Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 15, 1991, Page 5, Image 5

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Reggae Sunsplash coming to Hult
S*H*0* W«T*I*M*E
Reggae !an> (.id look forward to .111
<ir^\ of their favorite mush when flu
Reggae Sunsplash Festival hits town
i rom the traditional reggae heat to
hip hop ami rap. this, year s tour
promises to 1 ovei the stylistu spei
1 rum 111a hair hour 1 oncert with ait
ists sui h as Maxi Priest Dennis llmuii vndiew
l ush Shinehead. little I ennv and < larlene Davis
Hacking tin' tour is an eight piece band. tin- \
learn, and .in .ill female trio. The Hunting Brass
The touring group began sewn years ago as an
otlshoot of lamau a s Keggae Sunsplash festival
a week-long; I hour concert party how m it- 14th
\ ear Today, it is an annual summer event a de\
ol i elebretum in cities throughout lamau a
' lhls is a (estival ol good reggae ituisii and
plenty id good lanian an live said Mark
Tunkara, publicist with Kntertumment Consul
t,lilts Ini . the company promoting the festival
"We hope to unite the world through music
and to promote world peai e and harmony
Sunsplnsh .irlist Shinehead is *>n«* "I the few
reggae singers In rei eive extensive .111 plug on r.i
dio stations 111 the United States
Keggae. however, iias hail an easier time in
Lnglnnd Maxi Priest, one of this gear's top stars
gol Ills start .IS a (list |o< keg m south London s
dance halls, and his recent smash hit "(.lose to
You" was number one on the billboard pop
i harts last year
Sunsplash is a career step for \ndrew I osh
son ot reggae legend Petei I osh ( .0111 ert orgaiii/
ers approai lied him in PIHM with an otfei to per
form "Where m\ career was going, this was the
light time, said Tosh who made up his mind at
ter the death ol his lather in 1UH7 to 1 arrv on
where dad left ott and released an album tilled
(Ingiiul A Inn
"I'll he pinging some quality musii at the con
1 ert like the kind nn father used to plug hut
< iiurtruv |iholn
Maxi Priest is one ot the teaturei! .irtists at this year s
Key-gar hunsplash t-esln.il
unlv bettor ' hi- said
'There art1 a lot of good massages and good
nuisu at this i elebratmn and I tfimk its great
definitely fun and people will love it lush said
Kveryone is niio to work with, everyone s pm
(filler reggae greats at the festival uu lode ( ar
lene I fav is w ho has had a string of lilts situ e lie
ginning tier t areer in Ingland .ft seals ago In
PIH7 she rei eived tile |ameii an mtisii industry s
lies! female vocalist asvard
Dennis (frown, whose < areer also began in (tie
late tills is known tor Ins silky six a! style and
thoughtful Ivru s
By Ming Rodrigues
t merakJ t ntetfa -ea-H R«t»."er
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“Byrthrite” examines
clinics vs. hospitals
Pt AY ' / • ..»* r •• A . , J • •• * . m ,
-i' A • • • i • • i 1
UV 18 .«'> 1 .' »/*■ T i- fc*'!n if, $4 *•'( !*>»* .;••/ «•'*!' public ami $ \ for *>»wtl»*n1s
imi! .iro av.»i!.ihi*> at H • • Thr.ilrp
\\ Iii’m I )a\ ni \l.ison .mil his u ilr hcri' .in ulmg
it Ihi’ir i hi Id should hf liorii in .i birthing i linn
or ,i hospital thrv loimil (lit*msrlvrs (jUfstioning
thf i-stfiit to which thf iiifdii .il prolfssion .mil its
tfi Imologv p!a\ m sin h .m intimate #>\perieni r
VVf i .mu into i iintiKt with .i lot oi peoplf
wlio were (of thf hospital sturili/.ation pr.utiif
.mil those who I'm ouiayied us In have mu hahv .il Ilium'
said Mason .1 m.isici . student m lln'.ilrr .iris who is ilhei t
11iK Hvrthritt'
I ho ferities lit u 11,11 was in;lit ,11111 uh.it w.is wrong; mm
■ ili.slii.illv .iml otherwise wnr very real tm us ' h<* s.ml
So u lii’ii M. 1 soi 1 u.is lirou sink thru 11 nil smiii* ri*i i*nlI v puli
lished hooks lit* stumbled upon S.ir.ih Daniels 1 uniples ilr.i
111.1 Hvrthritt' u In 1 h deals with the traditional roles o! men
women .mil the ineilu.il profession in 1 h 1111 he.inns; .mil
found something; lie i mild relate st 1*011 KI\ to
I his is .1 pi.i\ that questions the rule of the medii al pro
le .simi in the birthing prni ess Mason said It reveals the
1 mist.ml struggle ol women to stand up Im and make the
kind ol 1 lion e . that they lielleve in
H\ rlhrilr is set in the 1 tli century a tune w hen the medi
1 al proles .ion was mi I lie rise and the roles of midwifery and
herbalists were liei 01111 lig outmoded I In- play depu ts the
fight of these iindwiVTs and herbalists against what they saw
as mode me s lei hnologu al intrusion into the birthing pro
In then struggle Im recognition some ol the women join
up yyilh the llnti.sli t ivil War hut soon disiovei that they
have I me 11 seek III v; the u lung kind of | nest 1 ne I hey 1 ome to
realize that real power lies III a sense ol solidarity a strength
in conviction for what they believe in
By Ming Rodrigues
i mee1 ,! ( ■ -.vita ’ 'lien! Repmtte
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