Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 16, 1991, Image 1

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Ihurs»l.i\ May lf>. Wl
I’ugcnc. I trepan
\ «>lumc *>.' Ksuc I 5*1
University student Ma
riria Wolf is one nf 50
people from the United
States who will travel to
the Soviet Union in July
for a symposium on gay
and lesbian issues
See story. Page 5
A bill that would stan
dardize sex education
curricula in Oregon
schools to include em
phasizing abstinence as
the most effective method
of birth control and dis
ease prevention is work
ing its way through the
Oregon Mouse
See story. Page 6
One time hoopster
Kirn Hyatt has made the
successful adjustment to
the javelin. Heading into
the Pacific-10 champion
ships in Arizona this
weekend, the Oregon
standout ranks as one of
the conferem e's and na
tion’s best throwers
Sec story. Huge 7
The Oregon men's golf
team on Wednesday was
one of 12 teams picked
tor the NCAA West Re
gional Tournament to t>e
held Mav 23-25 in Albu
querque. N M It is the
second consecutive sea
son that the Due ks have
been selected for the com
President Bush Is sorry
about Queen Elizabeth
IPs disappearing art 1>*j
hind a White House podi
urn. but puts the blame
on his chief of protocol.
Nothing hut the
queen's purple-and-white
hat could be seen above
the microphones when
the 5-foot-4 monarch de
livered her remarks at
Tuesday's outdoor arrival
Asked why he didn't
pull out the lectern's step
for the queen, an abashed
Bush said. "I feel badly 1
didn't "
It created a comical ef
fect The Washington
Post headlined it. "Brit
ain's Hat of Stale
Media giants descend on symposium
By Tammy Batey
1.111 \ .1 ml ('li<ir I ■ i* Drown
ui'if on .i i ihim- .hip I in v
■isk. il ( harlie Hi"u :• , \if Mm
going I" Iw one of tin people in
Ihr Ip till i •( Ihi' ship who (i'll ns
where we're going nr .iri• vm
going tn sit in tli> li.it k iinl
iiHik .il wln ii ivi1've in't'ii ’
i III gtVilli,I |!ll.k ,1 spl Ipl.U the
middle ,nn! }io 1 < 1 mi t harlie
jin in ii replied
Malay pei*jii• * III tile metii.i hi
diistrv feel lik>- ( hurlif HnMil
s.iu! i mu ( urlei. president 111nI
publisher nt 7 "S'. \ 77nl.n
Hurley spoke Wednesday .it .i
symposium titled li.uk to the
! lituie ( iiiiimimii ations in the
..’1st ( entuiy whieh was part
id the t mvet sity loumalism
si hool s 'Mh anniversary t ele
Hie s\ inposium drew sui Ii
media giants as Kd I uriier ex
eeulive viie president ot INN
and l.iinna (iverholser editor
o! tlie I’ulit/er Prize-winning
Urs Moinrs Riigistrr
I (1 I iirni'r
In t'vcrv fudd examples
abound ol entrepreneurs w ill
mg to sot up databases." I'm
lex said People in media an*
wailing tnr I tu know ii u t
punch Ml an* reeling Irmn
competition tli.it didn't exist a
del aclr ago
Tlin dax of till* gat I* k i *i L| ii ■ I
Turn to MEDIA Page 12
Experts discuss trends
in newspapers, television
By Rene DeCatr
l lci troilit n*-\\ s|i,i juts
will hi' In ink and paper
uh.il I hr .ui tt ■ lilt it i tii- was In
the hnrsi' ami buggs ten
\ears ago win'll a t nmputer
i/.ed informal ton hi", it1
plat t*s toda\ s papers saitl a
mi'illa expert
Spi-ak ink* al Uedltesdav s
panel dtsi iissum to maik the
journalismi si (tool's rdth an
in v ersari Kogt*r I idler,
president id an tuternalitmal
publishing and elei tinnii
mail serin e Pressl.ink I in
said people should keep an
open mind about the possi
bilities ot elei tromi papers
Wlo n the automobiles
tame evervhodv laughed,
I idler said I believe tile
same thing is going to hap
Ill'll in new spapeis Attei
t he '' med ia mol phnsis
elei tronii medium leaders
will be able to get the latest
news J4 bonis a du\ be
( )t her nil'll la experts w el e
also iin hand to share their
obsei vat ions and adviee to a
i rowtl of about 1(H) in the
I \! I H a I I t o u til T h e v
tour hed mi loumalism lelat
ed issues sm h as censorship
during the gult wai sexism
in advet Using and how the
media i an make news inter
esting to a puhlit w ith vars
lllg interests
Idle other panelists in
t lulled (alleva (iverholsel
the editor id the 1’it111x.fi
Turi !(' PANEL Pape 1.’
Planning stages
\n tutri Inn' student li.it \ llr.tls sfiriuh. ,t tl,i\ In llif 11 il i/i/cs/ In hr.iulih lhi‘ nvi'rlumk nr.u llir / ll I II ptn\ ft plnnl
l.unrttr River plunninK her part in .1 l.nulst.ipirifi il.iss’s Photo by Hrian Kelly
Constitution Court still may ax IFC members
By Catherine Hawley
t (Tier,i J A(,SO< t ) to’
The A SI' () ( o n s I i lu t i o n
( 11urt iii.n ri'i onsider its (in i
sion not to remove members n|
the Ini nient.il ice Committee
lor non fulfillment ol duties
rite court will rule today on
.1 request submitted In tin
ASt'O I'Aecutive .mil the Stu
dent Senate on Wednesday It
will also release advisory opin
unis nil .1 m'I u! i|iii'slunis trum
It inner III ( li.iirin,in Mike ( ul
I'lu- request signed I>\ 1‘rrsi
ilcn! Kirk Hailey Affirmative
\< tiim I uiiriliii.ilur Iliililiv l i ,'
anil Sr n,i11- l’n's nli'iil k i in
I leiney asked the i nurt In n ail
dress (he removal ul III otti
i its liecatisi' tin' K\ei utive ul
Ini' assumed III respunsituli
lies on Monday
\o bram li ul goviTiinii'iii is
rrsponsil)lr tor i iirrwng out tin*
duties of .mothi'i hninch." tin*
< omplilinl rn.nl I uilhnrinorn
no hr.im li, unhiding tin* IH
11.1 . the IlltliniitV to lieglni t its
dot Ins w itlimit I onsi*<|llnin n
1 In ( ommittm h.is not met
Min r April to v\hen four tint
oi smell ninllihrls volntf to sirs
pend hearings until Colson re
I .in suliin 111ml tin* 1 v«*< ti
in. . rnipinsi .it t In* i on11 hour
uiH \\c(lni's<ia\
( inirl uirmbrrs i*\ pii wil
Mllllf li'M'IV .it 11)11 .lillllll till’ pn
I it ii <il mnl i\ ,i(ion In'Ii uni I In
I'Xi'i iilivr s ri'ijm-st
ll M'liins in In' pi'iiplr in'
asking tin* i imrt In ri'iimw
Mike ( nlson Iwi rius*' ill '.mill m
this inaltir anil it s nut mil'
mil' sail) I nun Instil r Kat ln-1
krlh lustH i's Sti-vmi Hriggs
Mall Springii anil lo'-i'pli
SM'lianakilla v\fri* alsu pn -a'iil