UNIVERSITY Brand says he won’t ban military Research, recruiting discussed at forum By Peter Cogswell t mf'ald A-.sot ale Eoi*< ■ l 'niversit\ f’resnlcnl Mvles Miami said lie would rather work to change I' S military policy on gays and lesbians than ban re< miters from i am pus for violating affirmative ai lion poll! y he said I nesd.n Brand lielded rjires-tions about the 1 'myersity s ties to the military and other issues at a Gilbert Hall open forum titled I el I it to the President spun sored h\ the ASl'O and the ()l tii e ot the President In response to a student's <|uesti(in. Brand said he had no plans to prohibit military or gam/.ations from rei noting on campus because of their rlis ( riminalory polic ies toward ho mosexuals "I'm not taking any steps to get [military organizations) off campus because they are al lowed on campus." Brand said "I am taking steps to see the military c hange its poiic y Pressure for c hange in tin* military y\ i 11 he most effective coming from congressional groups and I'niversity organi zat ions he said Brand also said the military should be alloyved to remain on c ainpus out of fairness to stu dents who are interested in mil itary c areers "We don't want to deny ac c ess to students who want to interview with the military." he said In response to another cpies turn Brand said In* ysas un aware cd any research being DRINKING AND I3RIVING CAN KILL A FRIENDSHIP M\ les Brand i ondui ted a I the I'niversity tor any braru h of the military VVe do not iii r apt any mini e.v for i lussdied resrnri li ' ho said We don't do weapons ri1 saari h on i ampus Although ho ai knowledged miiiii' i arnpus raseari h i mdd eventually benefit the military *We don't want to dony access to stu dents who want to interview with the military'.' -Myles Brand Brand sitid the onh wav It) pro Vcut such uses would l)i' to halt .ill researi h dt tin- l bmersilv < )t111• r topics brought up at the lorutii mi hull'd ipialitv of classroom instruition at I hi* l nivrrsitv and i urrit ula expan sion Brand said he believes stu deni', hi' getting a good edut .1 lion at tin' I nivi'iMls hut hi1 agreed that more emphasis should hr rd on nndergrnd u.itr ti'.u lung Ur liiivr In make stirr wi [lruvidi1 serve es lor students with dilferrtlt needs .uni r\|in tiitions. hr s.uil lherc is no t|uestjon in 111 \ mind that thi' pendulum has swung awav Iroui teaching Brand said (hr problem stems from thr nature uf the graduate si lioiil and from an emphasis on professions rather than on learning The reward is from national peers and not lot al peers lie said V\ r need to build an ethos in graduate departments that (people) need to he able to tear h One student said the t imer si!\ should hegin to look at stu dents as 1 onsimiers in order to make professors realize the\ work lor the students and not for the sole purpose ot re seari lung and publishing hut Brand disagreed with this .1 p p roach It is not .1 pur< li.isf i om muditv you get .1 degree Itr.iiul said Students art' par tu ipants in the process of e\ 1 liange of ideas During the forum Brand also fielded ipit'st lolls ahoiit t f If iai k of courses on Asian Nmerican and Middle I astern cultures espei lalh ill light of the Pel sian (.till W ai About the Middle I astern 1 lasses Brand said he realizes that there is a real need tor them hilt tI1.1t the I 'niverslt\ lust does not have the resouri es to start a Middle {-'.astern pro gram lie said he would look into the I at k of Asian American i nurses INIYKRSITY OF ORKGON CYCLING CU B NKKDS !!!WOMEN!!! 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