Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS 105 PERSONALS KAO t.'4'K Congratulations Jen and Eric on your pinning’ Good LuCk In the future Love Your Sisters E4>K K \U MYSTERY DUCK CLUE #3 Thar9 is nothing mon pleasing than pagemaker 4 Whan I edit rny tedbooks it s never a bore It you think you know the identity o» the Mystery Duck drop your guess in the bo* in 130 Hendricks Hall Tip daddy and Pizza 110 LOST & FOUND FOUND gold ID bracelet ground 4 2*\\ Call to identti Found . .'u'lgO « n mal« near Taylor s Please call 343 6668 LOST Male tat.t>> ’ liar Regard 686 249.' 115 TYPING SERVICES A’ 344 07S9 ROBIN . GRAD SCHOOL APPROVED . ' ' •> * |dd •/.» ' ON CAMPUS* DIAL A TYPIST 663 7777 Eagl« Ey« Typing Editing By wv-'itoi Ph D 'ttuclen! 4«4 75lJ6 683 3565 Eva S T ypmg Typing S' 2S/pege Laser Printer TERM PAPERS aMa *•«p«rienc<- ‘'npetdiv© rates 485 648b message THE RIGHT TYPE East A Professional Word Processing For more infc ■ all Karen 6ft 7 2*57 TYPING UNLIMITED Barbara Land Laser Printer 485 3343 Formerly loi ated Bijou Theatre Bldg MAV VMK.VL 1 It l r,iM't 4«K hill be hidden thmuxbout the t Ijwitiedx thi* month < hr« i. mu ( Unified hou%e *d% (or morr detail*_ ns TYPING SERVICES WORDPROCESSING LASER PRINTING F AST' FAX IT MERE 346 28S3 * rI.r* t .»-• ! v Hrr B ’ WORD PROCESSING l •••> prtnting S' FASTYPf WORO PROCESSING HYING FINGERS • .484 9038 P»ggy % T ypmg S«rviC« Call Peggy «t 14^ 4868 PROF E SSlON Al TYPING i is±y - 344-4510 I QUALITY WORD PROCESSING (*T . ». •' _) Lanital* !sa>ah LimUaxI A(>t>W II tr-M HIM M*.n»w«h . ; f>*)S l- 11th UZL'itt 0 SPECIAL! J£I ► (»t«du*(e School Approved * ► ihMciliUonv'I hoevVipci* * HIM (. onipatiblr. 1 iuk ("onvci -x i * lajcr Printing, (iraphkv * I jilting Resumes Printed text to computer files BBorntnanB 7474589 si?0t'OM"bKd »J UP FOR SALE CAMfHA o««k iyo f sas lOw«S«#1|V3 5>pe*k*<% S.?S M3 6017 MOVING SALE m On* way .MS 6S64& S.s - HS CARS HI C*lu # QT S 1,' 700 • >tX> \4f, t* ^ TOVOT A of 11C A 11 >V Ml»'>' Vi . ■ '44 *4 -• , 1986 fo*d *<•.. 4' i f *00 * ‘ '44 '■ 8 1 M«;d« KX7 8? MonJuro 4X4 f. 4M4f’6\ iso mqtorcvci.es/scqoters~ f OK SAl l Mond* P«»»port Scoot®' . ! ■ si' *; *9 HONDA t LITf 80 15b BICYCLES I want to buy Schwinn bthe* worn in i t m#n * Single o# Ihiee speed good condition Cell eve* J4S 041S Kankoiim GT 18 .-Ml $4V M , IM irt ' lm* Men % 10 speed • • -’4 - .e new Sd*) M«*th*f 4«*> 4.0 4 eves POCH MOUNTAIN HIM ti»» $210 Cell 48*. ’‘>4 1 ■ M4h4 jJ 165 COMPUTERS/tLECTRONICS DISSERTATION TESTED IBM ompilibl* > ; Wo»(l 4 0 Ail V- $41* <■ *f-.t IBM compatible .'0 MB f (.A monil.K A moot* *700 464 Si 441 SPECtAl SAlt VGA M6SX A «W*OX lompultM A MuHi iingu«i Spcfluh f r*ncb wnlb lound lnl«m4lloiul Compulai C*ni*i 830 Oh** )4.*M7y 1/0 SOUND SYSTEMS SONY . A« D«S« MAS I i a INSTRUMENTS Drum *•» , t .< »-Y‘. * %' u ?oo TRAVEL Hahamat f londa Vacation lo« Two i !ay. ■ • .don * $ XX) A - . - HfACMNO FOB EUflOPf THIS SUMMfH’ n! fhofi* t "ia with AiltMiTl. H* ' > MOMMtfS' One way plane ticket to Oallat Nath elite Mobile lea«e* t ugane May 28th flSOobo J4131S4 1 way ticket ' - ' i »•. Son Diego *100 ■>!>•* 346-4343 200 TRAVEL Ptwtland lo L)«n**» t ’ *•' » Hound Iftp liefc> • t • ••>*<«. l«**» tw/ ©!u-> »k8 S* ; London $319 Frankfurt $325 Paris $350 Madrid $397 Amsterdam $408 ir , rt I V "i ■< iU > • ' *r.r ! • • «i Jtr »• ' »t.«- »«*•. t; i . -HV*Y r* < «kKjiJc<;J EURAILPASSES issued on the spot! Council Ttauel 71S S W M< m tv >n t(*X) Portland, OR 97V0S 503-228-1900 800-228-2854 ?ii OPPORTUNITIES ACTIVIST WANTED $1000 ♦ < *■ ?is OPPORTUNITIES 0‘SCOVf R TOUR iNTI'RPiRSOMAi ST YU A!*.. • a 44 Hr 1 *i• hi Mii, NANNY'S IfK 4 #00 JS6 WIT** Opening PERFORMING ARTS Studtfll position coordinating dam e tt»*atr* i om#t* . t MU J4r> 4373 DeAdime Ma* ISth -. an * O AA .■mfli ,<» St CONOARY SPt CIAI t DURATION PROGRAM Fr®» Tuition 4BS »AJ9 WANTED Volunteers (or the Willamette Valloy Folk Festival Help out and get a limited edition Folk Fest T shirt Sign up in the EMU Cultural Forum, Suite 2, EMU 346 4373 UNIVERSITY DAY ◄ Tomorrow ► 8:30 am 12:30 pm 12:30 pm 1:00 pm Check in between Fenton and Gilbert Halls to receive instructions about work projects. Dedication ceremonies on the steps of Johnson Hall. Green Garter Band will play and a new bench will be unveiled, along with speakers. Spend a few hours tomorrow beautifying our campus environment and meeting new triends. All participants receive a commemorative t-shirt, coupons for free coffee, complimentary ice cream and concert. university uay uoantion Office of Student Development x3216 1:00 pm 4:30 pm 5:30 pm Continued check in and work on projects. Celebration in the EMU Courtyard. Concert by Steve Smith and ice cream social.