COUNCIL Continued from Page 1 H\ turning these t omit lls Ihi- Nl’l 1( will firm onstrnte jls willingness to partner with existing greek at Iiv11 i»• s hr said Although lhr\ are willing In join the In Irrfratrrnitv and I’anhrllenit count Ms differ rnt ns in rush prtx rdurrs and t ummunitssrrvit e 141 >.iIs as well as greatly differing histories lead blat k l diversity slmfents In believe that a sepia tale \ l’l l( is also net essarv M’tIC proponents anti existing greek council leatlers spoke about the proposal ret roily in a "dolors" forum to discuss issues of different rs anti common interests Anita Stacy . I’anhellenit president agrees with Andrisou that .1 separate lilat k greek count il would lie helpful in sen mg student needs "We are lust now learning about our dilfei fill «>s St.»i \ said In bring in ;•* sentene Winnie Mandela to mv years in prison Tuesday on kidnap and tlr«m 0 * . ' • ‘ Hi'ffUJttHy U>t j Smo»»!l# Have a Fabulous Day! Never Ending Surprises! r BE THE 1ST PERSON TO GUESS WHO THIS IS AND WIN A FREE BIRTHDAY AD up lo S to m 100 CONNECTIONS W*nt»<1 f#C#nl tfttuOft Of •ulomotwl** m*g*/in** “f[ • • ■ • , • • V. . K«- P»" ODE Classified Advertising What a bright idea! 105 PERSONALS Madame Currie, Our campus will shine tomorrow Wipe the smile back onto your tace Bzzz if B K •lit and ► C 105 PERSONALS ATli Dave.TJ.Jim.Eric A ll! AT!.1 Keith.Gary.Eric ATI,1 ' ' .»• » • ‘ t h«> <;'**,!! *«•••*." • It Diamond l aka"' M.i •*..* Amy ,|fd i Unplanned pregnancy9 HiRThRKiMT .1 plat t» to think things \>vD 1 Someone to talk to Pe»sonai confidential M/ 8651 CONQRATUt ATIONS Natalie Conaway oh txnng the first person li, solvi S AND flw OREGON DAILY T Mt RAID T SHIRT* Heller hurry there s only 4 ! shift* left*) Dave and T if (any Congratulation* and Good Luck on your pinning Best Wishes Phi Delts 10b PERSONALS AJ KL Vichy and Greg Congratulations on your 'pinning1 Good iu< k to your future' Love AP Af HOIt Nicole Barclay Congratulations on your pinning' Best a shes on you» future together1 DON T BE MEEK GET PSYCHED THIS GREEK WEEK' SIGMA KAPPA 1 A<* Dates 1991 Shasta -H here Get Keyed for the best turn- of the yea'1 Phi Dells hv* l ISA T KG* I n quiet as a mouse NOT I m a personal friend of Faust ! m you' Big Sis to be Do you think you know me5 KG' YBS K \* * We Need Your Energy to Help Plan Eugene’s Future. You haw tin' pottt r to make a difference. Kugene Water \ Klectric Hoard is Conning a citizen involvement committee to help plan the community s future' electricity supply KW KB (Commissioners are looking lor nule|)endent and informed \ u*\vs on policies related to energy resource planning Beginning in June, the committee will meet regularly over a six month |>eriod to study various [lower and energy management options, and evaluate scenarios which offer varied costs. Benefits and risks m meeting Kugene s future electricity neeils I hilt of tlu* ten memlHT committee will In- selected randomly from KW'KB customers wlui appb for tlie committee K\\ KH Commissioners will select the other half to assure that the views of a wide range of customers, such as low income, commercial and industrial, as well as local government and citizen interest groups, are included \ W KB customers both inside and outside of Kugene s cits limits are invited to appl\ for the committee You can plug into the op|x>rtunit\ to help plan Kugene s energy future by calling KWKB Headquarters at as a dal 1 for more information or applications \pplications are also available at the Kugene Public Library Deadline for applications is Friday, May P at •> p m The KVi KB Commissioners will announce the names of individuals .selected for the committee In the end of Mas Eugene Water & Electric Board 500 East 4th Avenue Eugene. OR (503) 484 2411 EWEB T. Place Cancel ,or Q A Cl A Q A Q Corrci I your a,I < all 0^t0"*t0*40