 2 bdrm. Vary cit#n maquial ' !> li.yKiltNM DWdup t»g ntrw ifpPl'l" in-ftt lots ■' Lg on# t>dim apt* V* hiock from UO in v#ry ci##n It qui#l compl#i Big iilch • n w/c#nl#r ulind aepaiat# vanity & fcvalh 6 fl walk in cioiet fully turn fr## cov#r#3 Southgate Apts. 234S Patl#r*on Vpry larg# 2 Mim apts P' -at* t>*ikyard & pafio Pool sauna > vt# laundry On t»u*lin« ' par : ampus 235 APTS/DUPLEXES " LOW LOW PRICES " Chantilly Aparimantt 1233 W Slh Av* StuDtOS STh* • HI ' X MS » R( MJ ^ , HI l In; K> » H< M J f#* tv K u PARKING LAUNDRY a V44 i jwnn.not • Co S834219 UNIVERSITY MANOR SO 744 E ISIh • KS • F REE .-PARKING • HJ.i’l l A ►, HY • ,W’ » AM?’ Maturt *1 udant* ‘ - ■ n«,yn|K^ncxKJ 2 IS. IS M V* *■• • •*-t 20 f4 M . •-.* ( r.*f t-c-1 ADS7309 Now lafcing reservations to« fall Low summer rates Lg 1 A 2 txJrm turn apt* 1 block Mom campui 1442 I 'Sib Mgr H9 344 4760 RED MAPLES APTS >6lh A Oliva at *• HreakfAst t>»‘ i ' • ain ; a'* ».g 1 (>i As N'jm U of ( I *« ' i « ' jannmgi « Co 663 4219 HE N TING FOR SUMMf R F ALL I w-'-ShCKJ A .1 t*MJ' f- -is ■'»*«' mustf buiKSmQ Call 4M«f 2 00 Ridgewood Apis 66A S769 RESERVE NOW FOR LOW RATES 1 ImJ■••••• 'apt $2*0 ” J3JCVm< ‘All 7\'- 1 I7|f> On vte a in RUSTIC MANOR 34J6 Rullic Ptaca •’ pJ*» Great (..< t 'j'Q Road »ix «»<«■/• ••undry A parking $• * r'n .r if' bonwft 1371 Janmng* ♦ Co M3 4719 T»kmg H*»*f *at»on* fo< 91 9? School Y*ar 11th & Alder 794 f 11|h U' •ijiin 1 txJrm flat i'i pome i.'-t* Janningt ♦ Co U3 4?19 1156 PATTERSON t • i optional 1 t«i1h>om apartment a. i af ‘f< a Np* f *•,-.» > *kh«vtvd courtyard private pa'kr-.g J34* janningt ♦ Co M3 4719 1390 Mill Si Nt a y •••••- -?**•€* ’ t -n V " aM Reserved park ng and la • •• Sutn j’r S '• Janningt ♦ Co M3 4/19 16th and Mrgh > ;< f*drm i i ha T ’epiatc »V ! luminei 6 1ft 16 $N(X tac: 1 SpyQta55 A •. V rt!r5 ftSf 1923 Qiidtn Ava i a/Ti( ? v\l l KS f ttf t R£ , apt ' . *.* .*-4f . V44Sm0 Jinnmyt ♦ Co M i 4719 1 bdfm -■ • an . **.»■ i. 1 BLOCK TO CAMPUS STUDENT PLAZA 1 BLOCK TO CAMPUS U* . { 19th .4 $7^*> >4 IK** 1 btm quiat compla» pnp ...» iai.'- Jry Ui ■' 1-n*s Summc S7 '*- a ip $.370 available no* 971 M lyaoj »' Randy 342 2303 2956/2960 WILLAMETTE Completely remodeled Htuflii- A ’ t>r ' • ■ id' apts a«auat)ie ’ '’ •n.lialt*1 * Nr* aipet drapes new ' *5 and par • C*feat •‘•-.'•lion of* WdtanwHIo ONI > Jennings « Co M3 4719 ?35 APTS/DUPLEXES I'l biocfci from c»mpu» . t• V . Path >*b#d f ‘f i;• •* •• : nh !#f0i»rtO«rt* 34*> 5072 2 Bdrm Apt Summ*i >ata* Parkmg/taundry 1 W blocb* Irom c*mpu» 343 6858 2 badroom dupla * 1 r-.i# '1 m am pu* l#..- d^> q., «t *; » .» J65Q nv • Ml luda* utii !•#» ■/aM* Avatlftbi* Ju- <• to 4*4 1829 2 bdrm naw» a»f-et p .» ’ .v 5 f t tj*i . • «•<** **’*• Nigh! *.r .;f t, V ;>«t 4 486 8187 2 bd A 3 bd dpt* *500 A *550 1 bd »pt *37*5 Alt naw f»rp#t pamt A mini blind* Sami turn 4 bib* !o UO 485 818 7 553 E. 18th f ufn»4had quad : »mail compta* ti.l 4^' Mi-mt PftVAlff bAtb* p' ralngarato* on 4>ta parking #nd - V» Sufrr»-.f 'atr * ’ *“ Jinnmgi ♦ Co M3 4239 599 Coburg Rd ’ txt' ’ upt " arr.pus Nea .i ;>n! and paint G'k#! ;ocatK>n On bu*l>ne clo*!* • >ihi pp:ng Mutt "•***' * ”■■ th *200 *4*i uMty dap Bannatt Mgmt Co 915 Oah #200 95 W 15th A, i • - <• *r. ’ . •’ *360 f ; • nt-rtKi prt'V oj , :.n,(>rcni kk atiiff and moil ■ r*s Wi1 .ay*' 484 66 i 1 Bannatt Mgmt Co 915 Oah #200 903 F arry l ana t f«drn n,!'.!* . <1 • • • • *4 7* 532 W 8th i bad'oom *;U0 Spnngftaid ’ \t*o^!g *310 1612 W 8th i a'v-e t badroom dupla* t-rapiaca yard *3.10 By appointment Spygia** A>»ociata« 686 1130 ?«s ROOMS Stngia and doubla room* anaiiabla 1 M3 496*' lewa* Mannar 683 3777 Janat Smith 683 3453 Campbali Club ( }U* . . BLOCK TO CAMPUS j Room m apt 71'.', t !6tb M F to share . $/**> mu an wtn i-Hl Roommate Wanted S « • Spnnyf.eid U'W f ■’ i .eiythmg I i «trle ’ * _ <*!! ?4 i ’ •» \4 1 .'4*e> ROOM M A T I- WANTED* * bu* Irnr p,-, $191 (} ’ month UM Celt Beth 48* V4fl ua^mr.'.v Upbeat duple* Pr .Atf <■ ! .i pfvetr bath include*. .« .it i ic^ie able vV 0 t* 3 rooms quad for sublet j - * * H „ • - ** 4 r < * * *' ■ .i • . • furnished $.■•*) • util UJ 5932 4 blocks from campus a i'‘diet! floor 1 n J bdrm duple* SlhOm it.i • ,J«5 484 2t>40 275 MEETINGS Alin: LSS Majors/Minors Measure $ imp*c!» informational Meeting Tuet May ?1 7 30 9pm 123 Pacific Cycling Club Meeting New »ru1 ml»i#ited Students welcome Information available for summer end nail fall Thur* May '6 7pm Cad*' f SpOfl»Oi»Kl by Club SportS The Student Health insurance Commiffaa will maat tomorrow at 2 30 in tha t MU Board Room For mora in formation call 346 3702 THURSDAY MAY 16 f ,i Room EMU • 1000AM400PM f *hit>it of the Paieshn.ao Struggle j Hanhndar Room f MU • 6 30 8 00 PM | The mt-feda a Western Prosper five ’ t a. fu'e t'» L>r Dav.fi Frar-h Span, h ; Department U •' O ?»o EVENTS CASH PAID for your used LEVI 501 BUTTON FLY BLUE JEANS. Up to 8.00 per pair. Clean out your closets! Recycle those old Levis into new bills. Today thru Saturday only, 10-6 at EMU near Main Desk. Newman Canter 18SG Emerald Street 118th and E maraicf) M3 7021 Men you are invited to a video presentation 'A Gathering of Men" 8 • *»•■»«■•> * n,-,tw<( bi> followed by d-v uiVufl TODAY Tr lay May ib 7 00 to 9 30 pm It’s Spring time so... TONE UP!! Office of Student Development and SURC present THE TONES performing Rochapelle classic* from the SO * 60 » end 70 * Saturday May 18 8 00 pm Beall Hall 7 >• ► **f *. ,1» .« at t at IMu Mam Desk $4 LX) 4! !»-r Dr- ' $S00 The EMU Cultural Forum proudly presents Bertice Berry A Stand up Comedienne Bertice ha* a Ph 0 m Sociology from Rent State and is a lormer professor erho happen* to be funny and scholarly U ot 0. EMU Fir Room Mon May 20th at 7:00 Ticket* $3 Student* S4 General SERVICES I'M Kl l‘ • l)l l l\ 4th & Kusint's ftK7 127 M 4lh • I I I*k utm nh • f tntioiin h«-t ur it» • \ ib ?I0EVENTS get the most from vour PHOTOGRAPHY * ih Nation* Geographi pb^h-gr* pn*«' RIK COOKE A fine day ‘'Me' v»» a BASIC EXPOSURE JUNE 1 94 195 Cell 686 9409 Registration dead * *s May 29 U OF 0 CLUB SPORTS RUGBY TEAM PRESENTS U of O Varsity XV vs. U of O Alumni XV 5 PM Sat.. May 18 at Southbank Field (by AuUeo FootbndQa) The usual rugby get together has been Changed to 2??6 University at 9 f .atunng HU L Y JACK A T HI FLESH T A COS r »ris tor party to an spectators 2*5 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT ART CINEMAS 492 E 13th -686-2458 DISCOUNT SHOWS So W» 14 Sur Mat U t»«fla»n Pf—— on "gw1. T orvgh^l^4f> 114* »00-f- Sa MS bfTom Stof4>«>4 EE J ROSENCRANTZ & lGUILDENSTERN ARE _ , ^ FINAL SHOW* TOUGHT ’ 00 9TOR 1 PAUL NSW*MN ■ A, KLCX 104.7 LATE NITE ± Tor».^n 1 1 Oft 1 1 VAX. H HAM A gg the doors T .*xof>t 1 2 OOM 11 00 JASON'S BACA’ FRIDAY THE 13TH PART University Theatre presents INTO THE WOODS Music and Lyrics by Stephen Sondheim Book by James Lapine Originally directed on Broadway by Jama* Lapina May 3, 4 9, 10, 11, 16, 17, 18 8:00 p m Robinson Theatre Tickets at Robinson Theatre Box Ottice 346 4191 S7 50 General Public $5 50 Students SERVICES i in \\ \ii Mil i I iiii'oln . Storage «*»’ I IJ*« IM «>K V44H • Hi Jilt! • I n» rill nf v • hire Nprmkkrx Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU A PtAl7 *f t i st < .'«/5 4 PCAL' ,V At.. V / •. *y.-> ' Afv**/ .-v. XXf, H\ .'V .. HXt'' f ya't'i :aua’ i'm man a -t V'/vV/ . * 4/-' UA\t »V 'lk H c 0‘S' A PEAL •’ YOU CAL THIS A PEAL ? w'yi 9UN *«*<*4^ W LHlEJCU COOUVOt-F f - r Cash For Textbooks Mon. - Sat. Smith Family Bookstore 768 E. 13th 1 Block From Campus 345-1651