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STUDY AND RESEARCH AWARDS FOR 1992-1993 FULBRIGHT GRANTS MARSHALL SCHOLARSHIPS RHODES SCHOLARSHIPS ROTARY FELLOWSHIPS I)AAI) Study Grant Attend a meeting to find out about Application Procedures • Deadlines • Criteria for Selection • Interview Procedures 3:00 P.M. • FRIDAY , Mav 17 • (iiimwood Room, EMU I nr further informal ion: H I liRK.II I and KOI \K\ OfTk t of liiU-riuitioiutl Senk't' .VV) (hryon Hall, .'-k» 3206 M VRSH\1I .. RHODKS, and DAM) < MTkt iif the I Van 114 Krwiulh Hall. M6-.W02 UNIVERSITY Guides offer help on recycling paper By Carrie Dennett f m.'rjld RepOf:<-■»> _____ Members ol the thmersitv's Oregon Student Public Inter rsl Research Croup' have completed work on two publica lions designed to educate the campus and the community about paper use and waste reilut tion OSPIHC revamped and expanded its -1 year old Waste He duct ion Cuide to include new information and graphics on ( otntnon household toxic s and safe alternatives The publication a yearlong project supported In OSPIHC and Cine (iiiuntv Waste Management also prov ides statistic s on roc ycling and tcdls c onsnmers where they i an take materi a Is to lie recycled I he guide is available to the public and is distributed through the OSPIHC office in KMl’ Suite 1. Pane County Waste Management and at ()SPIKC information tables Deter this year the guide will he available at the KMl pub luation rack, at attended Goodwill collection sites and at magazine racks m The kiva and Sundance markets as wcdl as in major supermarkets We want to make it available to everyone.'' said Hebei c a Provorse. one of the students who worked on the Waste He dm turn Cuide OSPIHC also produced a broc liure this year for professors and graduate leac hing fellows that compares price informa tion on c ourse pac krts made- from roc vc led vs first-use paper and using one side vs both sides of a packet page Provorse said the* pamphlets have been distributed to c am pus departments, but for maximum effectiveness OSPIHC plans to redistribute them before pac kot orders are plac ed fall term OSPIHC member Bec ky keilov said many professors con tinue to order pac kets printed on only one side of virgin white paper The project ideally will he put in place on every college c amples with an OSPIHC c hapter. she said Constitution Court meets tonight at 6 umiv.s Sisli-r I rmmity l*ro»n l Mi iit thr i Ml Uak K.M.m to dilai at the tenter for tin- Study of Wmnwi in Sm lets will give .* pm.entation tonight at 7 in tin* KMl f.iuinwood Koom I h«- presentation is tilled l'n tufp Bride*, laves of Hawaii s harlv Immigrant Woimr from |aium (Ikinuwa aiuf Kuhm MIS( i I.l.ANKOl s Ksploring one s |»er%onalil\ sivle and preference* and then relationships to lite and < arerr options > 11*»* ?*.;>:■ ' ■ 1 ' to la- held from l .10 to a Id p m -Sign up 1,1 Hoorn .’-4 4 Hendrn k-> \ ottrl I /rae hn /a s/r/»/sa * Russian film to be ihown at t» .10 p m in Room Its Pacific The film sliowu Russian without subtitles is about artist Kl11si \n/vestitv and is part of the Russian film Series ( oustitution (ourt meets nought at » the KMl Hen Linder Room hie* lions toe the director of ( ainpus inhumation f xi hange will I* held h t0 10 a m to I 10 p rn in the KMl Uibby Blow pi jh*s and Hulldo/ers \ Story of the Penan People in Malaysia th» of a video presentation to tie hedef tonight at 10 in Room I4t> Straub Men s ( luh Sporl sen c et team d" '' ' against the ( orvaills i.lub today at the Houthbank field tonight at • 10 Wesley (.enter oiling to the SpringO* >1 wave |HM>i will tie tonight at Meet at the Wesley (enter IJ tt> kith aid St and bring a towed and swimsuit '(•real While Hunter is the title ' whitewatrr rafting video to tie shown toda> at JO p m m the Outdoor Program oft it e KMl Hoorn .’1 Ik'dtihnr fot submitting ht als the hmtuald front desk I.Ml Suite UMI is inn>r. the da\ Itefore publication h't *l\ run the d.n ot the event unless the ewnt take* pl.h e Indore noon \otne* ot events with .• donation or adnuaaion charge will not I*' actepteil ( ampus event* anil thox‘ st hetiuletl nearest the publication tlate will hr f[ivrn priority the Ktm-raltl reserves the rifiht to edit iHttiies for grammar a ml style Look for great money saving coupons in the ODC's DUCK BUCKS